Catrice: London’s Weather Forecast and CND effectsCatrice: London’s Weather Forecast in CND efekti

Goga kindly allowed my to make swatch of her Catrice Ultimate Nail Lacquer London’s Weather Forecast (no. 280) polish. :rose:

I was charmed with this gray shade with multicolored shimmer.

Swatcg Catrice Ultimate Nail Lacquer London's Weather Forecast

Shimmer is almost invisible in London’s Weather Forecast polish when you stand in the shade, so I just had to …

… play around with it. :blush:

This time I used for layering following CND effects: Copper Shimmer, Scarlet Shimmer and Sapphire Sparkle.

Catrice London’s Weather Forecast + Copper Shimmer, Scarlet Shimmer, Sapphire Sparkle

I immediately fell in love with the Catrice London’s Weather Forecast + Scarlet Shimmer combination. :stars:

Can’t wait to get my bottle of London’s Weather Forecast to play more with it.

Goga mi je prijazno dovolila, da naredim swatch Catrice Ultimate Nail Lacquer London’s Weather Forecast (št. 280) laka. :rose:

Takoj, ko sem videla ta sivi odtenek z večbarvnim šimrom, me je očaral.

V senci je šimer skoraj neviden pri London’s Weather Forecast odtenku.

Seveda sem se morala spet malo poigrati. :blush:

Tokrat sem za layering uporabila CND efekte in sicer naslednje odtenke: Copper Shimmer, Scarlet Shimmer ter Sapphire Sparkle.

Catrice London's Weather Forecast + Copper Shimmer, Scarlet Shimmer, Sapphire Sparkle

V kombinacijo s Scarlet Shimmer odtenkom sem se naravnost zaljubila. Komaj čakam, da dobim v roke svojega sivčka.

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