The Versatile blogger award“The Versatile blogger” nagrada

We were nominated by Moonchild for The Versatile blogger award. I rarely write this kind of posts. Mainly because I don’t have enough time for everything that I would like to do and I prefer writing posts about cosmetics. So the tag posts stay unwritten most of the time. But today I’m feeling adventurous and I thought it would be fun to write a tag post from time to time.

Thank you, Moonchild for the award!

The rules:
Thank the person who nominated you, state 7 interesting facts about yourself, and nominate 15 of your favorite bloggers. :)

7 facts about myself:

  1. I love drinking tea. I drink all kinds of tea. My least favourite is black tea though.
  2. I like watching TV Series. Right now I’m watching White Collar.
  3. I like going to the cinema. Last movie I watched was the Sherlock Holmes: A Game Of Shadows.
  4. I love animals. I have a cat and three aquariums with fishes. My parents have ducks, hens … I love them all! I could spend hours just watching and photographing animals.
  5. I used to be a cheerleader in high school.
  6. I would love to learn how to draw (well). Not so long ago I bought a bunch of colored pencils … well see.
  7. The obvious things: nail polish, make up, photography … My sweetheart said that these are the things that define me, that’s why they just have to be on this list.

I wish there was more written what this award is all about, so it would be a bit easier to nominate other bloggers. Well, I nominated the ones I like to read and the ones I think are versatile.

My nominees for the versatile blogger award:

  1. Nail Crazy
  2. femketje
  3. Lendoxia
  4. Maybe
  5. Nicole
  6. Shaina
  7. Akuma Kanji
  8. Lalica
  9. Natalie
  10. Biba
  11. Ivana
  12. Sana
  13. Swatchfreak
  14. KrvavaMeri
  15. Mancina

Moonchild nas je nominirala za “The Versatile Blogger” nagrado. Redkokdaj se lotim pisati teh postov. Razlog je čisto enostaven. Enostavno nimam dovolj časa in tisti čas, ki ga imam na voljo za blog, raje porabim za pisanje postov o makeup-u ipd. Danes sem iz nekega razloga za postulovščino, prav tako se mi zdi, da je prav, da od časa do časa napišem(o) kak “tag” post. Tako je danes na vrsti naslednje.

Moonchild, hvala za nagrado!

Zahvali se osebi, ki te je nominirala, naštej 7 zanimivih dejstev o sebi in nominiraj 15 najljubših blogov. :)

7 dejstev o meni:

  1. Obožujem čaj. Pijem vse sorte čajev. Še najmanj so mi pri srcu črni čaji.
  2. Obožujem TV serije. Zadnje čase gledam White Collar.
  3. Rada hodim v kino. Zadnje kar sem v kinu gledala: Sherlock Holmes: A Game Of Shadows.
  4. Obožujem živali. Imam mačkona in tri akvarije z ribicami. Moji starši imajo kokoši, race … Čisto vse imama rada! Lahko bi prečepela ure in ure ter opazovala živali.
  5. V srednji šoli sem bila cheerleaderka.
  6. Rada bi znala oziroma se naučila risati. Ne dolgo nazaj sem si nabavila kup barvic … bomo videli, kaj se bo izcimilo.
  7. In še očitne reči: laki za nohte, make up, fotografija, grafika … Moj dragi je rekel, da me te reči definirajo in enostavno sodijo na ta seznam.

Želela bi si, da bi o tej nagradi kaj več pisalo. Zakaj se jo podeljuje ipd. Tako bi mi bilo lažje izbrati bloge, ki jih nominiram. Tako sem izbrala tiste, ki jih rada berem in take, ki so vsestranski.

Moji nominiranci za nagrado:

  1. Nail Crazy
  2. femketje
  3. Lendoxia
  4. Maybe
  5. Nicole
  6. Shaina
  7. Akuma Kanji
  8. Lalica
  9. Natalie
  10. Biba
  11. Ivana
  12. Sana
  13. Swatchfreak
  14. KrvavaMeri
  15. Mancina

27 thoughts on “<!--:en-->The Versatile blogger award<!--:--><!--:sl-->“The Versatile blogger” nagrada<!--:-->”

  1. Wow! Very nice and interesting facts about you ^__^ I’m very happy to know you a little better now :) Thank you so much for passing me this award too, I’ll be blogging about it soon ;) *** :thumb:


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