Stylish Blogger AwardStylish Blogger Award

Carissakuo, Millie and Renee (sorry if I missed anybody) tagged us for Stylish Blogger Award. Thank you girls, it means a lot to us. :rose:

1. Thank and link the person who gave you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers.
4. Contact these bloggers to tell them about this award!

Now to the hard part … 7 things about me.

1. I’m very boring person. Don’t believe me? Read on.
2. I don’t have any piercings or tattoos. Needles – yuck.
3. My only real phobia are germs. I have the urge to disinfect everything. But as I get older I’m better and better at embracing the “dirt”. :biggrin:
4. Light packer I’m not. Weekend spent camping by the sea means I fill out the car trunk with my must haves … like my pillow … :silly:
5. I like to have thinks organized … and I really try not to drive everybody else nuts with my preferences. Well – I try. :blush:
6. Still picky – nothing new on that front. :angel:
7. I’m perfectly content if I spend my evening tinkering with websites I’m in charge of.

Bloggers I tag: Maybe, Mademoiselle C., Miezziej, Bunny, Stylefile, Maja, Ulmiel, Mateja, Lalica

I can’t remember any more of the newly discovered blogs I like. :blush:Carissakuo, Millie in Renee so nas tagali za Stylish Blogger Award. Hvala punce. :rose:

1. Zahvali se in linkaj osebo, ki ti je podelila nagrado.
2. Napiši 7 stvari o sebi.
3. Podeli nagrado 15 blogom, ki si jih pred kreatkim odkrila.
4. Kontaktiraj nagrajence in jih obvesti o nagradi.

Sedaj pa najtežji del … 7 stvari o meni.

1. Sem zelo dolgočasna oseba. Ne verjamete? Berite dalje.
2. Nimam niti enega tattooja ali piercinga. Igle – bljek.
3. Moja edina fobija je strah pred bacili. Pa še tukaj sem se z leti zelo vnesla. “Umazanije” izgleda vedno manj in manj srhljivo. :biggrin:
4. Le nujna prtljaga. To pri meni izgleda tako, da za vikend kampiranja ob morju napolnim celoten prtljažnik v avtu z nujno potrebnimi stvarmi … kot je moj vzglavnik. :silly:
5. Vse imam rada organizirano. Trudim se, da ne bi s tem obremenjevala mojih najbližjih ampak ponavadi ostane le pri trudu. :blush:
6. Še vedno sem izbirčna – nič novega na tej fronti. :angel:
7. Nič nimam proti, če večer preživim pri igračkanju na spletnih strani, ki jih vodim.

Nagrado podeljujem: Maybe, Mademoiselle C., Miezziej, Bunny, Stylefile, Maja, Ulmiel, Mateja, Lalica

Trenutno se ne spomnim iz glave nobenega pred kratkim odkritega bloga več. :blush:

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