Essence – Go Snow Trend Edition – nail polishesEssence – Go Snow Trend Edition – laki za nohte

Essence is spoiling us right now with a new Trend Edition called Go Snow. Light pastel colors dominate in the collection. If you love blue, pink and lilac pastels, then Go Snow is just for you. I have some pictures of nail polishes to show to you.

Essence - Go Snow: Alpine Snow, Frostbite and Snow Bunny
Essence – Go Snow: Alpine Snow, Frostbite and Snow Bunny

They’ve reused the bottle design again. We’ve seen the same bottles in the Summer Of Love Trend Edition.

Bottle comparison: Go Snow vs. Summer Of Love

Frost and pearl finish. The addition of larger shimmer to frost finish. Not that good coverage. Meh … Not the best collection.

Essence – Go Snow: Alpine Snow, Frostbite and Snow Bunny

Snow Bunny is a pastel pink with frost and pearl finish.

Frostbite is a pastel lilac with shimmery frost finish, which don’t look too good together. It’s a bit sheer.

Alpine Snow is a pastel blue with the same properties as the Frostbite.

All are shown with three coats.

If I had to describe the collection in one word, it would be: “Boring!”

If I could use more than one word to describe it, than I’d say: The shades alone aren’t that special, but not that wrong either. I’m sure that some of you are going to love the pastels. However, they didn’t impress me. I mean, they are going to be great base colors for future konadicures, but that’s all. I’m just not into frost and pearl finish and above all I’m not into semi sheer polishes. So, Go Snow is not my favourite collection. But if you are in such pastel colors … than Go Snow is just the right collection for you!Essence nas trenutno razveseljuje z novo omejeno kolekcijo Go Snow. Celotna kolekcija je odeta v pastelne odtenke. Prevladujejo modra, roza in lila barva. Za vas imam fotografije lakov za nohte.

Essence - Go Snow: Alpine Snow, Frostbite in Snow Bunny

Stekleničke so enake tistim iz Summer Of Love kolekcije.

Primerjava stekleničk: Go Snow vs. Summer Of Love

Frost in perlast finiš. Dodatek večjega šimra k frost finišu. Ne ravno najboljša prekrivnost. Meh… Ne ravno najboljša kolekcija.

Essence - Go Snow: Snow Bunny, Frostbite in Alpine Snow

Snow Bunny je roza odtenek s frost in perlastim finišem.

Frostbite je pastelno vijoličen odtenek s frost šimrastim finišem. Nekoliko večji šimer ne sodeluje najbolje s frost finišem. Odtenek je dokaj prosojen.

Alpine Snow je pastelno moder odtenek. Finiš in prekrivnost sta podobna kot pri odtenku Frostbite.

Na fotografiji so vsi trije naneseni v treh nanosih.

Zelo kratek opis kolekcije lakov: Dolgčas!

Malo daljši opis: Odtenki niso čisto nič posebnega. Verjamem, da bodo pastelne barve marsikoga razveselile. Mene niso prepričale. Bodo sicer dobra osnova za Konadiranje, a to je tudi vse. Nanos ni briljanten. Prekrivnost slabša. Frost finiš. Kolekcija ima zame več minusov kot plusov. Če pa imate radi pastelne odtenke… navaliteeeee! :w00t:

30 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Essence – Go Snow Trend Edition – nail polishes<!--:--><!--:sl-->Essence – Go Snow Trend Edition – laki za nohte<!--:-->”

  1. Moram priznati da ne volim te ‘frosty’ lakove. Jednostavno mi ne stoje, a ni izbor boja mi nije neki. :/ 50’s Fever kolekcija mi je bila odlična, odmah sam si kupila 2 laka iz nje, hehe, ali ovo me se nije dojmilo. Ali, bit će još kolekcija. :)


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