Look, Maestra was in New York!Opa, Maestra je bila v New York-u!

As some of you might have noticed, I was MIA for quite some time now. Some of you figured out (from my few comments) that I was in New York. That’s right. I was in New York. And not only there. I was also in Orlando, Daytona Beach and Miami. I came back home last Monday and last weekend I was in the UK. It’s been an amazing month and now I’m back to reality. I have tons of work to do now. I don’t even know where to begin. I think it’s best that I show you first some highlights of my trip to New York.

Maestra in New York City - USA 2011 (Times Square)
Maestra in New York City – USA 2011 (Times Square)
5th Avenue, NYC 2011
New York City sign :)
Apple Store, NYC 2011
Easter Parade, 5th Avenue, NYC 2011
MET, NYC 2011
MET, NYC 2011
MET, NYC 2011
MET, NYC 2011
Squirrel, NYC 2011
Squirrels, NYC 2011
Maestra in Central Park, NYC 2011
Musician in Central Park, NYC 2011
China Town, NYC 2011
Statue of Liberty, Staten Island Ferry, NYC 2011
Triple Chocolate Melt Down at Applebee’s

That’s the New York City part of the trip. I’ll show you the highlights of the rest of the trip in my next post. And if you’re interested, I’ll show you what I bought as well. :wink: I’ll just say, you girls that live in the States are very lucky! Shopping there is a joy and so much cheaper than here.

Verjetno je kdo izmed vas dragih bralcev in bralk opazil, da me nekaj časa ni bilo na spregled. Vsake toliko so se sicer objavili prispevki z mojim podpisom, a v komentarjih sem se le redko oglasila. Prispevki, ki ste jih prebirali, so bili pripravljeni v naprej. Jaz pa sem večino časa uživala tam nekje … čez lužo. Nekateri ste že iz enega mojega komentarja razbrali, da sem v New York-u. Poleg New York-a pa sem obiskala še Orlando, Daytona Beach in Miami. Vrnila sem se prejšnji ponedeljek, vmes za vikend “skočila” še v Anglijo in zdaj sem tukaj. Nazaj v resničnosti. Dela imam tono in še več. Sploh ne vem, kje naj začnem. “Na začetku”, boste rekli? Dober predlog. Torej danes imam za vas nekaj utrinkov iz prvega dela svoje potovanja. Potovanje po New York-u. Tokrat sem bila drugič v New York-u in ponovno me je očaral. :wub: Z veseljem bi se še vrnila.

Maestra in New York City - USA 2011 (Times Square)
5th Avenue, NYC 2011
New York City sign :)
Apple Store, NYC 2011
Easter Parade, 5th Avenue, NYC 2011
MET, NYC 2011
MET, NYC 2011
MET, NYC 2011
MET, NYC 2011
Squirrel, NYC 2011
Squirrels, NYC 2011
Maestra in Central Park, NYC 2011
Musician in Central Park, NYC 2011
China Town, NYC 2011
Statue of Liberty, Staten Island Ferry, NYC 2011
Triple Chocolate Melt Down at Applebee's

To bo za danes vse. V naslednjem prispevku vam bom pokazala vtise iz preostanka potovanja. In če vas bo slučajno zanimalo, vam v prihodnje pokažem tudi svoje nove pridobitve. :wink: Zaenkrat bom napisala samo to … Punce, ki živijo čez lužo (po možnosti v večjih mestih ali v bližini), so lahko zelo srečne! Nakupovanje tam je pravo veselje in še veliko ceneje je.

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