Swatches and review: Essence Sun Delicious Trend EditionOpis in ocena: Essence Sun Delicious Trend Edition

Essence TE – Sun Delicious is finally available. Our Mamy was very kind and found all five polishes for me. :rose:

Essence Sun Delicious bottles

This was one of the toughest collections I swatched – almost every polish had one problem or the other. In the end I spend whole day playing around with the photos for this post. :undecided:

The lightest shade in this TE is called Sunny Side Up. I like the color – it’s not canary yellow, but still bright if a little muted with minimal orange undertone. Application is better than with pastel shades but still problematic. I used two layers and top coat on my pinky. Top coat muted yellow shade a little bit more. Stronger the light – more lively yellow color gets.

Shooting this polish was a nightmare – it turned out neon yellow or too yellow. In the end I had to use photo editing program to be able to show you something that looked more realistic. :hmm:

Essence Sun Delicious – Sunny Side Up: shade

Meet Me At The Club is my favorite shade in Sun Delicious TE. Fantastic violet shade with multicolored shimmer. I used two layers. Application was OK.

This shade turned out too blue. I tried to show you as real color as possible, but it’s still to cool. Image a little bit warmer and even prettier color. :biggrin:

Essence Sun Delicious – Meet Me At The Club: sun
Essence Sun Delicious – Meet Me At The Club: shade

Isn’t it gorgeous? :wub:

I didn’t like On Holiday shade very much. Streaky application, weird mix of brown and bronze color … And when I saw it in lightbox, my face looked like this: :undecided: . Two layers + top coat to camouflage streaky application at least a little bit. This is the only shimmer polish besides Meet Me At The Club in this collection. Finish – frost.

Essence Sun Delicious – On Holiday: sun
Essence Sun Delicious – On Holiday: shade
Essence Sun Delicious – On Holiday: lightbox

Chocolicious is another great shade – looks like melted chocolate. Application was OK, I used two coats of polish and top coat on my pinky. Finish – creme. This shade looks very similar to CND Raisin In The Sun polish.

Essence Sun Delicious – Chocolicious: sun
Essence Sun Delicious – Chocolicious: shade

I got the last shade in this TE late in the late afternoon when I don’t have direct sunlight anymore, so the light is not the same as in the previous photos. My fingers are at the odd angle because I had to avoid reflections of neighboring buildings otherwise manicure would be hardly visible.  :haha:

Raspberry Sorbet has more thin formula then other shades in Sun Delicious TE. I loved this shade in the promo pictures and was very excited when Mamy told me that she found one just for me.  :w00t:

This is perfect berry in my eyes and it turns out berry-brown vampy shade in closed quarters. :drop:

Essence Sun Delicious – Raspberry Sorbet: sun
Essence Sun Delicious – Raspberry Sorbet: shade
Essence Sun Delicious – Raspberry Sorbet: lightbox

All of Sun Delicious polishes have chocolate caramel scent. Some of the shades have more sweets fragrance then the others, but all smell like chocolate. I could smell the polish even after couple of hours and under the top coat.

Goga allowed me to swatch here bronzing lip balm – It’s Sunny Honey. :rose:

Details are taken from swatch I made on my hand and photographed in different lightings. Balm has similar scent as polishes – sweet chocolate caramel. It’s not very sticky, is nourishing, has a lot of shimmer – but not he annoying king that fells gritty on your lips. Tubes are my favorite gloss applicators, so it gets another plus for packaging.

Essence Sun Delicious – It

Price: 1,69 EUR for a polish and 2,09 EUR for lip balm.Na skrite Mullerjeve police je prišla nova Essence TE – Sun Delicious. :silly: Naša zlata Mamy se je izredno potrudila in mi našla vseh pet lakov. :rose:

Tole je bila ena najbolj napornih kolekcij za fotografiranje – skoraj pri vsakem laku se je nekje zalomilo. Na koncu sem ugotovila, da je šel cel dan za fotografiranje in obdelovanje fotografij. :undecided:

Najsvetlejši odtenek v kolekciji je Sunny Side Up. Barva sama je prekrasna – ni kanarčkasta, malo bolj zamolkla rumena, z minimalnim oranžkastim podtonom. Nanaša se bolje kot pastelni odtenki, vendar je še vedno malo bolj težaven odtenek za nanos. Uporabila sem dve plasti, na mezincu pa še eno plast nadlaka, ki še malo ubije rumeno barvo. Na močnejši svetlobi kot ste, bolj živo rumen bo odtenek.

Fotografiranje je bilo nočna mora – če ni prišla ven neon rumena, je pa bila pa veliko preživahna barva. Na koncu sem si pomagala s programom za obdelovanje fotografij, da vam sploh lahko pokažem kolikor toliko realen odtenek. :hmm:

Essence Sun Delicious - Sunny Side Up: senca

Meet Me At The Club je moj najljubši odtenek v Sun Delicious TE. Prečudovita vijola z večbarvnim šimrom, ki zaživi šele na nohtih. Uporabila sem sva sloja. Nanos brez posebnosti.

Tudi ta odtenek je bil problematičen glede fotografiranja – na fotografijah je preveč hladno vijoličen. Potrudila sem se narediti najboljši približek, vendar si vseeno predstavljajte še malo toplejši odtenek.

Essence Sun Delicious - Meet Me At The Club: sonce
Essence Sun Delicious - Meet Me At The Club: senca

A ni prekrasen? :wub:

On Holiday se mi ni prikupil. Progast nanos, čudna zmes rjave in bronaste … Ko sem ga pa postavila v lightbox, je bila moja reakcija takšna :undecided: . Dve plasti + nadlak, ki je vsaj malo zakamufliral proge. Poleg Meet Me At The Club, je On Holiday edini šimrast lak v zbirki. Finiš – frost.

Essence Sun Delicious - On Holiday: sonce
Essence Sun Delicious - On Holiday: senca
Essence Sun Delicious - On Holiday: lightbox

Chocolicious je še en fantastičen odtenek – prava raztopljena čokolada. Nanos je bil neproblematičen. Uporabila sem dve plasti laka in nadlak le na mezincu. Finiš – krem. Odtenek me močno spominja na CND Raisin In The Sun.

Essence Sun Delicious - Chocolicious: sonce
Essence Sun Delicious - Chocolicious: senca

Zadnji odtenek v kolekciji sem dobila šele pozno popoldne, tako da so fotografije posnete v drugačnih pogojih. Vsak prst gleda nasvojo stran, ker sem se želela izogniti odsevu stavb, ki je čisto prekril manikuro. :haha:

Raspberry Sorbet je najbolj tekoč med vsemi laki iz Sun Delicious TE. Gre za fantastičen odtenek, ki je zame “must have”. Fantastična malina, ki pa v zaprtih prostorih postane malinasto-rjav vampy odtenek. :drop:

Essence Sun Delicious - Raspberry Sorbet: sonce
Essence Sun Delicious - Raspberry Sorbet: senca
Essence Sun Delicious - Raspberry Sorbet: lightbox

Posebnost Sun Delicious lakov je njihov vonj – meni dišijo po karameli s čokolado. Nekateri odtenki imajo bolj izrazito sladek vonj kot drugi, vendar je pri vseh prisotna čokoladna nota. Vonj je zelo obstojen. Jaz sem ga vohala še nekaj ur po nanosu … pa sem imela čez nadlak.

Goga mi je prijazno dovolila, da naredim swatch njenega bronzing lip balma – It’s Sunny Honey. :rose:

Na fotografiji so prikazani detajli glosa v različnih osvetlitvah. Nanesen je bil na roko. Tudi glos ima čokoladno-karamelni vonj. Ne zdi se mi pretirano lepljiv, je hranilen in zelo šimrast, a se le tega skoraj da ne čuti na ustnicah. Plus mu dam tudi zaradi embalaže – tubice so pri meni najbolj v uporabi.

Essence Sun Delicious - It

16 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Swatches and review: Essence Sun Delicious Trend Edition<!--:--><!--:sl-->Opis in ocena: Essence Sun Delicious Trend Edition<!--:-->”

  1. :rose:   za Gejbo!
    Zase sem si vzela samo rumenega, ostali so se mi zdeli dokaj povprečni… vse dokler ni Gejba objavila današnjega prispevka.  :biggrin:

  2. I’ve got the same things yesterday(after trying to hunt it down at at least 3 müllers) and i think the polishes smell like the white lindt lindor chocolate (round one)- haven’t sniffed the lipgloss yet


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