Preview: spring goodies from Alessandro, Jessica …Predogled: spomladanske dobrote – Alessandro, Jessica …

A lot of interesting and pretty products is either already out or coming soon to our stores. Let’s take a look at four groups that cough my eye.

Alessandro’s newest limited edition Watch Me will be showcasing Earth colours which take you back to nature, with a hint of the mysterious Orient and the mystic spirit of the bazaars of Marrakesh. You know me and my weakness towards Alessandro minis – I kind of hopped Indigo Illusion would be the only one meeting my WL, but then I started to get curious about Golden Sand, Arabian Princess … :nervous:

Parokeet news April 2012 - Alessandro Watch Me
Parokeet news April 2012 - Alessandro Watch Me

Jessica will be launching two new limited editions. One is called Spring Awakening and I think the other is bridal one for this year – Bliss Is This. Neither is dramatic, but both are pretty in their simplicity.

Parokeet news April 2012 - Jessica Spring Awakening, bridal

Bvlgari is launching last from their Omnia Collection line called Omnia Coral. Inspired by the shimmering hues of precious red coral, Omnia Coral is a radiant floral-fruity Eau de Toilette of tropical Hibiscus and juicy Pomegranate, reminiscent of Summer, the sun, resplendent nature and far-off oceans. I think their smallest packaging is sooo cute. :cute:

Parokeet news April 2012 - Bvlgari Omnia Coral

Another brand found their inspiration in Orient and Marrakesh. ArtDeco’s newest LE is called Marrakesh Sunset and is filled with gorgeous and very artistically made products. My favorites are blushes and bronzers. :love:

Parokeet news April 2012 - Artdeco Marrakesh Sunset

Spotted anything interesting in drug/department stores lately? Na naše police ali prihaja ali pa jih že krasi kar nekaj lepih in zanimivih novosti. Meni so padle v oči štiri skupine proizvodov.

Alessandro Watch Me omejeno kolekcijo sestavljajo zemeljske barve, ki jih je navdihnil skrivnostni Orient. Kot veste, so Alessandro miniji ena izmed mojih šibkih točk. Upala sem, da mi bo všeč samo Indigo Illusion, vendar se seznam všečnih odtenkov kar širi – Golden Sand, Arabian Princess … :nervous:

Parokeet news April 2012 - Alessandro Watch Me
Parokeet news April 2012 - Alessandro Watch Me

Jessica bo postregla s kar dvema kolekcijama – Spring Awakening in Bliss Is This … poročno kolekcijo za leto 2012. Obe kolekciji sta odeti v bolj umirjene barve, vendar pa so laki lepi prav zaradi njihove preprostosti in dovršenosti odtenkov.

Parokeet news April 2012 - Jessica Spring Awakening, bridal

Bvlgari Omnia Coral je zadnji vonj v Omnia kolekciji. “Navdihnila me je plemenita in redka rdeča korala,” spet in spet poudarja mojster parfumar Alberto Morillas. “Predstavljal sem si čuten, naraven vonj, ki obdaja hibiskusovo cvetlico skupaj z obiljem vznemirljivih sočnih sadežev.” Omnia Coral je na voljo v 25ml (42 EUR), 40ml (57 EUR) in 65ml (70 EUR) embalaži, skupaj s svetlikajočim se mlekom za telo (100ml – 28 EUR) in nežnim pilingom za telo (100 ml – 24 EUR).
So še kateri najbolj pri srcu njihovi “draguljčki” (25ml embalaža)? :cute:

Parokeet news April 2012 - Bvlgari Omnia Coral

Tako kot Alessandro, je tudi ArtDeco iskal navdih v Orientu in barvitem Marakešu. Aprilsko omejeno izdajo so poimenovali Marrakesh Sunset. Mene je najbolj pritegnila dovršenost vzorcev odtisnjenih v proizvode … samo poglejte si bronzer in blush. :love:

Parokeet news April 2012 - Artdeco Marrakesh Sunset

Katera kolekcija/novost je vam v zadnjem času najbolj ostala v spominu?

10 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Preview: spring goodies from Alessandro, Jessica …<!--:--><!--:sl-->Predogled: spomladanske dobrote – Alessandro, Jessica …<!--:-->”

  1. Artdeco has been launching some lovely editions lately! I bought a pastel orange lipstick from the spring collection and I definitely want this blush!

  2. Opala, tale moder alessandro pa res čudovito izgleda! Presenetljivo mi je tudi pri Jessici všeč nekaj barv, čeprav so nežnejše, komaj čakam na kakšne swatche Spring Awakening kolekcije. Pri ArtDecoju se pa že nekaj časa pasem na modrem senčilu, vendar se še nisem odločila za nakup. Zelo zelo mi je všeč tudi škatlica za senčke. :)


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