Preview: Essence Snow White TEPredogled: Essence Snow White TE

Awww – Essence teamed up with Disney for the June trend edition and called it Snow White. And on top of it, it’s one of “nail” editions. :happy:

Mirror, mirror on the wall… these words conjure-up wonderful fantasies of enchanted forests, a prince and the greatest love of all… but what was the story behind that famous line again? In collaboration with Disney, the seven dwarfs will not only charm us with their rosy red cheeks and a cheerful song on their lips in June 2012, they’ll be delighting true fairytale fashionistas with the new essence trend edition “snow white” for bright, colorful nail trends! A snow white look and fairytale glam for your nails – the hype of the summer!

I love the idea of one leading nail polish (Snow White – 1,89 EUR) and accompanying 7 dwarfs (1,69 EUR). Now – I don’t like 2 dwarfs, but it wouldn’t be fair to single them out or leave them in the store. :biggrin: The only thing I’m missing is some kind on detail on the bottle – maybe dwarf photos?

Essence Snow White TE - nail polishes
Essence Snow White TE - nail polishes (01 snow white, 02 grumpy, 03 doc, 04 happy, 05 sneezy, 06 sleepy, 07 bashful, 08 dopey)

Essence also included 3 special effect toppers (2,19 EUR) … called: Evil Queen, The Huntsman, Prince Charming. :silly:

Essence Snow White TE - nail polish toppers (evil queen, prince charming, the huntsman)

The last 2 items are nail file (1,49 EUR) and cute stickers (1,49 EUR).

Essence Snow White TE - nail stickers (heigh-ho, heigh-ho), file

And the best part? All of our stores will carry this TE so I’ll actually get to shop peacefully. :biggrin:

Your thoughts about this collaboration?

* promo photos courtesy of EssenceOooo – Essence nam za junij pripravlja kolekcijo, ki je nastala v sodelovanju z Disneyem. Poimenovali so jo Snow White (Sneguljčica)… za posladek pa je še namenjena nohtom. :happy:

Zrcalce, zrcalce na steni… te besede pričarajo čudovite podobe začaranega gozda, princa in največje ljubezenske zgodbe vseh časov… ampak kaj je ozadje te zgodbe? V sodelovanju z filmskim studiom Disney, nas sedem palčkov ne bo samo očaralo s svojimi rožnatimi lički in veselimi pesmicami, ampak bo prave modne navdušenke začaralo z novo essence trend kolekcijo “sneguljčica” za vesele, barvite nohte! Look Sneguljčice in pravljični glamur na nohtih – hit tega poletja!

Všeč mi je ideja, da večji lakec predstavlja Sneguljčico (Snow White – 1,89 EUR), 7 manjših pa palčke (1,69 EUR). Dveh palčkov sicer ne maram preveč – vendar ju nočem užaliti, tako da ju ne bom izpostavila … pustila samih na polici pa tudi ne. :biggrin: Želim si le, da bi na stekleničke dodali kakšno grafiko – mogoče fotografijo palčka …

Essence Snow White TE - laki (01 snow white, 02 grumpy, 03 doc, 04 happy, 05 sneezy, 06 sleepy, 07 bashful, 08 dopey)

Pri Essence so v kolekcijo vključili tudi tri topperje (2,19 EUR) … in jih poimenovali: Evil Queen, The Huntsman, Prince Charming. :silly:

Essence Snow White TE - nail polish toppers (evil queen, prince charming, the huntsman)

Zadnja dva izdelka v kolekciji sta pilica za nohte (1,49 EUR) in srčkane nalepke (1,49 EUR).

Essence Snow White TE - nalepke (heigh-ho, heigh-ho), pilica

In najboljši del … skoraj vse drogerije bodo prodajale Essence Snow White TE, tako da bom po dolgem času v miru nakupovala. :biggrin:

Kako je vam všeč kooperacija Essence in Disneya?

Prihajajoče Essence/Catrice kolekcije:
– Essence New League in Catrice Cruise Couture prihajata kmalu v Mueller;
– v začetku maja dobijo vsi Essence SYF Barefoot beauties;
– Essence Snow White bo v drogerijah Tuš, drogerijah DM, parfumerijah Beauty World in ostalih prodajnih mestih na voljo v juniju 2012.

* promocijske fotografije so last podjetja Essence

37 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Preview: Essence Snow White TE<!--:--><!--:sl-->Predogled: Essence Snow White TE<!--:-->”

  1. oooo, ful lusna kolekcija :crown: . upam, da bom neusmiljena in ne bom odnesla dmov vseh sedem palckov samo zato, da si bojo delali druzbo (ker iskreno povedano, tudi meni niso vse vsecni). pohvale essensu za dobro idejo :thumb:


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