Lancaster Self TanLancaster Self Tan

I try to avoid sun as much as possible. But that does not mean that I don’t like gently sun-kissed tan. Just a little bit, so it looks fresh and healthy. Self-tanning creams and lotions are my must have products for summer … even on vacation by the sea. This year I bought Lancaster Self Tan.

Lancaster_Self_TanLotion is very clear and reminds me of face toners. I apply it every second or third day as part of my morning routine … after toner and before face cream. I love the dosage system – you put cotton pad onto the cap, press twice and you get perfect amount to cover face and cleavage.

It takes day or two for slight color to emerge. I love the scent. It’s not one of those burnt smells but nice and fresh. :love:

What bothers me? Alcohol Denat. in the beginning of INCI list. But Gejba said it’s not that big of a deal as I use it only every once in a while. I love everything else about this product, so I would recommend it.

I like another self-tanning product – L’occitane Do Brasil Sunshine Lotion. Milk formula, nice to apply with lovely scent that reminds me of coconut sun creams. This one also gently tans the skin. I’m not sure it’s still sold though. But if you find it, give it a try.

The thing that I most hate with self tanning products is the smell. That is why I love the products I showed you today even more.

Enjoy in the sunshine protected with high factor sun creams and self tanning products.  :wave:Soncu se izogibam kolikor je le mogoče. Ampak to še ne pomeni, da mi ni všeč zlato rjava, nežno zagorela polt. Seveda ravno toliko, da izgleda zdravo in sveže, kot nežen poljub sonca. Samoporjavitvene kreme/losjoni so moja poletna nujna oprema, tudi na morju. Letos sem si kupila Lancaster Self Tan.

Lancaster_Self_TanLosjon je prozoren, takšen kot tonik. Nanašam ga zjutraj po uporabi tonika (in pred kremo) vsak drugi ali tretji dan na obraz in dekolte. Zelo praktična je aplikacija. Vatno blazinico položimo na pokrovček, dvakrat pritisnemo in losjona je ravno prav za obraz in dekolte.

Rahlo obarvanost je zaznati čez dan ali dva. Zelo mi je všeč vonj. Ni tisti odvraten vonj po zažganem, ampak res prijetno in sveže diši. :love:

In kaj me moti? Alkohol Denat na samem začetku. Gejba me je potolažila, da ga pač ne uporabljam vsak dan. O njem bom kdaj še pisala. Vse ostalo mi je pri tem izdelku zelo všeč, zato ga priporočam tudi vam.

Še en samoporjavitveni izdelek mi je všeč, in sicer L’occitane Do Brasil Sunshine Lotion. Je v obliki mleka, lepo se nanaša, izredno prijeten vonj po kokosu značilen za kreme za sončenje. Tudi po njem je obraz blago zagorel. Nisem prepričana, če je še v prodaji. Če ga opazite, ga priporočam.

Pri samoporjavitvenih kremah me najbolj moti vonj. Zato sem nad izdelki, ki sem vam jih pokazala danes, še toliko bolj navdušena.

Uživajte na soncu s kremami z visokim zaščitnim faktorjem in z uporabo samoporjavitvenih krem, losjonov… :wave:

5 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Lancaster Self Tan<!--:--><!--:sl-->Lancaster Self Tan<!--:-->”

  1. A self tan toner? Never heard of one, I thought all self tans were creams. Very interesting products, thanks for posting about it! And the thing about the smell, :yes: I totally understand what you mean!

  2. Tudi meni je najbolj neznosen smrad teh samoporjavitvenih krem, ampak ker sem precej bela jih vseeno uporabljam. Bom probala najti tole :wink:


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