Sweetscents: Cream, Butterfly, Warmth Glow, Warmed Bronze, Taupe, Midnight BlueSweetscents: Cream, Butterfly, Warmth Glow, Warmed Bronze, Taupe, Midnight Blue

I guess it’s no surprise if I tell you that Sweetscents pigments are my favorite mineral eyeshadows. :silly:

Together with eyeshadows you can win in our 2nd birthday giveaway, we received bunch of samples for Parokeets ladies. :w00t: Children are less excited over presents than I am over new Sweetscents “baggies”. I have to try them out right away, note which one are must haves … :biggrin:

Today I have for you swatches of six shades that are more or less appropriate for everyday make-up:

  • Cream: light color with subtle beige-gold tone;
  • Butterfly: belongs to the family of iridescent shades, but on me it stays light lilac color most of the time;
  • Warmth Glow: has “creme” finish I adore. Application is poetry, and goldish-beige color is ideal for subtle make-up;
  • Warmed Bronze: wearable bronze shade, with shimmer;
  • Taupe: gray-brown shade that can be nicely incorporated in day look – crease, liner …;
  • Midnight Blue: gorgeous blue base with quite a lot of silver shimmer (odd man out in this selection).

Swatches are made over the base.

First photo is taken in shade with temperatures belove freezing … goose bumps were unavoidable. :biggrin:

Sweetscents: Cream, Butterfly, Warmth Glow, Warmed Bronze, Taupe, Midnight Blue
Sweetscents: Cream, Butterfly, Warmth Glow, Warmed Bronze, Taupe, Midnight Blue

Photo taken in lightbox:

Sweetscents: Cream, Butterfly, Warmth Glow, Warmed Bronze, Taupe, Midnight Blue

For the end – Maestra’s make-up where she used Warmed Bronze and Cream … among other shades. :wub:

For next Sweetscents post we prepared bolder colors … and make up. :angel:

P.S. Some of you asked me what do I do with 10g of one pigment. :silly: Let me give you a hint – got to the Products – Samplers and scroll to the bottom of the page. There you’ll find my favorite category – 5 gram sampler 12 jar Pack. :biggrin:Verjetno ni potrebno poudariti, da so Sweetscents pigmentki moja najljubša mineralna senčila. :silly:

Skupaj s senčili, ki jih podarjamo v rojstno-dnevnem giveawayu, je prispelo tudi nekaj testerjev za Parokeetke. :w00t: Mislim, da se otroci manj razveselijo nove igrače, kot jaz Sweetscents testerjev. Takoj jih moram sprobat, si zapisat katere so must have … :biggrin:

Danes imam za vas swatche šestih odtenkov, ki so bolj ali manj primerni za vsakodnevno ličenje:

  • Cream: zelo svetla senčka, ki rahlo potegne na bež-zlato stran;
  • Butterfly: spada v družino “prelivajočih” se senčk, vendar je na meni večino časa svetlo lila barve;
  • Warmth Glow: ima “kremast” finiš, ki ga naravnost obožujem. Nanos je poezija, zlato-bež barva pa idealna za bolj nevpadljiv make-up;
  • Warmed Bronze: nosljiva bronasta senčka, ki ima nekaj šimra, a ta ni moteč;
  • Taupe: sivo rjav odtenek, ki se ga da lepo uporabiti za poglobitev gube ter liner pri bolj naravnem looku;
  • Midnight Blue: krasen odtenek modre, ki pa ima kar nekaj srebrnega šimra (ki ne paše ravno v ta izbor, a recimo, da zna lepo poživiti MU :silly: ).

Swatchi so narejeni čez bazo.

V senci pri minusu … z nepogrešljivo kurjo poltjo. :biggrin:

Sweetscents: Cream, Butterfly, Warmth Glow, Warmed Bronze, Taupe, Midnight Blue

V lightboxu:

Sweetscents: Cream, Butterfly, Warmth Glow, Warmed Bronze, Taupe, Midnight Blue

Maestra je prijazno prispevala make-u, pri katerem je uporabila izmed predstavljenih senčil Warmed Bronze in Cream.

Naslednjič imam za vas “močnejše” barve, Maestra pa udaren make-up. :angel:

P.S. Dobila sem nekaj vprašanj v stilu – kaj za boga počneš z 10g ene senčke? :silly: Naj vam predstavim mojo najljubšo kategorijo, ki se skriva pod Products – Samplers. “Zaskrolajte” do konca strani in že ste pri 5 gram sampler 12 jar Pack. :biggrin:

12 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Sweetscents: Cream, Butterfly, Warmth Glow, Warmed Bronze, Taupe, Midnight Blue<!--:--><!--:sl-->Sweetscents: Cream, Butterfly, Warmth Glow, Warmed Bronze, Taupe, Midnight Blue<!--:-->”

  1. Od tehle sta mi Warmed Bronze in Taupe všeč, s tem da me Taupe rahlo spominja na Essence Smokey Eyes rjavi set. Sicer pa ja, Parokeetke ste me zelo uspešno zasvojile z mineralnimi senčkami, naši prodajalci bi se vam morali zahvaliti. :wink: No, jaz se vam vsekakor, ker so fantasične! :thumb: Maestrin MU pa je nepotrebno komentirati, ker je 100% perfekcija, kot vedno. :hmm:


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