Sweetscents – swatches part 2Sweetscents – swatchi 2. del

2nd round of Sweetscents eyeshadows…

White gold: for me nothing special, very light colour and just a touch of gold. Probably it would go very nicely with some dark colour (I tried it with Midnight Blue and it came out very pretty) or you can use it also as a highlighter.

Yellow shimmer: another summer colour and I love it. Make up looks great with combination of this colour and green, blue and also Coral.

Sweetscents White Gold Yellow Shimmer
Sweetscents: White Gold, Yellow Shimmer swatch

Cloud blue: silver blue colour. When I swatched it on my hand it came out more silver than blue. I haven’t tried yet, but I would use it just in inner corner or as a base and put over a darker colour.

Midnight blue: dark blue colour with silver small shimmer. Very easy to apply.

Confederate blue: my favorite of all e/s in this post. I got a sample and I almost used it all. I apply it all over lid or use it in crease. It goes nice with Yellow shimmer.

Sweetscents: Cloud Blue Midnight Blue Confederate Blue swatch

Also all very nice colours, nice to blend and apply.

I applied eyeshadows over ArtDeco ESB.

Which one is your favorite?Pa še naslednja pošiljka Sweetscents senčk…

White gold: meni nič posebnega. Precej svetla senčka s pridihom zlate. Verjetno bi se dala lepo pokombinirati s kakšno temno senčko ali pa kot highliter (sprobala sem jo z Midnight blue in pride lep make up). Jaz si drugače tako svetlih senčk na mojih vekah ne morem predstavljati.

Yellow shimmer: je že bolj luštna barva, prava poletna, ki bo poživila vaš make up. Jaz sem jo pokombinirala z zeleno, modro in Coral barvo.

White Gold, Yellow Shimmer swatch

Cloud blue: še ena svetla (ne moja najljubša) barva. Je precej srebrna z zelo malo svetlo modre barve. Je še nisem sprobala, jo bom pa v kratkem s kakšno od spodaj omenjenih temnejših modrih.

Midnight blue: lepa temna modra s srebrnim shimmrom.

Confederate blue: moja najljubša izmed vseh v tem postu. Sem dobila testerček, ki ga pridno uporabljam in gre počasi proti koncu.  Pride lep make up v kombinaciji z Yellow shimmer.

Cloud Blue Midnight Blue Confederate Blue swatch

Tudi te senčke so vse fino mlete, se lepo nanašajo, ne vsebujejo ogromno šimra, kar mi je še najbolj všeč.

Senčke sem nanesla čez ArtDeco ESB.

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