Illamasqua Generation Q collection (swatches, review)Illamasqua Generation Q kolekcija (opis, ocena)

Illamasqua had been teasing us with new collection for a while now and the launch is finally around the corner. :cute:
Here is how they described their Generation Q collection:

This new, dynamic range of expressive textures and shades provides the industry’s only antidote to the homogenised outdated vision of beauty. Generation Q is a celebration of beauty. Ageless, and without limits or restrictions. It’s our declaration to the world that beauty is inclusive, not exclusive. In fact, Generation Q is a clear message to everybody, everywhere that beauty is not young, old, black, white, male or female, but anything, everything and everyone. If you’re someone who does not want age to define them, don’t want to blend in and fade away, you are Generation Q.

We received 3 of the coming products (Creator, Allure, Boost) to play with, test and write a review. As usually, you’ll get the cut and dry description with swatches from me and something more playful from Maestra. :silly:

Illamasqua Generation Q collection

Illamasqua Creator nail polish is black based shade with ton of silver glitter loaded into it. Like most of the seriously glittery nail polishes, this one too does not dry into high gloss finish, but top coat solves that problem … if you could even call it that. Application was non problematic and if you’re not fussy one coat can be enough. I used 2 coats of Creator and 2 coats of top coat.

Illamasqua Generation Q collection - Creator nail polish swatch

Illamasqua Allure powder blush comes in hard to describe brownish shade and is packed with mostly goldish shimmer. Color I liked – it’s one of those sophisticated hades that look really good on those of us who are pale and as it’s highly pigmented, I’m guessing it will probably show up on darker tones too. It does have some kind of undertone I’m just not sure what kind of color is this – terracottish? :biggrin:
Shimmer is not hugely noticeable on cheeks but I prefer my blushes to be matte or with really subtle finish so I didn’t wear this shade enough to tell you about staying power … it did stayed put for the few hours I had it on.

Illamasqua Generation Q - Allure powder blush swatch

Illamasqua Boost Intense Lipgloss surprised me with its formula. Easy to apply, good staying power, nice non-sticky feel on lips, nice and not overpowering fruity smell … Color is not something I would usually wear as I don’t feel comfortable with cooler tones on my lips, but this one is not so pigmented to really bother me.

Illamasqua Generation Q - Boost Intense lipgloss swatch

Some of the items are already available in their on-line store – like 2 of my favorites from this collection … Gleam in Aurora and Complement palette. :love:

OK, OK – I confess … I have Charisma and Magnetism on my WL too. :biggrin:

Which one is your favorite from Illamasqua Generation Q collection? How do you like their genderless campaign?

*we received items for review from IllamasquaIllamasqua nas že nekaj časa draži s promo fotkami najnovejše kolekcije, počasi pa bomo lahko izdelke tudi kupile. :devil:
Takole so pri Illamasqui opisali Generation Q kolekcijo:

This new, dynamic range of expressive textures and shades provides the industry’s only antidote to the homogenised outdated vision of beauty. Generation Q is a celebration of beauty. Ageless, and without limits or restrictions. It’s our declaration to the world that beauty is inclusive, not exclusive. In fact, Generation Q is a clear message to everybody, everywhere that beauty is not young, old, black, white, male or female, but anything, everything and everyone. If you’re someone who does not want age to define them, don’t want to blend in and fade away, you are Generation Q.

Prejele smo 3 izdelke (Creator, Allure, Boost) za igranje, testiranje in v oceno. Kot ponavadi vam bom najprej jaz predstavila suhoparne swatche, medtem ko vam bo Maestra postregla s kakšnim bolj igrivim postom. :silly:

Illamasqua Generation Q collection

Illamasqua Creator lak za nohte je sestavljen iz črne baze in velike količine srebrnih bleščic. Tako kot večina bleščičastih lakov, se tudi ta ne posuši v lak z visokim leskom. Vendar ta problemček (če mu lahko sploh tako rečemo), hitro odpravimo z nadlakom. Nanos je bil neproblematičen in če niste pretirano natančne, vam bo za mogoče zadostovala že ena plast … lak je namreč dobro pigmentiram. Uporabila sem 2 plasti Creator laka in 2 plasti nadlaka.

Illamasqua Generation Q collection - Creator lak za nohte swatch

Illamasqua Allure rdečilo v kamnu je nedoločljive rjave barve in nabito s pretežno zlatim šimrom. Barva mi je bila všeč, eleganten rjav odtenek, ki pristoji moji svetli polti. Ima sicer specifičen podton, ki pa ga ne znam najbolje opisati – mogoče rahlo opečnat/terracotta odtenek? :think:
Šimer je na licih manj opazen kot v embalaži, vendar ga je za moj okus še vedno preveč. Ker mi finiš ni najbolje sedel, ga nisem veliko uporabljala, tako da ne morem povedati veliko o obstojnosti … nekaj ur zagotovo zdrži, več ga pa nisem imela gor.

Illamasqua Generation Q - Allure rdečilo swatch

Illamasqua Boost Intense Lipgloss me je zelo prijetno presenetil s svojo formulo. Enostaven za nanos (čopič mogoče ni najbolj po mojem okusu), dolgo se obdrži na ustnicah, ni lepljiv, z nežnim sadnim vonjem … Barva ni nekaj kar bi si sama izbrala. Enostavno se ne počutim prijetno s hladnimi toni na ustnicah. Po drugi strani pa glos ni zelo pigmentiran, tako da me to niti ni tako zelo motilo, ko bi me sicer.

Illamasqua Generation Q - Boost Intense lipgloss swatch

Nekateri izdelki so že naprodaj v njihovi spletni trgovini. Med njimi sta tudi moja favorita … Gleam v odtenku Aurora in Complement paletka. :love:

OK, OK – priznam … na WL imam še Charismo in Magnetism. :biggrin:

Kateri izdelek iz Illamasqua Generation Q kolekcije je na vrhu vašega seznama želja? Kako vam je všeč njihova tokratnja kampanja?

*izdelke smo prejele v oceno od podjetja Illamasqua

12 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Illamasqua Generation Q collection (swatches, review)<!--:--><!--:sl-->Illamasqua Generation Q kolekcija (opis, ocena)<!--:-->”

  1. Really nice products! The polish shade is very pretty, the blush shade should compliment most skin tones and I like the lipgloss because I don’t have many cool toned lippies and I sometimes just need one.

  2. Lak me močno spominja na China Glaze Haunted, le srebrn glitter zgleda malce bolj droban. Mi je pa zelo všeč glos, tak nenavaden je! To kolekcijo sem nasploh zaenkrat videla čisto premalo, da bi se lahko odločila, če mi je všeč, videla sem dva laka, pa mi nobeden ni toliko všeč, da bi ga kupila. Dobro, če ne bi imela HAunted bi totalno hotela Creatorja, ampak tako ga pa že imam. :)

  3. Uuuuu, tale lakec ima pa res ogromne in opazne bleščice! :drool:
    Ponavadi imajo tako temni lakci zelo neopazne bleščice….

  4. vaaauuu, hvala za swatche, obožujem illamasquo in se zelo veselim te kolekcije!! na moji WL so empower paletka, boost lipglos in magnetism šminka…lakca me ne ganeta, za rdečila nisem prepričana. Allure se mi zdi preveč rjav in ne vem če bi ga znala nosit?

    • Joj – ne govori. Zadnjič z Maestro sprobavava Allure med kofetkanjem in na njej itak izgleda drugače kot na meni … na meni pa je bil povsem drugače barve kot v svetlobi, ki me ponavadi obkroža. Tolažilno dejstvo je le to, da vedno izgleda lepo. :biggrin:


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