Preview: Essence Crystalliced trend editionPredogled: Essence Crystalliced trend edition

Which one of you said that hopes for less Essence trend editions in next couple of months? Guess what … here is preview of January/February one. :biggrin:

chilly cold weather, dancing snowflakes and ice crystals sparkling on your window… that’s why we love the winter! with the new trend edition “crystalliced“, essence captures this breathtaking spectacle of nature in january and  february 2012 to conjure-up frosty, cool styles sure to make the hearts of all ice princesses beat a little bit faster! delicate pastel shades, subtle shimmer effects and cool textures turn the winter into the most beautiful time of year – at least as far as your make-up is concerned!

Crystalliced TE nail polishes (1,79 EUR)will be mine only if the turn out to have interesting shimmer. I don’t like pale shades, but I already see that lovers of subtle shades will love this TE.

Preview: Essence Crystalliced trend edition nail polishes
Preview: Essence Crystalliced trend edition nail polishes - 01 it’s a snow-woman’s world, 02 ice crystals on my window, 03 iced age reloaded, 04 ice eyes baby, 05 frosted champaign

This is where my money will go in Crystalliced collection … liquid eyeshadows (2,49 EUR). :wub: I can not think of one of their liquid eyeshadows that I didn’t love as my secondary base. But as they have short shelf life, I’m constantly without. :sigh:

Preview: Essence Crystalliced trend edition liquid eyeshadows - 01 it’s a snow-woman’s world, 02 ice eyes baby, 03 ice crystals on my window, 04 iced age reloaded

I have two other thing on my wish list – snow flake mascara topper (2,49 EUR) and liquid highlighter (2,69 EUR). And if highlighter turns out to have very fine particles … :w00t:

Preview: Essence Crystalliced trend edition liquid highlighter, snow flake mascara topper

There will be three pastel lipglosses (1,89 EUR) available in this trend edition … not my cup of tea so I’ll skip those.

Preview: Essence Crystalliced trend edition lipgloss - 01 it’s a snow-woman’s world, 02 diamond dust, 03 ice crystals on my window

Nail stickers (1,49 EUR) and Glitter froster (2,49 EUR) for highlighting eyes, lips and face.

Preview: Essence Crystalliced trend edition Glitter Froster, nail sticker

See anything you like? :silly:

Legends of the sky TE is coming only to our Muller stores, so the chances of me getting all I want are slim to none. :cry:

* promo photos courtesy of EssenceKatera izmed vas si je že zaželela, da bi se Essence v prihodnjih mesecih malo umiril z omejenimi izdajami? Uganite kaj … za vas imam predogled kolekcije, ki bo na voljo januarja in februarja.  :biggrin:

Ledeno mrzlo vreme, plešoče snežinke in ledeni kristali, ki se bleščijo na oknu… to so razlogi zakaj ljubimo zimo!
Z novo trend kolekcijo “crystalliced”, essence pričara to dih jemajočo predstavo narave v Januarju in Februarju 2012. Ledeni, cool stili, ki pospešijo utrip vseh ledenih princesk! Nežni pastelni odtenki, prefinjeni sijoči učinki in cool teksture obrnejo zimo v najčudovitejši čas v letu – vsaj kar se tiče make-upa!

Crystalliced TE laki za nohte (1,79 EUR)bodo moji samo pod pogojem, da vsebujejo zanimiv šimer. Nisem ljubiteljica pastelnih odtenkov, boste pa prišle na svoj račun vse, ki take barve obožujete.

Preview: Essence Crystalliced trend edition nail polishes
Preview: Essence Crystalliced trend edition nail polishes - 01 it’s a snow-woman’s world, 02 ice crystals on my window, 03 iced age reloaded, 04 ice eyes baby, 05 frosted champaign

Izdelki za katere moram rezervirati dinarčke – tekoča senčila za oči (2,49 EUR). :wub: Do sedaj so mi bile všeč še vse njihove tekoče senčke, vendar imajo kratek rok trajanja, tako da sem pogosto brez.  :sigh:

Preview: Essence Crystalliced trend edition liquid eyeshadows - 01 it’s a snow-woman’s world, 02 ice eyes baby, 03 ice crystals on my window, 04 iced age reloaded

Iz Crystalliced kolekcije imam na seznamu še dva izdelka – snow flake mascara topper (2,49 EUR) in tekoči osvetljevalec (2,69 EUR). In če bo osvetljevalec še imel zelo fino mlete delce … :w00t:

Preview: Essence Crystalliced trend edition liquid highlighter, snow flake mascara topper

V kolekciji bodo na voljo trije pastelni lipglosi (1,89 EUR) … nič uporabnega zame torej.

Preview: Essence Crystalliced trend edition lipgloss - 01 it’s a snow-woman’s world, 02 diamond dust, 03 ice crystals on my window

Nalepke za nohte (1,49 EUR) in Glitter froster bleščice (2,49 EUR) za osvetljevanje oči, ustnic in obraza.

Preview: Essence Crystalliced trend edition Glitter Froster, nail sticker

Vidite kaj kar enostavno morate imeti? :silly:

Legends of the sky TE prihaja le v Muller-je, tako da so možnosti da dobim vse kar imam na seznamu želja zelo majhne. :cry:

Essence “Crystalliced” bo na voljo v drogerijah DM, drogerijah Tuš, parfumerijah Beauty World, drogerijah Mueller ter ostalih prodajnih mestih Januarja in Februarja 2012.

* promocijske fotografije last podjetja Essence

9 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Preview: Essence Crystalliced trend edition<!--:--><!--:sl-->Predogled: Essence Crystalliced trend edition<!--:-->”

  1. Meni je pa tale kolekcija kar všeč. Sem pogledala svojo ‘zalogo’ in ugotovila da nimam pastelnih odtenkov in včasih si prav zaželim malce spremembe med večinoma rdečimi odtenki. :wink:
    Če bodo zgornji odtenki lakov imeli kakšen mini šimer in lepe barve si bom vzela 2 ali 3, všeč so mi tudi senčila, ki bi jih uporabljala za bazo in kot osvetljevalec, ker imajo frosty šimer, mogoče bo z menoj odšel še gloss če bo imel kaj okusa/vonja in na koncu še bleščice v obeh odtenkih. Se mi zdijo super priročne in uporabne kot osvetljevalec, ali pa bi jih rahlo nanesla po vekah kot senčilo, če pa bodo velike in opazne jih bom pa uporabljala za izdelavo domačih voščilnic :yes:

  2. I’d like the highligter, the nail stickers and maybe the lilac lipgloss if it turns out worthy, but for the rest I’m passing this LE and Legends of the sky. These LE seem to have nothing new to offer and seem too similar to previous collections.

  3. Legends of the sky mi je malo bolj všeč – šminka, blush in kakšen lak. Tu mi mi je pa zanimiv samo mascara topper, pa še to dvomim, da bom kupila, ne vem, koliko bi sploh uporabljala. :) Vsaj takrat si bo denarnica opomogla … :biggrin:

  4. I found the Circus collection in Supernova’s Muller on thursday all of it, and yesterday they were just some things left :) I bought the parfume :) And in Leclerck they still have Vamire’s love, even parfumes, eyeshadows palettes :) The new collections doesn’t look that much interesting to me :)


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