Playing with nail transfer foil and NOTDIgračkala sem se s folijo za nohte in nohti dneva

I swatched a bunch of Essie polishes today. After the last one (Pink Petal) I thought I’d tried something fun. First I thought I’d stamp over Pink Petal, but than I remembered I have a nail transfer foil I could play with. I wanted something messy and playful on my nails. I put nail transfer glue in random strokes on the nails. Because I applied the glue very thinly I didn’t have to wait before applying the foil. And then I randomly pressed the foil on the nails. Here’s the result.

Nail Art with nail transfer foil: Essie - Pink Petal and Essence - Style Me Pretty
Nail Art with nail transfer foil: Essie - Pink Petal and Essence - Style Me Pretty
Nail Art with nail transfer foil: Essie - Pink Petal and Essence - Style Me Pretty

Please excuse my cuticles and my skin. It’s winter and I swatched a bunch of polishes today, which left me with very dry skin around the nails. Plus the photos came out weird today. My skin looks fake and tanned. :shock: I don’t know if my “mojo” has left me today or is it just because I’m editing the photos on a monitor I’m not used to.

Nail Art with nail transfer foil: Essie - Pink Petal and Essence - Style Me Pretty
Nail Art with nail transfer foil: Essie - Pink Petal and Essence - Style Me Pretty

I really do not like the photos, but I like the manicure (although it’s pink :biggrin: ). What do you think about the manicure?

Danes je bil dan za fotkanje Essie-jev. Ko sem zaključila z zadnjim (za danes), sem si zaželela preizkusiti kaj zabavnega. Najprej sem pomislila na štempljanje, a sem si premislila, ko sem se spomnila folije za nohte. Želela sem kaotično in igrivo manikuro. Na Pink Petal sem v hitrih, kratkih in naključnih potegih nanesla posebno lepilo. Ker sem lepilo nanesla v zelo tankih slojih, nisem rabila čakati pred nanosom folije. Folijo sem pritiskala ob nohte na hitro in brez kakšnega posebnega načrta. Kakor je prišlo. Kot sem že napisala, sem želela kaotičen vzorec in čisto nič ponovljivega. Na koncu je nastalo naslednje.

Nail Art with nail transfer foil: Essie - Pink Petal and Essence - Style Me Pretty
Nail Art with nail transfer foil: Essie - Pink Petal and Essence - Style Me Pretty
Nail Art with nail transfer foil: Essie - Pink Petal and Essence - Style Me Pretty

Prosim, oprostite mojo obnohtno kožico in mojo kožo, ki izgleda starikavo. Zima je in še swatchanje kupa lakov danes, je pustilo posledice (beri: izsušena koža okrog nohtov). Poleg tega so še fotke čudno izpadle. Moja koža izgleda izredno temno in nekako … umetno. :shock: Morda me je zapustil moj “mojo” ali pa je to samo zaradi tega, ker fotke obdelujem na monitorju, na katerega nisem navajena.

Nail Art with nail transfer foil: Essie - Pink Petal and Essence - Style Me Pretty
Nail Art with nail transfer foil: Essie - Pink Petal and Essence - Style Me Pretty

No, fotografije mi res niso všeč, mi je pa zato všeč manikura (kljub temu da je roza :biggrin: ). Kako pa se vam zdi manikura?

18 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Playing with nail transfer foil and NOTD<!--:--><!--:sl-->Igračkala sem se s folijo za nohte in nohti dneva<!--:-->”

  1. Eno vprašanje imam… :yes:
    Zanima me kako se tale folija odstrani iz nohta, glede na to da se uporabi posebno lepilo. A gre z odstranjevalcem laka?

    Rada bi preizkusila to tehniko, pa me malo skrbi odstrajevanje :nervous:


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