Photos: Trip to AmericaFotografije: Potovanje v Ameriko

I’ve been MIA (again) for the past couple of weeks and I have a great reason why. I was in America. I’m not going to talk a lot about my trip to the States, because I prepared tons of photos for you. Enjoy!

USA 2012: Santa Monica Pier
USA 2012: Santa Monica Pier
USA 2012: Venice Beach
USA 2012: Venice Beach
USA 2012: Los Angeles
USA 2012: Los Angeles
USA 2012: Rodeo Drive (LA)
USA 2012: Griffith Observatory (LA)
USA 2012: Red Rock Canyon
USA 2012: Death Valley
USA 2012: Death Valley
USA 2012: Hoover Dam
USA 2012: Grand Canyon
USA 2012: Grand Canyon

I think that photos speak for themselves. I had a lot of fun. My favorite place was the Grand Canyon. It’s beautiful there! It’s so relaxing and peaceful (when you start walking into the Grand Canyon).

Next time I’m going to show you what I bought over there and I’ll also show you the make up that I took with me.

Morda ste opazili, da sem (ponovno) poniknila za nekaj tednov. Tokrat imam pa super razlog, zakaj nisem nič pisala. Potepala sem se namreč po Ameriki. O svojem potovanju ne bom veliko pisala. Sem pa za vas pripravila ogromno fotografij. Uživajte!

USA 2012: Santa Monica Pier
USA 2012: Santa Monica Pier
USA 2012: Venice Beach
USA 2012: Venice Beach
USA 2012: Los Angeles
USA 2012: Los Angeles
USA 2012: Rodeo Drive (LA)
USA 2012: Griffith Observatory (LA)
USA 2012: Red Rock Canyon
USA 2012: Death Valley
USA 2012: Death Valley
USA 2012: Hoover Dam
USA 2012: Grand Canyon
USA 2012: Grand Canyon

Mislim, da fotografije govorijo zase. Imela sem se krasno! Moj najljubši del potovanja je bil Grand Canyon. Enostavno prečudovito je tam! Tako sproščujoče in mirno (če se dejansko odpravite hoditi v Grand Canyon in ne samo “gledate čez rob”).

V naslednjem prispevku vam bom pokazala, kaj od makeup-a vse sem vzela s seboj in kaj sem tam tudi kupila.

26 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Photos: Trip to America<!--:--><!--:sl-->Fotografije: Potovanje v Ameriko<!--:-->”

  1. love the photo’s!

    I noticed the top you’re wearing in the photo’s from Death Valley, I think I have the exact same one. Kinda forgot about it, definatly going to wear it soon ):

  2. Fantastično, me veseli, da si uživala! :yes: Meni osebno si pa takoj padla v oči na Red Rock Canyonu, tam si perfektno oblečena. :) Sicer pa čudovite fotke, seveda! In že komaj čakam da vidim nakupljeno, me bo spet kap. ;)


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