Refan perfumesRefan točeni parfumi

I’m not sure if you are familiar with Refan perfumes. Refan stores (we have several in Slovenia) are known for their copies of designer or high end perfumes. They store the perfumes in large containers in the store and they pour the perfume of your choice in the bottle of your choice (in front of you). They sell various refillable boring bottles. Nice concept. Someone once told me that they actually have the original recipes of the high end perfumes they are selling. I don’t know if that’s true. I’m no expert, but to me most of their perfumes smell exactly like the originals do. And they last surprisingly long on me as well. And you can imagine that they are way cheaper than the originals and the bottles are way uglier than the bottles of the original perfumes.

As I mentioned above the bottles are really really really boring and ugly and nothing special. On the bottle there’s only a round gold sticker with the number (not name) of the perfume and you receive the list of perfumes, where you can see which number is which perfume etc. During the past few years I managed to assemble a few bottles and they all look the same, so I can’t even tell which bottle is which perfume anymore. So I thought I’d pimp them up a bit and I’d give names to the bottles. Here’s what I came up with.

Refan Fragrances - list of perfumes

Note: The bottles come with just one round gold sticker either on the bottom or on the lid of the bottle. The white sticker on the lid with the name and the transparent sticker on the bottle (glass) were added by me.

Nothing special. I didn’t want to invest a lot of time into fancy designs etc. But it’s good enough for me.

Here’s the full list of perfumes available. The prices are also in the photo below.

You’d ask why do I buy Refan perfumes. Well … The bottles are very simple and not heavy, that’s why I think the 15ml bottles are perfect for travelling and to carry them in the purse all the time. That’s the main reason I love them. Of course at home I love to look at the luxurious designer bottles. I have reasonable amount of original bottles of perfumes and I love them all. Another reason why do I like the Refan perfumes is, this way I can really try a perfume and see if I like it enough to buy expensive original in a beautiful bottle. Or I buy a perfume that is not entirely my thing but it’s still nice for special occasions etc. but I wouldn’t use it enough to use it up. Do you know what I mean?

After pimping up my bottles and thinking of Christmas and Christmas gifts etc. I though this might be a good idea for people on a budget. We live in hard times right now with the bad economy and stuff, so this perfumes are maybe a good idea. It’s the thought that counts not the value of the gift! And you can personalize the bottles. You can paint something nice on them or you can put fancy stickers on the bottles or maybe even rhinestones. You have endless possibilities, just use your imagination!

Have you ever tried the Refan perfumes? Or maybe some other brand of perfumes of this type? What do you think of them?
How do you like the idea of personalized bottles of perfumes as a gift?

Mislim, da vsi poznate Refan trgovine in njihove parfume. Za tiste, ki slučajno še niste slišali za Refan. Gre za trgovine, ki jih je po Sloveniji kar nekaj, ki prodajajo točene parfume, ki so kopije dragih (designerskih) parfumov. Parfume hranijo v večjih posodah (kar v trgovini) in vam želeni parfum kar pred očmi prelijejo v želeno stekleničko. Prodajajo različne stekleničke, ki se jih da ponovno napolniti. Kul koncept. Nekdo mi je nekoč rekel, da naj bi Refan imel originalne formulacije teh nekaterih dragih parfumov in zato naj bi se njihovi parfumi izredno približali originalom oziroma naj bi bili identični. Ne bi vedela, ali ti dejansko drži. Čeprav nisem noben ekspert na področju parfumov, lahko rečem, da se praktično vsi Refanovi parfumi, ki sem jih vonjala, izredno približajo originalom (če niso celo identični). Prav tako pa na meni večina zdrži presenetljivo dolgo. Lahko si predstavljate, da so točeni parfumi veliko cenejši od originalov. Prav tako pa je nujno omeniti, da so točeni v zelo zelo zelo dolgočasne (če ne že grde) stekleničke.

Kot sem že omenila, se stekleničke nikakor ne morejo primerjati s prečudovitimi stekleničkami originalnih parfumov. Na stekleničko vam nalepijo okroglo zlato nalepko s številko (ne imenom) dišave. Dobite prav tako seznam vseh parfumov, ki jih prodajajo, na katerem so številke in imena parfumov. V preteklih letih mi je uspelo “nabrati” kar nekaj Refanovih parfumov in tako imam kar nekaj teh dolgočasnih stekleničk z zlato nalepko. Prišlo je do tega, da nisem več vedela, v kateri steklenički je kateri parfum. Zato sem se odločila, da stekleničke malo “spimpam” in dam stekleničkam imena. Domislila sem se naslednjega.

Refan Fragrances - list of perfumes

Opomba: Stekleničke pridejo z zlato okroglo nalepko na pokrovu ali na dnu stekleničke in z ničemer na steklu. Bele nalepke na pokrov in prozorne nalepke na steklo sem prilepila sama.

Nič posebnega nisem naredila, a nisem bila pripravljena zapraviti ogromno časa za kakšne “fancy” grafike ipd. Zame bo kar OK.

Na spodnji fotografiji je celoten seznam parfumov, ki so trenutno na voljo. Če se ne motim, jih je nekaj novejših, ki še niso na seznamu. Spomnim se le Thierry Mugler – Womanity.

Verjetno vas zanima, zakaj sploh kupujem parfume v Refanu. Hmm … Stekleničke (15ml) so zelo enostavne in lahke, da so super za potovanja in za v torbico. Tako lahko parfum nosim vedno s seboj. To je glavni razlog, zakaj jih kupujem. Seveda doma rada vržem oko na luksuzne in krasne stekleničke originalnih parfumov, ki so v moji zbirki. Menim, da lepa steklenička enostavno spada k parfumu.

Drugi razlog, zakaj imam rada Refanove poceni parfume je, da na tak način kdaj pa kdaj kupim dišavo, ki mi ni čisto pisana na kožo. Vseeno pa me dovolj mika, da bi jo tu in tam dala nase, a spet ne dovolj, da bi kupila dragi original. A veste, kaj mislim?

No, ko sem tako pridno “obdelovala” svoje dolgočasne stekleničke, mi je prišlo na misel, da so ti parfumčki super ideja za darila. Sploh za tiste, ki niso pripravljeni oziroma enostavno ne morejo odšteti za darila veliko denarja. V končni fazi živimo v izredno težkih časih (gospodarska kriza ipd.). Dolgočasne stekleničke lahko predelate v prave male luksuzne stekleničke z osebno noto. Lahko jih porišete, oblepite z nalepkami, kamenčki … Možnosti je neskončno, le domišljiji je treba pustiti prosto pot! Konec koncev važen je namen in ne vrednost darila!

Ste morda že preizkusili Refan parfume? Ali morda kakšno drugo znamko tekočih parfumov? Kako se vam zdijo?
In kako se vam zdi ideja stekleničk parfumov z osebno noto kot darilo?

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