KOTD: Barielle Polished Princess + Zoya Laney + IP m70KOTD: Barielle Polished Princess + Zoya Laney + IP m70

For my today’s manicure I have chosen poisonous green shade – Barielle Polished Princess, I got in a swap. :silly:

I love green shades, but I prefer those leaning to the blue side or neutral ones. Yellow green polishes don’t do the trick for me.  :blush:

Formula is on the thin side, but easy to work with. I used two coats  but third one wouldn’t hurt since nail line is still visible … not much, but it’s there.

Barielle Polished Princess swatch
Barielle Polished Princess: sun
Barielle Polished Princess: shade
Barielle Polished Princess: lightbox

Now I can proudly say I own at least one poisonous shade. Collection can’t be complete without at least one. Right?  :haha:

Naturally I had to use “konad”. :whistle:

I used Zoya Laney polish and m70 fauxnad plate I ordered at Chez-Delaney. I fell in love at m70 after watching  Tassa’s konadicures. :ccc:

I did find this image to be difficult. I had to work with lightning peed so that polish didn’t dry in the plate. Is the original plate better in this regard?

Danes sem izbrala za NOTD zelenkota stupenkota – Barielle Polished Princess, ki sem ga dobila v swapu. :silly:

Zelene odtenke imam sicer res rada, a je skoraj predpogoj, da morajo imeti ali vsaj malo modre ali pa biti nevtralni. Odtenki, ki se zelo močno nagibajo proti rumeni mi niso preveč pri srcu. :blush:

Formula spada med bolj redke, a neproblematične. Uporabila sem dve plati, čeprav bi bila tretja skoraj potrebna za popolno prekrivnost pri daljših nohtih.

Barielle Polished Princess: sonce
Barielle Polished Princess: senca
Barielle Polished Princess: lightbox

Sedaj lahko ponosno rečem, da se je tudi moji zbirki pridružil strupenko. :haha:

Seveda sem takoj posegla po “konadu”. :whistle:

Odločila sem se le za poživitev oz. bolje rečeno ublažitev manikure. :silly:  Uporabila sem Zoya Laney lak ter m70 fauxnad ploščico (iz Chez-Delaney internetne trgovine), ki me je po Tassini zaslugi mamila že nekaj časa. :ccc:

Sem imela kar nekaj težav s tem vzorcem – odtisniti sem ga namreč morala v rekordno hitrem času. Imate z originalno plato enake težave?

Mislim, da bom hitro zamenjala manikuro. :angel:

11 thoughts on “<!--:en-->KOTD: Barielle Polished Princess + Zoya Laney + IP m70<!--:--><!--:sl-->KOTD: Barielle Polished Princess + Zoya Laney + IP m70<!--:-->”

  1. Barva lakca mi ni všeč, konad mi je pa zelo! :nails:
    No, Gejba me veseli, da sem te “zrajcala” s temle vzorčkom. :naughty: Meni je tudi zelo všeč! :wub:


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