Chez-Delaney Stamping Nail Art Image platesChez-Delaney nail art šablone

Couple weeks ago unsu mentioned on one of the Slovenian forums, that she wrote to Chez-Delaney on-line store if they would be willing to send their image plates internationally. They said yes and created section for international buyers. :w00t:

As soon as I opened their site, I started to salivate over their large plates. For quite some time now, I’ve been thinking of buying couple of plates with all-over nail images, so I just had to buy couple of them. I ordered 5 large image plates: H 7, H 21, H 23, H 28 and P 32.

Chez-Delaney Stamping Nail Art Image plates

I was impressed with fast delivery. Order went through on the 8th, left the France on the 9th and landed in my lap on the 14th of September.

Let me show you my new beauties.


I chose H 07 because of two of its images:

– bubbles, which is Nati’s fault; :silly:

– trees, I can just see will brighten my winter konadicures.

I got few of the other ideas I will be showing you in the near future. :angel:


Interestingly his plate came without the engraved number. I bought it for the following images: 2 for all-over stamping and because of the cute feet and paws. Don’t you just love those little feet? Squirrel looks nice too.


The only thing that sold me this plate are the 2 all-over images. I was not overly impressed with other images.


Why did I pick this one? I don’t have a clue. :blush: I blame the euphoria over all-over images.


But I do know why this one landed in my shopping cart. I’m not big fan of French manicures, but every once in a while, I would like to try out some crazy combination, but didn’t have the right image for it.

Price for one large image plate is 3,90 EUR (5,7 $), shipping for up to 6 image plates costs 3,25 EUR (4,7 $).
I ordered the set of 5 large image plates (you pick them out), which costs 14 EUR (20,5 $), so the final cost was 17,25 EUR (25 $).

Which one do you like the best?Pred tedni je unsu na ARS forumu napisala, da je povprašala v francoski internetni trgovini Chez-Delaney, če bi poslali nail art šablone tudi mednarodno. Lastniki so se hitro odzvali in namenili del internetne trgovine mednarodnim kupcem. :w00t:

Takoj, ko sem odprla njihovo internetno stran, sem se začela sliniti nad velikimi šablonami. Že nekaj časa me mikajo veliki vzorci, tako da sem si tokrat dala duška. Naročila sem 5 velikih šablon: H7, H21, H23, H28 ter P32.

Najprej so me navdušili s hitro dostavo. Naročilo sem oddala 08.09., paket je odšel iz Francije na pot 11.09. in pristal v mojem naročju 14.09.

Gremo kar po vrsti.


H7 sem izbrala zaradi dveh vzorčkov:

– mehurčkov, za katere me je navdušila Nati;

– dreves, ki bodo šli krasno h kaki zimski konadikuri.

Po natančnejšem pregledu sem dobila še nekaj idej, ki vam jih bom predstavila v kratkem. :angel:


Zanimivost te šablone je dejstvo, da na njej ni številke. Kupila sem jo zaradi kar štirih vzorcev: dveh za “all over” konadiranje ter stopal in tačk. Sploh stopala so mi tako luštna.  Zanimiva je še veverica.


Tole šablono sta mi prodala le “all over” vzorca, drugo me ni pritegnilo niti ob nakupu niti sedaj, ko imam šablono pred seboj.


Zakaj sem izbrala H 28 šablono? Nimam pojma. :blush: Verjetno sem bila preveč evforična nad “all over” vzorci.


P32 točno vem zakaj je pristala v košarici – nujno sem potrebovala šablono za francosko manikuro. Nisem ljubiteljica francoskih manikur, vendar bi občasno rada sprobala kako odštekano kombinacijo.

Cena za veliko šablono je 3,90 EUR, poštnina za 1 do 6 šablon znaša 3,25 EUR. Jaz sem se odločila za paket petih šablon (šablone izbereš sam pri oddaji naročila na PayPalu), ki stane 14 EUR, tako da sem za vse skupaj plačala 17,25 EUR.

To so moje nove pridobitve. Katera se vam je najbolj vtisnila v srce?

28 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Chez-Delaney Stamping Nail Art Image plates<!--:--><!--:sl-->Chez-Delaney nail art šablone<!--:-->”

  1. hola donde puedo comprar chez delaney me urge comprar

    Hi where i can buy chez delaney urges meto buy

  2. :think: You chose some interesting plates. I can’t wait till you start stamping! My favorite plate is H23. I like the images on the H28 also. You’ll have to play around with them. I’m not a big fan of French manicures. I guess I got sick see those blinding white square tips. I swear that’s all you see on most of the celebrities. I do like the Funky French tips. Some people do some nice French tips that aren’t so long and claw like. When there done nicely they really are very neat and pretty.


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