Calvin Klein – Indigo Blue and Emerald GreenCalvin Klein – Indigo Blue in Emerald Green

I have something special for you today. I’ll show the only two Calvin Klein nail polishes I own. And both are special, because they are limited edition and I beyond lucky to get them. :w00t: I’m mean, unbelievably lucky! Both are from the same collection of three colors (the third one was silver) and I think they were released as part of Spring 2009 collection, but I’m not sure.

I’ll show you the pictures first and then I’ll tell a funny story about how I got them.

Indigo Blue is gorgeous metallic blue. I wouldn’t classify it as indigo blue. I’d say it’s more medium blue and very vivid. The application was flawless. OK, the brush is crap. It’s like a mop. And I couldn’t really control it. But the consistency was great. Very pigmented and a bit on the thick side, but I prefer thick over watery. And for a metallic shade it’s a dream to apply and no visible brush strokes at all. They just disappear when the polish dries.

Calvin Klein - Indigo BlueThe cap on the bottle is removable …It works perfect with stamping …

Next one is Emerald Green. A wonderful forest green. Again the brush was crap, but the formula was great. Two coats in the picture. If I’d apply three coats, the color would be a bit deeper. I don’t have a lot to say about Emerald Green. Great color and I love it!

I added subtle Chez-Delaney design with P30 and CND – Eskimo Kiss. It’s my KOTD.

What do you think?

Oh, yes. I have a story to tell. Well, I first saw this collection in Austria. I was instantly in love with Emerald Green, but they only had a tester bottle. OK, then I checked in all our stores, that sell Calvin Klein cosmetics but no luck. They never received this collection. I was sad, as I knew I would never get my hands on my beloved Emerald Green, because I knew it was a limited edition color. Then I slowly forgot about it. Then, a month ago, I went to Germany, where I again saw this collection, but as luck would have it they also only had a tester bottle. I managed to find one new Indigo Blue bottle hidden somewhere behind the drawer, but no Emerald Green. I grabbed the Indigo Blue, but that was not the end of it. It was on sale! I think I got it for half of the original price. How cool is that! I still couldn’t get Emerald Green out of my mind, so I went back the next day and asked a very friendly seller, if I could buy the tester bottle of Emerald Green. I checked before and the tester bottle was almost full and in good shape, but she said that they aren’t allowed to sell tester bottles. Oh my … I threw a very sad look and explained to her that I collect polishes and I really need to have that one and that she would make me really happy and so … She gave in and asked her boss, what to do. At the end I got my Emerald Green bottle. And you know what? It was free!!! :drop: :w00t: I mean, I couldn’t believe it. I was beyond happy and I could cry for joy!

That’s my story today. Do you have any funny stories about your polishes?

Danes imam nekaj posebnega za vas. :w00t: In sicer vam bom pokazala svoja edina dva laka za nohte znamke Calvin Klein. Dejstvo, da sta edina laka te znamke v moji zbirki, ju sicer ne naredi prav nič posebna. Posebna ju naredi zgodba, ki je za njima. Zgodba o tem, kako sem sploh prišla do njiju. A o tem malo kasneje. Najprej kratka predstavitev. Če se ne motim sta oba odtenka iz omejene kolekcije za pomlad 2009, a nisem popolnoma prepričana. V kolekciji so bili trije odtenki. Ta tretji je bil srebrn, ki pa me ni prepričal v nakup.

Indigo Blue je živo moder odtenek s kovinskim finišem. Odtenka ne bi opisala kot indigo moder, a morda imam samo jaz drugačno predstavo o indigo modri. Nanos je bil za kovinski lak perfekten. Lak je izredno pigmentiran in ob pazljivem nanosu je lahko dovolj že samo en nanos. Navdušena sem nad dejstvom, da ni vidnih prog od čopiča, čeprav gre za kovinski odtenek. Proge namreč izginjajo, medtem ko se lak suši. Konsistenca je nekoliko gostejša. Meni ustreza, ker imam raje gostejše lake. Čopič je katastrofalen. Sicer navaden okrogel, a je na koncu košat in zaradi tega je z njim težko manevrirati ob obnohtni kožici. Škoda.

Zunanji, dekorativni del pokrova je snemljiv.

Indigo Blue perfektno deluje s Konadom in podobnimi.

Drugi lepotec iz omejene kolekcije je Emerald Green. “Zelenko, ki te ljubim zelenko!” Čudovit gozdnato zelen odtenek z bogatim zelenim šimrom. Ljubezen na prvi pogled. :wub: Na fotografiji sta dve plasti. Če bi dodala še tretjo plast, bi bil še malenkost temnejši.

Z dodatkom vzorčka iz ploščice Chez-Delaney P30, laka CND – Eskimo Kiss in S-he kamenčka je nastala današnja konadikura.

Kako se vam zdita odtenka?

Za konec sem vam obljubila še zgodbo, ki se skriva zadaj. To kolekcijo sem prvič videla pred meseci v Avstriji. Imeli so vse tri testerje in takoj sem se zaljubila v “zelenkota”. Razočaranje je sledilo, ko sem ugotovila, da je razprodan. Kolikor se spomnim, so modrega in srebrnega še imeli, vendar se nisem odločila za nobenega, ker sem bila tako razočarana. Pri nas sem pogledala v vse drogerije, kjer prodajajo CK dekorativo, a ugotovila, da ta kolekcija skoraj zagotovo nikoli ni videla naših drogerij. Počasi sem se sprijaznila, da točno ta “zelenko” nikoli ne bo moj. In s časom sem pozabila nanj.

Ponovno sem ga zagledala na polici v Nemčiji. :w00t: A je sledilo ponovno razočaranje. Razprodan. Obrnila sem vse predale, pogledala v vse zakotne kotičke stojala, a ga nisem našla. Namenjen mi je pa bil moder Indigo Blue, ki je edini čakal name nekje za predalom stisnjen in pozabljen. Tokrat sem ga kupila. In to po polovični ceni! :w00t: Zadovoljna z nakupom sem se vrnila v hotel. Preizkusila Indigo Blue in tuhtala, kako bi prišla do “zelenkota”. Porodila se mi je ideja in vrnila sem se v drogerijo, kjer sem prijazno prodajalko vprašala, ali mi lahko prodajo tester po redni ceni. Odvrnila je, da tega ne morejo in ne smejo narediti. :cry: Vrnila sem ji en žalosten pogled in ji razložila, da zbiram lake in da ta odtenek iščem že dolgo časa, a ga nikjer ne najdem. Še enkrat sem vprašala, ali mi res nikakor ne morejo prodati testerja. Hmm … Nekako sem jo uspela prepričati, da se je šla z nekom pogovoriti. Prišla je nazaj in mi rekla, da ga lahko imam. AAAAAAAAAAAAA… Skočila bi lahko do stropa od veselja. Sledilo je še eno presenečenje. Lahko ga imam zastonj. AAAAAAAAAAAA… Zdaj bi pa lahko jokala od sreče in presenečenja. Kar nisem mogla verjeti, da se mi je uspelo priboriti do lepotca in da je bila prodajalka tako prijazna in mi šla toliko na roko. Neverjetno!

Naj povem še to, da sem tester v naprej pregledala in ugotovila, da je skoraj poln in lak čisto nič strjen ipd. Resnično bi ga brez težav kupila za polno ceno in ne bi bila veliko na zgubi.

Aja, na steklenički je še zmeraj nalepka z napisom: “TESTER not for retail sale”. :biggrin:

To je moja zgodba. Upam, da vas nisem preveč dolgočasila, a enostavno sem morala tole deliti z vami. :wink: Imate morda tudi vi, kakšne posebne zgodbe o svojih lakih?

18 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Calvin Klein – Indigo Blue and Emerald Green<!--:--><!--:sl-->Calvin Klein – Indigo Blue in Emerald Green<!--:-->”

  1. wow!!! u’re such a lucky girl!! and thats a great story..i love that emerald green.. and already told myself not to fall inlove with the polish coz its discontinued :silly: and i have my all access on the way.. :wub: what plate u used in ur indigo design?

  2. they’ve discontinued the ck cosmetics line- i was lucky to grab some of their treatments- a top coat, a base coat, a strenghtening base coat and a (cuticle) moisturerizer and a sheer one for layering…. too bad I’ve discovered them now when they’ve discontinued their line because I’d love to have indigo blue….

  3. I think that this green is really beautiful and that you get very lucky! :)
    Curious thing is that I haven’t seen those colors in France (we’re always a bit late when it comes to nail polish, I swear). I would have picked the green otherwise. All I know is that Calvin Klein stop doing make up (at least in my country). Not sure about other countries but what a shame, I loved the brand.

  4. Uaaau, katera prijazna prodajalka, kapo dol, resnicno!
    Moder je krasen, samo ga ne bi opredelila kakor indigo moder (pod indigo barvo si predstavljam temno modro, mogoce z dodatkom vijolicne, boh?).
    Super manikure, krasni nohti! Sploh, perfect! :w00t:


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