Rimmel lipsticksRimmel šminke

I’m not big fan of lipsticks, but I do stay loyal to Rimmel ones. I currently own three of them: 017 Dizzy (older Lasting Finish), 275 Dreamy (Rich Moisture) in 070 Airy Fairy (Lasting Lipstick). Even thou they’re from different collections, they’re very similar.

From left to right: Dizzy, Dreamy in Airy Fairy.

Rimmel lipstics - Dizzy, Dreamy, Airy Fairy

All of them are: easy to apply, moisturize my lips and are not overly pigmented. Packaging is nothing special, my favorite are those from the new line.

I don’t remember how much I paid for them – but it had to be somewhere around 5 EUR.

Most used from the three is probably Dreamy – it goes together with almost every make-up I come up with. Base is pink-peach, which contains multi-colored shimmer.

The most pinkish in my collection is Dizzy – as you can see it was very popular for some time. :whistle:

Airy Faire is more peachy and darker than Dizzy but has similar shimmer as Dreamy.

They’re in the same order as on the first photo.

under bright light
with flash

Šminke ne spadajo med ličila, ki bi me navduševala. Edina znamka, ki je ostajam zvesta, je Rimmel. Njihove šminke me do sedaj še niso razočarale. Trenutno imam v lasti tri odtenke – 017 Dizzy, 275 Dreamy in 070 Airy Fairy.

Šminke spadajo v različne kolekcije a so si med seboj dokaj podobne. Dizzy je del starejše Lasting Finish kolekcije, Airy Fairy spada v novejšo Lasting Lipstick izdajo, medtem ko je Dreamy del Rich Moisture kolekcije.

Od leve proti desni: Dizzy, Dreamy in Airy Fairy.

Vse so lepo mazljive, vlažilne in ne preveč pigmentirane. Embalaža ni sicer nič posebnega, še najlepše so mi nove izdaje s prirezanim pokrovčkom.

Cene se ne spomnim več, vendar mislim da je bila okrog 5€. Na žalost pri nas Rimmela ne prodajajo – ga pa je moč dobiti v Avstriji, našla sem ga celo med potepanjem po BIH. :biggrin:

Težko bi izbrala najljubši odtenek – mogoče je še najbolj v uporabi Dreamy, ki se ponavadi najbolje ujema z mojim celotnim makeup-om. Podlaga je roza-marelična, poživi pa jo raznobarvni šimer.

Najbolj roza odtenek v zbirki je Dizzy, ki sem ga nekaj časa zelo pogosto uporabljala. :whistle:

Airy Faire je bolj mareličen in temnejši kot Dizzy ter ima podoben šimer kot Dreamy.

Vse šminke so v istem vrstne redu kot na prvi sliki.

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13 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Rimmel lipsticks<!--:--><!--:sl-->Rimmel šminke<!--:-->”

  1. I finally find a lipstick that totally works and it is discontinued???????// RIMMEL 017 Dizzy   anyone know where it can be pur:stars: chased?

  2. :cry: How could you not love lipstick?! It does so much for your face.  Even if you don’t wear any eye makeup lipstick helps you so much.


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