Sleek Pout PaintsSleek Pout Paints

I actually really wanted OCC lip tars but then when Slovenian on-line stores got Sleek Pout Paints I went crazy.

First I ordered two Mauve Over and Milkshake and a while ago also Port. I’m obsessed with them. Especially Mauve Over is one of my favorite.  :wub:

Mauve Over, Milkshake, Port
Mauve Over, Milkshake, Port - swatch

As I mentioned Mauve Over is one of my favorite. I’m already thinking of getting another one just to have it when I use up the first one  :blush:

Mauve Over - lip swatch

Milkshake is a bit to light for my skin type, but anyway here it is.

Milkshake - lip swatch

I tried to mix Mauve Over and Milkshake and here’s what I got. Not bad at all.  :party:

Mauve Over and Milkshake mix

Port is one of my latest purchase. I wore it twice till now and I like it so far. It will be great for fall make up.

Port - lip swatch

And a bonus photo.. my new hair cut.  :w00t:

New hair cut

I’m also wearing two of Pout Paints: lower lip Milkshake and upper lip Mauve Over.

What do you think? I’m crazy, right?  :angel: Hej!

Pravzaprav sem ful želela OCC lip tar ampak pri nas jih nisem dobila, preko tujih spletnih strani so pa predragi. Ko sem na naši kozmetičnih spletnih straneh zasledila Sleek Pout Painte sem znorela (v pozitivnem smislu seveda :w00t:   :drool: ).

Za začetek sem si naročila dva, in sicer Mauve Over in Milkshake. Pred nekaj dnevi pa še Port. Obsedena sem z vsemi. Če bi pa izbirala, mi je pa najljubši Mauve Over.

Mauve Over, Milkshake, Port
Mauve Over, Milkshake, Port - swatch

Kot sem že omenila, mi je Mauve Over najlepši in najljubši. Že razmišljam, če bi si naročila še eno tubico, da imam za rezervo. :blush:

Mauve Over - lip swatch

Milkshake je rahlo presvetel zame, zato ga tudi redko uporabljam.

Milkshake - lip swatch

Sem probala zmiksati ti dve barvi in končni rezultat mi je kar všeč. :party:

Mauve Over and Milkshake mix

Pa še Port. Luštna barva. Bo idealen za jesenske dni.

Port - lip swatch

In za konec še slika moje nove frizure. :w00t: Na ustnicah imam dva Pout Painta, in sicer na spodnji Milkshake, na zgornji pa Mauve Over.

New hair cut

Kakšna se vam zdi frizura? Starejša kot sem, bolj sem odštekana.   :angel:

11 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Sleek Pout Paints<!--:--><!--:sl-->Sleek Pout Paints<!--:-->”

  1. Frizura zmaga!!! Noro dobra! :drool:
    Pout Paints-e imam, a jih ne uporabljam kaj preveč. Kaj pa vem. Preveč dela in packarije je z njimi. Enostavno se nisem navadila. Super so mi za kakšne editorial zadeve, za vsakodnevno uporabo pa se nisem navadila. Neke ful dolge obstojnosti pa tudi nisem opazila.

  2. Lovely colours! I have Milkshake and Minx, only problem I get is that they don’t really stay long? And my Milkshake is still really watery. :( Do you know how to get rid of that? I thought it’d be gone after 2 applications but it’s still runny…


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