Alessandro Go Magic! Crash CoatAlessandro Go Magic! Crash Coat

This is one product you probably heard me mention quite a few times. I bought black Alessandro Go Magic! Crash Coat as part of the as part of the Royal Crash set almost a year ago and it is still my favorite black crackle … in category “huge cracks”.

I bought few other black crackles in the meanwhile, but I alway turn to this one when I’m cranky and want to have perfect black crackle (for my taste of course). Problem is that I have only 5ml bottle, so I was saving it for those special occasions.

Now they added 10ml black Alessandro Go Magic! Crash Coat to their regular stand. :w00t:
From what I can see, it’s similar formula as in Royal Crash set. So the polish cracks really well, is easier to apply because of the bigger brush, and it doesn’t chip so I don’t have to use top coat over it as I prefer the matte finish. Do shake well before you use it.

I applied Crash Coat over eight Alessandro shades – from yellow to purple-gray.

Alessandro Go Magic! Crash Coat swatch
Alessandro Go Magic! Crash Coat black crackle swatch

All that rainbow reminded me of the sun and one of those fruity ice cream sticks that go from the yellow through green to orange on the top. So I layered Sunshine Reggae, Mojito Mint and Long Island Ice Tea (yeah – I miss the warmer temperatures :silly: ) and then added Alessandro Crash Coat over it. Not very photogenic combo, but it looked really yummy in real life. One thing you really should keep in mind is that this crackle is very strong, so you have to have pretty dry manicure (if you’re doing this kind of manicure) if you don’t wish for the Crash Coat to rearrange colors a bit.

Price: 9,95 EUR (13,7 USD) for 10ml (0,36 fl.oz.). I know – not cheap.

How do you like my mani? :biggrin:

*Polish was sent to me for review purposes.Alessandro Go Magic! Crash Coat crack lak verjetno ne potrebuje zelo dolge predstavitve, kajti o njemu sem že nekajkrat pisala. Če povzamem, gre za mojega najljubšega črnega crackla (v kategoriji ogromnih razpok) odkar sem ga prvič kupila kot del Royal Crash seta.

V letu dni odkar imam Alesandro Crash Coat, sem kupila kar nekaj črnih cracklov, vendar se vedno vrnem k temu, ko imam slab dan in se želim pocrkljati. Problem je v tem, ker sem ga imela v 5ml steklenički, tako da sem ga kar “šparala”. :cute:

Po novem pa je 10ml črni Alessandro Go Magic! Crash Coat del njihove redne linije. :w00t:
Kolikor vidim, gre za podobno formulo kot je bila v mini setih. Lak zelo močno razpoka, ga je lažje nanesti zaradi večjega čopiča, se mi ne kruši, tako da lahko preskočim nadlak (mi je nekako bolj pri srcu črn mat crakle finiš). Pred uporabo ga je treba fajn pretresti (nekaj kar sem se naučila že pri Royal Crash cracklu :silly: ).

Crash Coat sem nanesla čez osem Alessandro lakov – od rumene do sivo-vijola.

Alessandro Go Magic! Crash Coat swatch
Alessandro Go Magic! Crash Coat swatch

Vse te mavričate barve so me spomnile na sonce, poletje in sadne sorbete, ki se prelivajo iz rumene do oranžne barve. Tako da sem naredila tudi manikuro v temu stilu. :silly:

Slojila sem Sunshine Reggae, Mojito Mint and Long Island Ice Tea (izgleda, da res pogrešam višje temperature :silly: ) ter zaključila z eno plastjo Alessandro Crash Coat crackla. Manikura ni ravno fotogenična, v živo je namreč izgledala veliko lepše. Omenila bi pa eno zadevo – če delate tak tip manikure in uporabite čez Crash Coat, potem raje počakajte kako minuto več, da se baza malo bolj posuši. Crash Coat je namreč zelo močan crackle in lahko rahlo povleče bazno barvo tja kjer je niste želeli.

Cena: 9,95 EUR za 10ml. Vem – ni ravno poceni, vendar je to standardna cena za Alessandro lak.

Kako vam je všeč moja manikura? :biggrin:

*Izdelek sem dobila v oceno.

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