Halloween: Haunted House manicureHalloween: Haunted House manikura

Have you enter our Halloween special already? No? You have time until tomorrow, 23:59, 30th October 2009 GMT+1. We already received some great photos! I really hope there will be more and Halloween is going to be special with all your photos of Halloween manicures posted on our blog! Ladies (and gentlemen), please, don’t be afraid to enter. Send us your photo of a Halloween inspired manicure! Every single photo is special to us!. Everyone has its own idea about Halloween manicure. Show us yours!

Here’s my Haunted House manicure…

Halloween - Haunted HouseLet this be a inspiration for you (or not, however you want it :biggrin: ).

Products, I’ve used for creating the manicure shown above:

China Glaze – Vintage Crepe 2 coats

Essence – Fatal – 1 coat over ChG

Konad Special Polish: Cool Red, Black, White

Konad IP m13, m28

Chez-Delaney H17

masking tape

thin brush

I really hope I convinced at least one of you to enter out contest! I can’t believe it’s almost Hallooooooooweeeeeeeeeeeen!!! :skull:

Ste že oddali fotografijo za naš Halloween Special? Če še ne, časa imate še do jutri do polnoči (do 30.10.2009 do 23:59). Nekaj fotografij smo že prejele in vse so čudovite! Upam, da bo fotografij čim več in bo Halloween res nekaj posebnega z vsemi vašimi objavljenimi fotografijami manikur!!! Punce (in fantje), naj vam ne bo nerodno poslati fotografije, čisto vsake smo neskončno vesele! Čisto vsaka fotografija je nekaj posebnega! Vsak ima svojo predstavo o Halloween manikuri. Pokažite svojo! :wink:

Jaz vam danes predstavljam svojo Haunted House manikuro. Buuuuu….

Naj vam bo za inspiracijo (ali pa tudi ne, kakor želite :biggrin: ).

Material, ki sem ga uporabila pri ustvarjanju manikure:

China Glaze – Vintage Crepe 2 plasti

Essence – Fatal – 1 plast čez ChG

Konad Special Polish: Cool Red, Black, White

Konad IP m13, m28

Chez-Delaney H17

maskirni papir za šablono za zobe

tanek čopič

Resnično upam, da sem s tem prispevkom uspela še koga prepričati, ki je do sedaj okleval, da se bo pridružil našemi igri! Komaj čakam Hallooooooooweeeeeeeeeeeen!!! :skull:

7 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Halloween: Haunted House manicure<!--:--><!--:sl-->Halloween: Haunted House manikura<!--:-->”

  1. Super manikura :) Zaenkrat nimam še pametne ideje kakšna naj bi bila moja Halloween manikura … oz jih je preveč pa nekako ne znam nič pametnega spacat na nohte :/ Ah do ju3 pa bom :D

  2. :skll: Love that manicure. Great pictures on the nails. I just did one hand orange and the other black. I used the WetnWild Fantasy Makers with the bar glitters. I’m not to thrilled with this. I probably will take it off and try something else.


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