A bunch of Jessica polishesEn kup Jessica lakov za nohte

A couple of weeks ago Scrangie posted pics of random Jessica polishes and she wrote, that she has hard time deciding which ones to order next. So I thought I would swatch some of my Jessicas, as I have quite a lot of them. In general I love Jessica polishes. They have some great shades to choose from. The application is great on most of my collection. The brush is a regular round one, which I like. The bottles are nothing special, but not ugly either.

So let’s move on to the pictures.

First, I’ll show you two rather special polishes. You wonder why special? Because they darken, when you apply a top coat. Look for yourself.

Cheap Trick is a teal shade with metallic finish and minor visible brush strokes. For a metallic shade the application was pretty good. In fact, I didn’t have any application issues at all. You just have to be a bit careful with brush strokes and I recommend you wait a bit between the coats. On my ring finger you can see how it darkened a bit, when I applied top coat.

Jessica - Cheap Trick

Fancy Fishnets is another one, that darkens when the top coat is applied. On this one the change is more visible! Otherwise, Fancy Fishnets is similar to Cheap Trick. The application and all …

top coat only on the ring finger

Constellation is a wonderful vampy shade. It’s a dark maroon shade with red and/or bronze shimmer. I love it! The consistency on this one was thin, but not uncontrollable. I needed three coats for full opacity.

with flash

Glamorous Gladiator is probably my favourite brown so far. It’s just the right shade and the shimmer makes it special. It has bronze shimmer and tiny gold flakes. Glamorous Gladiator isn’t as bronze on me as it is on Scrangie’s pictures. The application was great. Two coats in the picture.

Casablanca is a black shade with larger blue shimmer. It’s very similar to China Glaze’s Blk-Bila-Bong, but the shimmer in Casablanca is more visible on the nail than Blk-Bila-Bong’s. Casablanca is easier to apply and more pigmented.

Palladium is a sparkly champagne shade. I love Palladium and I wore it a lot, which doesn’t happen with a most of my polishes. It’s a perfect everyday shade with a twist and because of all the sparkles, it’s also perfect for special occasions. It’s an elegant shade. There are two coats shown in the picture.

Downtown is a coral shade with gold shimmer and frost finish. It’s a bit on the sheer side. Three coats in the picture.

Sherbet is a lovely mauvey pink shade with a lot of gold shimmer. Two coats in the picture. Please, don’t mind the bronze pointer finger.

Garnet Glaze is a duchrome shade, but it looks more duochrome in the bottle than it does on the nails. I was a bit disappointed by it. I mean, you can see a lot of colors in the bottle and also on the nails, but the colors are similar and that’s why it’s not that multichrome-in-the-face thing. The colors I see in the bottle are: pink, mauve, light brown, grey, green and maybe I missed some, I don’t know. I tried hard to capture all the colors in the pictures, but I failed completely. I took this pics moths ago. Maybe I’ll try once again … but until then, all I have for you, is crapy pics of Garnet Glaze.

Bikini Blue. I already showed you Bikini Blue HERE. It’s probably my favourite baby blue shade. There are two coats in the picture.

Butterfly Kisses is a metallic blue with metallic to foil like finish. It has tons of silver particles. I totally love it! Again, great application. Two coats shown in the picture.

The last two shades are from the Baby It’s Cold Outside collection and I reviewed them HERE.

Frost At All Cost is a very dark teal color. Two coats in the picture.


Divine Pine is a dark forest green. Two coats in the picture.


OK, that’s it. I mean, these are not all of my Jessicas. I could make another long post with Jessica polishes to show all of them, but I think that won’t happen in the near future as I get bored swatching the same brand for days. So, I hope you liked the once I showed you today.

Thanks for watching and commenting! 

Pred nekaj tedni je Scrangie objavila prispevek o lakih znamke Jessica. Na koncu prispevka je napisala, da se ne more odločiti, katere odtenke naj naroči v prihodnje. V zbirki imam kar nekaj Jessica lakov. Nekaj vam jih bom predstavila danes.

POZOR: Današnji prispevek je dolg. Če se vam ne ljubi prebirati besedila, samo preglejte fotografije. Nihče vam ne bo zameril. Itak ste v glavnem tukaj zaradi fotografij, kajne?  :biggrin:

Prispevek sem pisala nekaj dni. Fotografije so nastajale več mesecev in čakale na objavo. Nekatere odtenke sem vam že predstavila, a vam jih bom danes še enkrat, da bodo vsi na kupu.

V splošnem sem zelo zadovoljna z Jessica laki. Imajo dobro izbiro odtenkov, nanos pri večini je popolnoma neproblematičen. Čopič je navaden okrogel, kar je meni všeč. Stekleničke niso nič posebnega, a prav grde pa tudi niso. Nekaj težav sem imela z obrabljeno konico (tip wear), ki se je pojavila zelo hitro pri nekaterih odtenkih. Morda pa  sploh ni šlo za obrabljeno konico, ampak za skrčen lak zaradi nadlaka. :think: V zadnjem času namreč ne opažam več teh težav. Morda so spremenili formulo, morda pa imam v tem trenutku nadlak, ki se bolje ujema z Jessica laki. Težko bi rekla. Cele znanosti okrog tega pa še ne načrtujem narediti. :blush:

Najprej vam bom predstavila dva precej zanimiva odtenka. Posebna zato, ker potemnita, ko prideta v stik z nadlakom.

Cheap Trick je modro-zelen odtenek s kovinskim finišem in rahlim frosty pridihom. Kar pomeni, da se proge od čopiča rahlo poznajo. Sicer pa se za kovinski odtenek zelo lepo nanaša. Pravzaprav z njim nisem imela nobenih težav. Priporočam, da ustrezno pripravite podlago, kajti kovinski laki “s ponosom” pokažejo čisto vsako nepravilnost na nohtu in vsako še najmanjšo brazdo. Pri nanosu pa vam priporočam, da med plastmi počakate kakšno minuto ali dve.

Nadlak je samo na prstancu.

Ali ste opazili, da je prstanec temnejši? In to samo zaradi nadlaka. Pri naslednjem odtenku je razlika še bolj očitna.

Fancy Fishnets je kovinsko moder odtenek z vijoličnim pridihom. Ob stiku z nadlakom se spremeni v indigo modro. Sicer pa je v vseh pogledih podoben odtenku Cheap Trick.

Nadlak je samo na prstancu.

Constellation je čudovit “vampy” odtenek temno kostanjeve barve in z rdečim ter bronastim šimrom. Po konsistenci je nekoliko voden, a ne predstavlja težav pri nanašanju. Le trije nanosi so potrebni za popolno prekrivnost.

z bliskavico

Glamorous Gladiator je verjetno najlepši “rjavko”, kar jih imam. Ni pretemen, ne presvetel, ni preveč rdeč, ne preveč rumen, ni premalo šimrast in hkrati ne preveč. Ravno prav. Vsebuje bronast šimer in majhne zlate krpice, ki ga naredijo posebnega. Na meni ta odtenek ne izpade tako bronast, kot je na fotografijah od Scrangie. Z nanosom nisem imela nobenih težav. Na fotografiji sta dve plasti.

Casablanca je črn odtenek z malo večjim modrim šimrom. Zelo je podoben odtenku Blk-Bila-Bong znamke China Glaze. Če bi morala izbirati med njima, bi izbrala Casablanco, ker ima na nohtu opaznejši šimer, je bolj pigmentirana in se lepše nanaša. Če ste pristaš znamke China Glaze, potem izberite Blk-Bila-Bong, ker si v končni fazi odtenka vseeno nista toliko različna. Morda bi morala narediti primerjavo. Morda jo še naredim.

Palladium je bleščeč odtenek v barvi šampanjca. Ta odtenek obožujem in sem ga že kar nekajkrat dala na nohte, kar se sicer zgodi le z redkimi odtenki. Gre za čudovit nedolgočasen odtenek za vsak dan. Hkrati pa je dovolj bleščeč in eleganten, da se čudovito poda k večerni toaleti. Na fotografiji sta dve plasti.

Downtown je koralni odtenek z zlatim šimrom in frost finišem. Je nekoliko prosojen. Na fotografiji so trije nanosi.

Sherbet je slezenasto roza odtenek z veliko zlatega šimra. Šimer je bil tisti, ki me je prepričal v nakup tega odtenka. Na fotografiji sta dve plasti. Prosim, ne menite se za bakren odtenek na kazalcu.

Garnet Glaze je duochrome odtenek, ki izgleda zelo obetavno v steklenički, na nohtih pa me je kar malo razočaral. Saj barve se tudi na nohtih prelivajo, a je efekt v steklenički bolj očiten. Prelivanje barv je morda manj opazno, ker so si spreminjajoče se barve blizu. Ni kontrastnega spreminjanja barv. Barve, ki jih opazim so roza, slezenasta, siva, sivo-zelena in svetlo rjava.  Močno sem se trudila pri fotografiranju, a enostavno nisem ujela duochrome efekta. Fotografije sem sicer posnela že pred meseci. Morda bom ponovno poskusila. Ampak do takrat naj zadostujejo te stare in “slabe” fotografije. :roll:

Bikini Blue je krem sinje moder odtenek. Predstavila sem vam ga že TUKAJ.

Butterfly Kisses je kovinsko moder odtenek s kovinskim do folijastim finišem. Ta odtenek naravnost obožujem. Nanos je popolnoma neproblematičen. Na fotografiji sta dve plasti.

Zadnja dva odtenka, ki ju imam za vas, sta iz kolekcije Baby It’s Cold Outside. Oba sem vam že predstavila. Podrobnosti si lahko preberete TUKAJ.

Frost At All Cost je zelo temen modro-zelen odtenek. Na fotografiji sta dva nanosa.

z bliskavico

Divine Pine je temno zelen odtenek. Ponovno, dve plasti na fotografiji spodaj.

z bliskavico

Tako, to je današnja predstavitev Jessica lakov. To niso vsi, ki jih premorem. Da bi pokazala čisto vse, bi verjetno lahko napisala še en tak prispevek. A ga zelo verjetno ne bom prav kmalu, saj se zelo hitro naveličam fotografirati eno in isto znamko več dni zapored.

Upam, da ste v današnjem prispevku našli kaj zanimivega zase. Hvala za vse vaše komentarje! Z užitkom jih prebiram! :rose:


17 thoughts on “<!--:en-->A bunch of Jessica polishes<!--:--><!--:sl-->En kup Jessica lakov za nohte<!--:-->”

  1. Jen, you have a point there. But I guess it’s just like with matte polishes, where you also don’t apply (at least regular shiny) TC if you wish that the finish stays matte. ;)

  2. Lots of lovely colours. The way the topcoat changes the shade is remarkable though. If you love the colour before the topcoat in Fishnet and Trick you might easily not like it so much after you have applied TC. And we do all apply TC, don’t we???  :ermm:

  3. These look amazing ! I’m in love with Divine Pine :wub:
    Where can I buy these polishes ? Is it a european or a US brand ? I’ve never heard of it before (except on your site).

    • I’m buying Jessica polishes here in Slovenia, but this a US brand. You can buy Jessica online too. But I don’t have any suggestions as I don’t buy them online. Sorry. :(

  4. greaaaaaaaaaaaaaattttttttt!! i love the Frost At All Cost and the divine fine and casablanca… :wub: the Constellation and the glamorous gladiator are so classy.. :w00t:  thanks for swatching all of this gorgeous polish…weeeeeee!!!


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