I Think You Are An Awesome Girl – 10 randome facts about GejbaI Think You Are An Awesome Girl – 10 dejstev o Gejbi

Nati in unsu tagged us with I Think You Are An Awesome Girl award. :w00t:

Thank you, girls. :rose:

I Think You Are An Awesome Girl

So, 10 random facts about me.

  1. I’m hooked by ballroom dancing. I prefer Latin dances, but don’t tell that to my Standard teacher, her is the last exam between me and my diploma as dance teacher. :silly:
  2. My second obsession are books. I read everything I can get my hands on: crime stories, romance novels, travel guides, computer program manuals …
  3. I love computers. I’m always giddy after mastering new computer program and I off to the next one of course.
  4. Never again will I’ll be letting my hair grow longer than my shoulder blades. At one time in my life, I could actually sit on my hair.
  5. I hate pistachios, almonds and marzipan. So I really should not be surprised that I get pistachio ice cream when they make a mistake with order.
  6. On the other had, I love zucchinis. During the season I eat them almost every day prepared in numerous ways.
  7. My shoe size is 42 (10 for readers from USA and 7 1/2 for those from UK). I sometimes think this is extinct number, since I can never find anything but ugly shoes in my size.
  8. I have a “little” brother, who is taller than 1,9 m (6,2 feet).
  9. They tell me I’m very picky. :devil:
  10. My boyfriend and I celebrated our 10th anniversary this year. How the time flies away. :shock:

This is the list of 10 blogs I tag. I had a hard time filling out first 10 spots, but I could have write much larger list for the second part. Fortunately some of the bloggers were already tagged.

Beauty Lounge
Green Eyed Fairy’s blog
Ivanas Beautyblog
Innen & Aussen
Let’s Talk About … Beauty
Nail Of The Week
Nailin’ It
Zwischen Traumscherben und Spiegelwelten

Nati in unsu sta nas dodali na seznam desetih blogerk o katerih bi rade izvedele 10 dejstev. :w00t:

Hvala obema. :rose:

Tukaj je deset dejstev o meni.

1. Sem navdušena plesalka standardnih in latinsko-ameriških plesov. S tem, da so mi LA plesi bolj pri srcu. Vendar ne tega povedati profesorici standardnih plesov, ker mi samo še njen izpit manjka do naziva vaditelj plesa. :silly:

2. Moja druga obsesija so knjige. Preberem vse kar mi pride pod roke: kriminalke, ljubezenske romane, navodila za računalniške programe, potopise …

3. Obožujem računalnike. Z največjim veseljem se lotim spoznavanja novega programa.

4. Nikoli več ne bom imela dolgih las. V OŠ so bili namreč že tako dolgi, da sem se lahko usedla na njih. Ko samo pomislim na dve uri pranja in sušenja, me mine misel na dolge lase.

5. Sovražim pistacije, mandlje in marcipan. Seveda mi kot zakleto dostikrat pomotoma prinesejo sladoled iz pistacij ali dobim v dar negovalno kozmetiko z vonjem mandlja.

6. Po drugi strani pa obožujem bučke in jih med sezono jem skoraj vsak dan pripravljene na na tisoč in en način.

7. Nosim obutev številka 42. Lahko si predstavljate kakšen užitek je kupovati čevlje v skoraj da pozabljeni številki. :roll:

8. Imam “bratca”, ki meri v višino nekaj več kot 190 cm.

9. Baje sem zelo izbirčna. :devil:

10. S fantom sva letos praznovala deseto obletnico. Kako hitro teče čas. :shock:

Deset blogerk o katerih bi rade izvedela kaj več (če sem komaj zapolnila prvih 10 mest, jih je tukaj občutno premalo).

Beauty Lounge

Green Eyed Fairy’s blog

Ivanas Beautyblog

Innen & Aussen

Let’s Talk About … Beauty


Nail Of The Week


Nailin’ It

Zwischen Traumscherben und Spiegelwelten

6 thoughts on “<!--:en-->I Think You Are An Awesome Girl – 10 randome facts about Gejba<!--:--><!--:sl-->I Think You Are An Awesome Girl – 10 dejstev o Gejbi<!--:-->”

  1. :drop: I didn’t know you were a ballroom dancer! How wonderful. I can’t do it but I love to watch it. Of course I watching Dancing With the Stars and So You Think You Can Dance. Also on the Public Access Stations they have the Ballroom Championships. I don’t always catch them but I love those the most. Since that is strictly true ballroom dancing. I got my love of dance from my Mother. She always loved to dance. I wished I could go back in time to see her do it. I most always had short hair and wished I had long hair. I had an Aunt who could sit on her hair. It was beautiful. Loved getting to know you more. :wink:


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