Mushrooms from the hidden cornersGobe iz skritih kotičkov

When fall comes, I tend to spend a lot of time in the nature. Last week we went looking for mushrooms … and hit a jackpot.


Where did we find them? Here. :zip:

Nope, true mushroom “hunters” will never tell you where best ones grow. :nervous:

We even found chanterelle. We bought a lot of those during our stay in Finland. They call them – kantarellies (I’m not sure I spelled the name correctly).

And we didn’t find just mushrooms – blueberry’s were in abundance too. :w00t:

I made blueberry marmalade, blueberry vine, soaked them in brandy … And blueberry strudel is a must of course.

No, I didn’t forget about polishes. But unfortunately my nails are the reflection of my work in kitchen/forest.  :hmm:

Most of the time I reach for holographic shades. My todays pick is China Glaze – L8R G8R, light green holo.

China Glaze: L8R G8R

Till the next adventure. :wave:

Jesen je letni čas, ko veliko časa preživimo v naravi. Prejšnji teden sva se odpeljala na gobarski izlet. Bera je bila bogata in doma sem imela veliko dela, da sem vse nabrano pripravila za zimski čas.

A kje sva jih nabirala? Tukaj.     :zip:

Ne, pravi gobarji ne povedo, kje rastejo najlepši primerki.  :nervous:

Našla sva tudi za vzorec lisičk. Le-te smo kupovali, ko smo bili na Finskem.  Finci rečejo lisičkam – kantarellies (nisem prepričana, da je prav napisano, ker je pisanje finščine hudo umetelno opravilo).

In kaj sva našla med nabiranjem gob? Borovnice. Ogromno borovnic.  :w00t:

Iz njih sem naredila marmelado, borovničevo vino in jih namočila v žganje. Slednje je zelo všeč moškim,  medtem ko je borovničevo vino blaga pijača za ženske. Seveda ni smel manjkati še borovničev zavitek.

Ne, na lake nisem pozabila. Le nohti so odraz trenutnega udejstvovanja v gozdu in v kuhinji.

Trenutno najraje posegam po holografskih odtenkih. Današnja manikura: China Glaze – L8R G8R, svetlo zelen holografski odtenek.

China Glaze: L8R G8R

Nasvidenje do naslednje pustolovščine.  :wave:

9 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Mushrooms from the hidden corners<!--:--><!--:sl-->Gobe iz skritih kotičkov<!--:-->”

  1. That’s a good harvest you have there! we did the same thing the last few weeks, and now the entire freezer is full of mushrooms :yes: , delish! And we also keep our place a secret, there are many polish and russian people here who might steel our mushrooms, LOL!x


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