FOTD: Everyday Green FOTD: Everyday Green

Goga and Maestra joined forces to shape my eyebrows. They did such a great job, that I simply had to show you the end result. Then again, we laughed so much will styling the brows, that I’m glad I have any left. :haha:

Make-up is nothing special – everyday MU with mostly green eyeshadows and Alverde Silky Grey in the crease. But since my photo skills are nowhere near Maestra’s, you’ll have to imagine most of the colors. :biggrin:

Sweetscents: Golden Green, Imani, Egyptian Sands + Alverde Silky Grey
Sweetscents: Golden Green, Imani, Egyptian Sands + Alverde Silky Grey
Sweetscents: Golden Green, Imani, Egyptian Sands + Alverde Silky Grey

I had to show you this photo that made me laugh – when lashes meet eyebrows. :biggrin:

Sweetscents: Golden Green, Imani, Egyptian Sands + Alverde Silky Grey

I used:

  • Sweetscents: Golden Green, Imani, Egyptian Sands + Innocent HL;
  • Alverde Gebackener Lidschatten Silky Grey (I got this shes when I returned Green Jewel, which had funny smell – like spoiled oil);
  • Bourjois Ultra Curl mascara (so far I love it);
  • Gosh Woody Green (waterline);
  • as base I used p2 Cool Basil I just got from Germany. First impression is positive one. :thumb:
p2 Eye Souffle: Dreamy Cream, Cool Basil

Now I just have to be disciplined enough and maintain the lovely eyebrow shape Goga and Maestra slaved on. :blush:Goga in Maestra sta s skupnimi močmi oblikovali moje trmaste obrvi, tako da vam enostavno moram pokazati končni rezultat. Glede na to, da smo se neprestano smejale med oblikovanjem, je sreča, da sploh še imam obrvi. :haha:

MU je čisto običajni/vsakodnevni MU narejen s pretežno zelenimi senčkami ter dodatkom Alverde Silky Grey v gubi. Vendar pa moje fotografske sposobnosti niso primerljive z Maestrinimi, tako da si boste morale barve bolj predstavljati kot dejansko videti. :biggrin:

Sweetscents: Golden Green, Imani, Egyptian Sands + Alverde Silky Grey
Sweetscents: Golden Green, Imani, Egyptian Sands + Alverde Silky Grey

Tale fotka mi je bila pa tako zabavna, da vam jo enostavno moram pokazati – ko se srečajo trepalnice in obrvi. :biggrin:

Sweetscents: Golden Green, Imani, Egyptian Sands + Alverde Silky Grey

Uporabila sem:

  • Sweetscents: Golden Green, Imani, Egyptian Sands + Innocent HL;
  • Alverde Gebackener Lidschatten Silky Grey (tega sem vzela, ko sem vrnila Green Jewel, ki je imel vonj po pokvarjeni maščobi);
  • Bourjois Ultra Curl maskara (za enkrat zelo zadovoljna);
  • Gosh Woody Green (waterline);
  • kot bazo pa sem uporabila p2 Cool Basil, ki mi jo je prijateljica ravno prinesla iz Nemčije. Prvi vtisi so zelo pozitivni. :thumb:
p2 Eye Souffle: Dreamy Cream, Cool Basil

Sedaj pa samo upam, da bom dovolj disciplinirana, da bom obdržala to prekrasno obliko obrvi. :blush:

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