CND – Black Platinum, Knight’s Armor and Eskimo KissCND – Black Platinum, Knight’s Armor in Eskimo Kiss

I got these beauties quite some time ago. These are all oldies but goodies. They are from a CND‘s discontinued line. You all of course know by now about their new line with 50 creme shades and 15 effect. But I won’t babble about the new line today. I’d like to show you three really lovely shades today. The names are: Black Platinum, Knight’s Armor and Eskimo Kiss.

From L to R: Black Platinum, Knight's Armor, Eskimo Kiss
From L to R: Black Platinum, Knight’s Armor, Eskimo Kiss

All have frosty metallic finish. That means that the brush strokes are visible. I’d recommend careful application and straight strokes with these. But brush strokes aren’t so visible that they would bother me. Otherwise, I didn’t have any application issues.

I’m going to write some more about Eskimo Kiss, which surprised me the most. I thought, it would be sheer, but it’s really not. It’s quite the opposite, it almost needs only one coat to be totally opaque. I did two coats, just to be sure.

From the pictures you can see, that Eskimo Kiss is a little duo-chrome. It shifts between silvery-white and pinky-peach shade. It’s a wonderful shade and works well with Konad as well!

Ciate Paint Pots – Superficial + CND – Eskimo Kiss + Konad IP m65

Najprej, naj vas spomnim, da se Halloween special počasi izteka. Časa je le še do polnoči!!! Izdam vam lahko, da nismo dobile ravno ogromno fotografij, tako je možnost, da ravno vi dobite nagrado toliko večja. :wink: Na voljo so še slabe tri ure… Pošljite nam fotografijo svoje Halloween manikure!

Danes imam za vas fotografije treh odtenkov znamke Creative Nail Design (CND). Vsi trije odtenki so še iz stare linije. Po novem so namreč pri CND zamenjali celotno linijo lakov in jih razdelili na osnovne barve in efekte. Ampak predstavitev nove linije ni namen današnjega prispevka. Danes bi vam rada predstavila tri resnično lepe odtenke še iz stare dolgo-sušeče linije. Gre za odtenke: Black Platinum, Knight’s Armor in Eskimo Kiss.

Od L proti D: Black Platinum, Knight's Armor, Eskimo Kiss

Vsi trije spadajo v skupino frost kovinskih lakov, kar pomeni, da se pri vseh treh rahlo poznajo proge od čopiča. Previdnost pri nanašanju in ravni potegi s čopičem so zato priporočljivi. Vendar pa proge niso tako očitne, da bi me motile. Drugih težav pri nanašanju nisem imela.

Nekaj več pozornosti bom danes namenila najsvetlejšemu izmed zgoraj predstavljenih odtenkov. Eskimo Kiss me je popolnoma presenetil, saj sem si predstavljala, da bo bolj prosojen. Močno sem se motila, saj je izmed zgoraj omenjenih najbolj prekriven in za popolnoma prekriven nanos zadostuje že skoraj en nanos. Na fotografijah spodaj sta dva nanosa.

Iz zgornjih fotografij je očitno, da gre za rahel duochrome odtenek, ki barvo spreminja od srebrno-bele do rahlo roza-marelične. Resnično čudovit odtenek, ki tudi odlično deluje s Konadom!

Ciate Paint Pots - Superficial + CND - Eskimo Kiss + Konad IP m65

Vse tri lake sem pred časom kupila v Supernovi na manikurnem otočku v prvem nadstropju, kjer so imeli znižanje zaradi na novo prihajajoče linije. Za vsako stekleničko sem odštela 6€.

7 thoughts on “<!--:en-->CND – Black Platinum, Knight’s Armor and Eskimo Kiss<!--:--><!--:sl-->CND – Black Platinum, Knight’s Armor in Eskimo Kiss<!--:-->”

  1. DESPERATELY seeking bottles—want to hoard as many as I can—of Knight’s Armor (discontinued). If anyone knows where/how I can get it, PLEASE reply! Thanks and Happy New Year!!!

  2. :nails: Love the Konaded nails. I’m not to fond of frosty white nails. Good that you can use this for Konad. I came across a website GoIndulge, I think that was it. They have the old CND polishes for $3 each. I didn’t notice if they shipped internationally. Sorry I didn’t think to check. I think TransDesign still has plenty of the older shades.

  3. You’re right. Eskimo Kiss is special and a rare white I’d wear. I love almost every (old) CND polish I have, but the dry time is killing me. I mean, I figured out what they need to dry, but they really need special treatment and I’m not a huge fan of that. I hope the new line is better. I have to try them out.

  4. It’s rare to see a whte shade that’s not plain white and opaque in one coat! A great find :)
    You did a very pretty konadicure with it too. I love that Ciate paintpot color :wub:


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