Theatre Of The Nameless inspired (part 1)Inspiracija: Theatre Of The Nameless (1. del)

I’ll just start with a confession…

I adore Alex Box & Illamasqua!

Do you wonder why?
Alex Box is a true artist. I love everything she does and I respect her work and if’d have an idol, she would be it.

is a brand with soul and that’s what makes it so special in my opinion! I love their collections. Not only for their products, but mainly because of the story each of their collections tells. They make a whole world around their collections. It’s like theatre. The characters are mysterious and I like that a lot. It’s an art. I’m always inspired by their work. And just by looking at their promo images I get a desire to create something complex myself.

There’s thousands of recreations of the Theatre Of The Nameless characters and a few of the recreations are amazing. Well, I don’t like to recreate things. I prefer making my own version. And that’s what I did here. I took bits and pieces (from the promo images) and created what I call a “future clown”. :biggrin:

Why future clown?
My boyfriend said that the look reminds him of a weird doll. He might be true, but when I looked in the mirror I felt like a grotesque clown from the future. And it fits because I feel that our future is going to be grotesque and ugly. Hopefully my “prediction” is wrong …

Artistic make up look: Illamasqua - Theatre Of The Nameless inspired: Future Clown by Maestra
Illamasqua - Theatre Of The Nameless inspired: Future Clown by Maestra
Illamasqua - Theatre Of The Nameless inspired: Future Clown by Maestra
Illamasqua - Theatre Of The Nameless inspired: Future Clown by Maestra
Illamasqua - Theatre Of The Nameless inspired: Future Clown by Maestra
Illamasqua - Theatre Of The Nameless inspired: Future Clown by Maestra
Illamasqua - Theatre Of The Nameless inspired: Future Clown by Maestra

If I’m honest I don’t like the outcome. It looked a bit better IRL, but it didn’t photograph well. Obviously clowns in the future hate cameras. I’m also very disappointed by Catrice – Pore Refiner, which make my skin looks older and doesn’t hide my pores at all. I am also not satisfied with my late make up looks (editorial stuff), because I have the feeling that I’m doing the same thing over and over again. I really have to learn some new tricks … And I already started. Today I created another Theatre Of The Nameless inspired look and I think I was quite successful. I’ll show you the today’s look tomorrow. Here’s just a small preview …

Illamasqua - Theatre Of The Nameless inspired by Maestra

What comes to your mind when looking at the photos above?

Začela bom z izpovedjo …

Obožujem Alex Box & Illamasqua!

Vas zanima zakaj?
Alex Box je prava umetnica. Obožujem čisto vse, kar naredi in globoko spoštujem njeno delo. Če bi imela idola, bi zagotovo izbrala Alex Box.

Illamasqua je znamka z dušo in to je tisto, kar jo v mojih očeh naredi tako posebno. Obožujem njihove kolekcije. Pa ne toliko zaradi novih izdelkov, kot zaradi zgodbe, ki jo vsaka kolekcija pripoveduje. Vedno naredijo celoten (fantazijski) svet okrog svojih kolekcij. Skoraj kot gledališče. Karakterji so misteriozni in vse to mi je izredno všeč. Prava umetnost. Ob pogledu na njihove promo fotografije dobim čisto vedno navdih ali vsaj željo, da nekaj kompleksnega ustvarim.

Na internetu je verjetno že tisoče raznoraznih make up-ov, ki posnemajo kakšnega od karakterjev, ki je del kolekcije Theatre Of The Nameless. Nekateri make up-i so izredno dobri. Sama nerada posnemam reči. Raje naredim svojo verzijo. In točno to sem naredila tudi tokrat. Iz promo fotografij sem vzela drobce, ki so mi bili všeč, in jih sestavila v celoto … poimenovala sem jo “klovn prihodnosti”. :biggrin:

Zakaj klovn prihodnosti?
Moj dragi je rekel, da ga podoba spominja na čudaško lutko. Morda ima prav, a ko sem se pogledala v ogledalo, sem se počutila kot klovn iz prihodnosti. In se kar ujema, ker imam občutek, da bo naša prihodnost groteskna in grda. Upam, da je moja napoved napačna …

Artistic make up look: Illamasqua - Theatre Of The Nameless inspired: Future Clown by Maestra
Illamasqua - Theatre Of The Nameless inspired: Future Clown by Maestra
Illamasqua - Theatre Of The Nameless inspired: Future Clown by Maestra
Illamasqua - Theatre Of The Nameless inspired: Future Clown by Maestra
Illamasqua - Theatre Of The Nameless inspired: Future Clown by Maestra
Illamasqua - Theatre Of The Nameless inspired: Future Clown by Maestra
Illamasqua - Theatre Of The Nameless inspired: Future Clown by Maestra

Če sem iskrena, mi končni rezultat ni všeč. V živo je sicer izgledalo malo bolje, a se zadeva ni lepo fotografirala. Verjetno se klovni v prihodnosti neradi fotografirajo. Čisto me je razočaral Catrice – Pore Refiner, ki naredi mojo kožo starikavo in kot kaže še poudari moje pore. Prav tako zadnje čase nisem zadovoljna s svojimi make up look-i (artistične zadeve), ker se mi zdi, da delam vedno znova eno in isto. Očitno se moram naučiti nekaj novih trikov … no, danes sem že začela in se mi zdi, da sem bila dokaj uspešna. A današnji look vam bom pokazala šele jutri. Tukaj je samo mini predogled …

Illamasqua - Theatre Of The Nameless inspired by Maestra

Kakšne misli se vam porajajo ob pogledu na zgornje fotografije? Kritike? Komentarji?

20 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Theatre Of The Nameless inspired (part 1)<!--:--><!--:sl-->Inspiracija: Theatre Of The Nameless (1. del)<!--:-->”

  1. Super kreativno. Zelo všeč! Glede na to da si omenila da se ti zdi da se ta look ni dobro fotografiral me zanima če si poskusila z različnimi odbojniki (difuzorji) svetlobe? Sama sicer nikoli ne fotografiram v studiju vem pa da se da z različnimi odbojniki doseči zelo lepo fotko (žal ti pa kakšen bolj konkreten nasvet glede na to da sama tega ne uporabljam ne morem dati).

    • Hvala!
      Nisem še tako napredna in nimam odbojnikov. Morda kdaj v prihodnje. Tukaj je bil eden od problemov podlaga za puder, seveda pa tudi osvetlitev, a to imam tako vedno probleme, ker delam čisto amatersko. :biggrin:


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