Project foundation: Avon – Ideal Flawless lineProjekt podlaga: Avon – Ideal Flawless linija

Ideal Flawless is a new line by Avon. It consists of a liquid foundation, cream-to-powder foundation and a concealer in a stick form. I’ll review all three products today.

Avon - Ideal Flawless line
Avon - Ideal Flawless line
Avon - Ideal Flawless line
Avon - Ideal Flawless line

Ideal Flawless Invisible Coverage Foundation (in Shell)


Liquid foundation.


Satin finish. Tiny silver sparkles make your skin glow.


Very easy to apply. It even looks nice applied with fingers, although I got the nicest and the most airbrushed effect when I applied the foundation with the stippling brush (Real Techniques).




Glass bottle with pump. There’s 30ml of product in the bottle.


In Slovenia right now 14€.

Final thoughts

I really like this foundation. It makes my skin glow, but at the same time the skin is not shiny. What I love about this foundation is that it’s so easy to apply and it doesn’t sink into my large pores. It make my skin look healthy. Another thing that I love about this foundation is the coverage. The coverage is good with only one layer.

If you have similar skin than me, than I really recommend this foundation.

Avon - Ideal Flawless line

Ideal Flawless Cream-To-Powder Foundation (in Shell)


Cream-To-Powder foundation.


Satin to matte finish.


I had a lot of problems with the application of this foundation. It just never looked nice on my skin. Sometimes it looked cakey on me, sometimes patchy. And I tried different techniques (sponge, stippling, foundation, buffing brush). Nothing actually helped.


Light to medium.


Plastic container, with a separate compartment for the sponge, which is great! There’s 9g of product in the container.

Final thoughts

This foundation didn’t work with my skin type. I’m not actually sure if the problem lies in the foundation itself or it just didn’t work with my skin type. My skin is normal to dry and this foundation was a bit too dry for me. But the main problem was, that it didn’t give me enough coverage. I had to put several layers to achieve a good coverage. And also a huge problem for me, it sunk into my large pores. Although that’s not visible in the photo below, this foundation was sitting in my pores rather than hide them (looking from close distance). While the liquid foundation did better job at hiding my pores.

If you have similar skin than me, than I don’t recommend this foundation.

Below is the photo of me before I applied the foundation (so with just the moisturizer on) and after I applied both foundations on. On half of my face cream-to-powder foundation and on the other half the liquid foundation.

Avon - Ideal Flawless foundations tested on the face

Ideal Flawless Concealer (in Fair)


Concealer in a stick form.


Easy to apply with fingers or with a brush, but can sometimes look a bit patchy.




Black plastic. Nothing special and it feels a bit cheap.


In Slovenia 6,5€ right now.

Final thoughts

An OK concealer. The shade is to light for me and sometimes it looked patchy on me. It covers nicely. I wouldn’t recommend using it under your eyes to cover your under eye circles, because it will probably crease. Other than that, it’s an OK concealer, but I wouldn’t repurchase it.

Swatches of all three products. Concealer in fair is quite light. It’s actually a bit to white for me. The foundations in Sheel are a bit too dark for me at the moment and they are ornange-y, which is OK for me, because I get orange-y when my skin is a bit darker, but I know for some people this can be a problem.

Avon - Ideal Flawless line (swatched)

Have you tried any of the Avon’s foundations before? Which ones do you like?

*products were sent to me for review

Ideal Flawless je dokaj nova linija znamke Avon. Linijo sestavlja tekoča podlaga, krem podlaga, ki se na koži spremeni v pudrasto podlago in korektor v stiku. Danes bom opisala kar vse tri izdelke.

Avon - Ideal Flawless line
Avon - Ideal Flawless line
Avon - Ideal Flawless line
Avon - Ideal Flawless line

Ideal Flawless Invisible Coverage Foundation (v odtenku Shell)


Tekoča podlaga.


Satenast. Vsebuje mini srebrne delce, ki dajo koži sijaj.


Izredno enostavna za nanašat. Lepo izgleda nanesena s prsti, najlepše rezultate pa sem dosegla, ko sem jo nanesla s stippling čopičem (Real Techniques).




Steklenička s pumpico. V steklenički je 30 ml izdelka.


V Sloveniji trenutno cena 14€. Če naročite preko Avon Štajerska, lahko s kodo Avon7 izkoristite brezplačno poštnino. Koda velja do 22. 5.

Zaključne misli

Podlaga mi je resnično izredno všeč. Med vsemi, ki jih imam na voljo, sem ravno to podlago vzela s seboj na potovanje v Ameriko. Podlaga moje kože ne izsuši, ampak jo nekako poživi, ji da sijaj. Poleg tega mi je še všeč, da je tako enostavna za nanos in da se ne vsede v gubice ter pore, hkrati pa dobro prekrije nepravilnosti celo z enim samim nanosom.

Če imate podobno kožo, kot jo imam jaz, vam podlago toplo priporočam.

Avon - Ideal Flawless line

Ideal Flawless Cream-To-Powder Foundation (v odtenku Shell)


Krem podlaga, ki se na koži spremeni v pudrasto podlago.


Satenast do mat.


Ta podlaga mi je predstavljala veliko težav pri nanosu. Nekako na meni nikoli ni izgledala lepo. Včasih je bila moja koža videti “zapečeno”, včasih pa celo lisasto. Preizkusila sem različne tehnike nanosa, a nobena ni delovala.


Lahka do srednja.


Plastična embalaža, ki vsebuje poseben predel za gobico, kar je super. V embalaži je 9 g izdelka.

Zaključne misli

Pod nobenim pogojem podlage nisem mogla prepričati, da bi dobro sodelovala z mojo kožo. Ne vem, ali je problem v sami podlagi ali pa samo ni delovala z mojim tipom kože. Moja koža je normalna do suha in ta podlaga je zame vsekakor malenkost presuha. Glavni problem pa mi je predstavljala prekrivnost, ki enostavno ni dovolj dobra zame. Morala sem nanesti več plasti, da sem bila dokaj zadovoljna. Potem pa se je podlaga vsedla v pore in gubice, kar pa je predstavljalo konec sodelovanja. Tekoča podlaga je zame vsekakor mnogo boljša izbira.

Če imate podobno kožo kot jaz, potem vam zgoraj opisane podlage ne priporočam.

Spodaj je fotografija pred in po nanosu obeh podlag. Na polovici obraza imam krem podlago, na drugi polovici pa tekočo podlago.

Avon - Ideal Flawless foundations tested on the face

Ideal Flawless Concealer (v odtenku Fair)


Korektor v stiku.


Dokaj enostaven za nanesti sprsti ali čopičem. Včasih lahko vseeno izgleda lisast.




Črna plastika. Nič posebnega, deluje celo malenkost ceneno.


V Sloveniji trenutno cena 6,5€. Če naročite preko Avon Štajerska, lahko s kodo Avon7 izkoristite brezplačno poštnino. Koda velja do 22. 5.

Zaključne misli

OK korektor. Odtenek je zame presvetel in na trenutke na meni izgleda lisast. Sicer prekriva dobro. Ne bi priporočala, da ga uporabljate pod očmi, ker bi se zelo verjetno vsedel v gube. Sicer OK korektor, ki pa me ni prepričal, da bi ga ponovno kupila.

Spodaj so swatchi vseh treh izdelkov. Korektor v odetnku fair je precej svetel. Zame je preveč bel. Podlagi v odtenku Shell sta trenutno malenkost pretemni zame in imata kar precej oranžkast podton. Zame je to OK, ker sem poleto bolj oranžkasta v obraz.

Avon - Ideal Flawless line (swatched)

Ste morda katero od Avonovih podlag že preizkusili? Kako se vam zdijo? Katera vam je najbolj všeč?

*izdelke sem dobila v oceno

4 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Project foundation: Avon – Ideal Flawless line<!--:--><!--:sl-->Projekt podlaga: Avon – Ideal Flawless linija<!--:-->”

  1. Sem probala že veliko njihovih podlag pa so mi vse nekako pretemne/oranžne, tako da mislim, da mi tudi tale ne bo ustrezala (moja koža je kar precej svetlejša od tvoje pa še mnogo bolj roza, kar ne paše skupaj z oranžnim podtonom podlage).


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