Mine again (+ NOTD)Ponovno moj (+ NOTD)

The one and only ring that I have worn almost through the whole high school years. It’s mine again. Well not exactly that ring, but one just like it. The story is … My mother bought me this wonderful ring when I was in high school. I wore it everyday for a lot of years. I didn’t wear any other rings. Just that one. I loved it!!! And one day … I don’t know where and I don’t know how, I lost it. I was very sad. I wanted to buy another one just like it but I didn’t find it … until this Friday. I wasn’t looking for it at all … only there it was … my ring. In a fraction of a second it brought back a lot of nice memories. My eyes were filled with tears. Tears of joy and happiness. I’m thrilled that it’s mine again. Here it is with my crackled manicure.

Lencia ring and manicure: H&M - You Rock My World + Barry M - crackle
Lencia ring and manicure: H&M – You Rock My World + Barry M – crackle

Mom, thank you and I love you! :rose:

Eden in edini prstan, ki sem ga nosila skoraj celotno srednjo šolo, je ponovno moj. No, ne čisto tisti isti prstan, ampak čisto tak in enak prstan je spet moj. Kratka zgodbica … Mami mi je, ko sem še bila v srednji šoli, kupila ta strašno lep prstan. Čeprav nisem imela rada prstanov, mi je bil ta blazno všeč in nosila sem ga non-stop. Dneve in noči, leta in leta. Dokler ga nekega dne nisem izgubila. Še vedno ne vem ne kje in ne kako. Samo naenkrat ga ni bilo več. Zelo sem bila žalostna. Želela sem kupiti nov enak prstan, a ga nisem več našla. Mislila sem, da ga ne delajo več. S časom sem na prstan pozabila. Od časa do časa sem se sicer spomnila nanj, a iskala pa ga nisem več. Lahko bi rekla, da je on našel mene v petek. Ta petek … Na čudovit sončen dan … Ko sem ga zagledala, sem okamenela in v trenutku me je oblilo na stotine občutkov in spominov. V očeh so se mi nabrale solze. Solze sreče. Presrečna sem, da je ponovno moj. In tukaj je z mojo “crackled” manikuro.

Lencia ring and manicure: H&M - You Rock My World + Barry M - crackle
Lencia ring and manicure: H&M - You Rock My World + Barry M - crackle

Mami, hvala in rada te imam! :rose:

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