Illamasqua inspired lookIllamasqua inspired look

When I was browsing through the Illamasqua home page, I instantly feel in love with their next photo.

Swatch: Illamasqua Noir collection
Illamasqua Noir collection

I took the picture as an inspiration and I tried to do my version of the Illamasqua Noir look. Of course my version is nothing compared to what you see above. But you know I’m not a make up artist and my eyes are way different from the ones the beautiful model has. Well … at least I tried. :angel:

Illamasqua Noir inspired look
Illamasqua Noir inspired look

I used tons of different things to create the look. Sorry, I can’t remember what I used, but I can tell you it was a lot. And there was a lot of blending involved. I know how important perfect eyebrows are, that’s why I tried really hard with them and I painted them very dark. I freaked out, when I looked in the mirror and saw almost black eyebrows.  :scared: Unfortunately I didn’t have any false eyelashes at home, when I was creating the look. I know that false eyelashes are almost a must when you do such a dark and dramatic make up. Well, I have to buy some and learn how to use them. :cute: Which false eyelashes are your favourite and why? I would really love to know. :rose:

OK, move on to the manicure I would wear to such a make up. I’m not completely sure, whether I would wear the very eye-catching and gorgeous China Glaze – Entourage

China Glaze – Entourage (2 coats)

… or maybe I’d go with the half moon manicure …

Half moon manicure: China Glaze – Entourage and Zoya – Veruschka

What do you think?Ko sem brskala po Illamasqua spletni strani, sem se zaljubila v naslednjo njihovo fotografijo oz. v make up …

Illamasqua Noir collection

Fotografijo sem vzela kot inspiracijo in poskusila ustvariti svojo verzijo. Moja verzija je seveda nična proti temu, kar vidite na zgornji fotografiji. Logično, saj nisem “make-up artist” in tudi moje oči so čisto drugačne oblike od oči tega čudovitega modela. V glavnem … potrudila sem se in to je nastalo.

Illamasqua Noir inspired look
Illamasqua Noir inspired look

Uporabila sem tono različnih reči, žal se ne spomnim, kaj vse sem uporabila. Lahko samo napišem, da je bilo res veliko in da se je zelo veliko vrtelo okrog “blendanja”. Ker vem, kako zelo pomembne so perfektno urejene obrvi, sem se zelo potrudila in jih obarvala v zelo temno rjavo. Zdi se mi, da k takšnemu “look-u” enostavno morajo biti temne obrvi. Ko sem ustvarjala ta “make up”, pa doma žal nisem imela umetnih trepalnic. Vem, da so k takšnemu dramatičnemu izgledu skoraj nujne. Nujno moram kakšne kupiti in se naučiti jih uporabljati, ker včasih jih enostavno moraš imeti. :cute: Katere umetne trepalnice mi priporočate? S katerimi imate dobre izkušnje? Resnično me zanimajo vse informacije glede tega. :rose:

Zdaj pa še manikura, ki bi jo nosila k takšnemu make up-u. Nisem popolnoma odločena, ali bi se odločila za čudovito divje zeleno Entourage od China Glaze

China Glaze - Entourage (2 plasti)

… ali pa bi se morda odločila za half moon manikuro …

Half moon manikura: China Glaze - Entourage in Zoya - Veruschka

Kaj menite?

21 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Illamasqua inspired look<!--:--><!--:sl-->Illamasqua inspired look<!--:-->”

  1. The emu and the nails are awesome though I love the green emu much more. Damn, this is hot! You did a great job in recreating it!!!

  2. ta prispevek je prava poslastica zame!  Čudoviti zeleni odtenki, meni se zdi mejkap super! res mi je všeč.  sama bi izbrala zoya lakec, ne vem. zdi se mi da bi temnejši nohtki bolj šli zraven :nails: ( pa kakšen veeeelik prstan mogoče – jaz jih obožujem :happy: )
    poleg tega pa sem vesela, da so k nohtkom dodane namazane očke, oz. obratno.
    Masetra, maestralno! :wink:

    • Hvala, Neža! :rose: Izgleda, da bom morala večkrat pisati “kombinirane prispevke”.  :nails: + :lips: + nakit + … Vidim, da imamo kar nekaj bralcev, ki vas zanima make up in ne samo nohti. Super! Z veseljem vam ustrežem. Ko bi le imela več časa za pisanje in ustvarjanje … :hmm: Vsekakor se bom potrudila. :yes:

      Samo prišepnem, da že pišem prispevek tega look-a z odprtim očesom. :zip:

      .-= Maestra´s last post … Swatch and review: Illamasqua – Nudge nail polish =-.


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