Essence Vintage District LE nail polishesEssence Vintage District LE laki za nohte

Maestra was lucky one this time and found full Essence Vintage District and Snow Jam trend edition stands. She already showed you awesome konadicure with products she bought. Now is my turn to show you the Vintage District nail polishes she picked up for me. :rose:

Essence Vintage District LE nail polishes
Essence Vintage District LE nail polishes

I have two favorites from this limited/trend edition. One is gray based nail polish with lots of (duochrome?) shimmer. Essence named it Get Arty. I had no major issues with application even-though it has thicker formula. If you’re careful with application, this can be one coater. And as you can see in the Maestra’s post I mention above – you can also stamp with it. :w00t: Shimmer is unfortunately not as seen as in the bottle, but it is pretty shade nevertheless. Can you believe we had few sunny days?!? I was ecstatic so there is small bonus for you – detail from Get Arty bathed in sun rays. :biggrin:

Essence Shopping @ Portobello Road is one of those green-blue shades that I always love and have to have (forget the fact that I probably have 10 similar shades :silly: ). I had some trouble applying this one on nail wheel, but I glided onto my nails. Actually this shade was easiest to apply. Color-wise it can lean more to the blue or green side – you know how it goes with this kind of shades. :cute:

Essence Vintage District – Get Arty nail polish swatch (detail – sun)

Essence Vintage District – Shopping@Portobello Road nail polish swatch

My least favorite from Vintage District collection is Vintage Peach. I’m OK with having this shade in my nail polish collection as this kind of washed out bunt orange shades can be useful for nail art/stamping … but this shade is simply missing something extra to make it appealing to me.
Vintage Peach is also one of the chameleon shades – this time more in terms of drastically changing lightness of the shade. Lightbox version is more burn and not as vivid orange, but otherwise colors are pretty realistic … at least on my monitor.
This shade was hardest to apply, but still nothing that fast drying top coat couldn’t solve (they usually slightly melt upper layer and make surface more even). Another possible one coater and stamping nail polish.

Essence Vintage District – Vintage Peach nail polish swatch (lightbox)

Essence Vintage District – Vintage Peach nail polish swatch (shade)

Essence Antique Pink did appeal to me despite being antique rose shade. These kind of shades can look really grannyish so I skip them most of the time, but if the shade is right they make lovely base for stamping.
I used this shade to test out Vintage District Top Coat Gel Look. I applied regular top coat on the pinky and Essence gel look onto other two nails – lots and lots of tiny bubbles anyone? My conclusion was that this gel look top coat is meant more as an refreshing shine top coat. You know – the one you use next or day after that just to bring shine back to your manicure.

Essence Vintage District – Antique Pink nail polish swatch

I used 2 coats and top coat for all swatches shown.

In the end I’m not really disappointed with this limited edition – if nothing else they’re good for stamping. But I would not call it as something unique and must have.

Price: little less than 2 EUR for 8ml (0.27 fl.oz.).

What are your thoughts about Essence Vintage District LE? Are any of the other products must haves – blush maybe? Maestra je bila tokrat tista srečnica, ki je naletela na polni stojali Essence Vintage District in Snow Jam omejenih izdaj. Njene pridobitve smo že lahko občudovali v postu s krasno konadikuro. Sedaj sem pa jaz na vrsti, da vam pokažem kaj je naša Maestra prijazno kupila zame – vse 4 lake iz Vintage District LE. :rose:

Essence Vintage District LE nail polishes
Essence Vintage District LE laki za nohte

Iz Vintage District LE imam dva favorita. Prvi ima sivo bazo in ogromno (duochrome?) šimra. Pri Essence so ga poimenovali Get Arty. Nekih večjih težav nisem imela pri nanosu, gre pa za gostejšo formulo, tako da previdnost ne bo odveč. Je pa lahko že ena plast zadosti za popolno prekrivnost. In kot ste lahko videle v Maestrinem postu, se tudi krasno obnese pri štempljanju. :w00t: Na žalost šimer na nohtih ni tako lepo viden kot v steklenički, vendar gre še vedno za lep odtenek. In ker so nas pred snežno odejo presenetili sončni dnevi, vam lahko pokažem še detajl s sonca.

Essence Shopping @ Portobello Road je eden izmed tistih krasnih zeleno-modrih lakov (ki se neprestano množijo v moji zbirki, a jih nikoli ni zadosti :silly: ). Na plastičnem ovalu je bil nanos rahlo progast, medtem ko na nohtih ni bilo večjih težav. Če dobro pomislim, se je tale lepotec še najlažje nanašal. Barvno gledano je lahko dominanten odtenek ali zelena ali modra – odvisno od tipa svetlobe.

Essence Vintage District – Get Arty lak za nohte swatch (detajl – sonce)

Essence Vintage District – Shopping@Portobello Road lak za nohte swatch

Meni najmanj ljub lak iz Vintage District kolekcije, je Vintage Peach. Ni mi žal, da se je ta izprano umazano oranžen odtenek pridružil zbirki, ker ga bom lahko uporabila kot bazo za konadiranje, vendar pa mi vizualno ne potegne. Enostavno manjka tista pika na i, da bi mi bil lak privlačen.
Vintage Peach je prav tako kameleonski odtenek, vendar tokrat ne gre izmenjavanje barv, temveč bolj ali manj svetlo barvo. Barva v lightboxu se še malo bolj sprana in “umazana”, drugače pa sta odtenka kar realna (vsaj na mojem monitorju).
Ta odtenek se je najtežje nanašal, a še vedno ni bil ekstra problematičen. Nič kar hitro-sušeči nadlak ne bi rešil (ponavadi stopijo zgornjo plast in dobimo ven bolj enakomeren nanos). Tudi ta odtenek je lahko prekriven že z eno plastjo in je primeren za konadiranje.

Essence Vintage District – Vintage Peach lak za nohte swatch (lightbox)

Essence Vintage District – Vintage Peach lak za nohte swatch (senca)

Essence Antique Pink me je pritegnil kljub temu, da gre za umazano roza barvo … tako, ki hitro izgleda “staromamska”. Še vedno je zadosti vidnega pridušenega roza odtenka, ki bo tvoril lepo bazo za katero izmed bodočih konadikur.
Ta odtenek sem uporabila za testiranje Vintage District Top Coat Gel Look nadlaka. Nanesla sem ga tako kot bi nanesla običajen nadlak (na mezincu je hitro-sušeči nadlak) in takoj so se po celi površini pojavili drobni mehurčki. Na fotografiji niti niso dobro vidni – vendar izgled definitivno ni bil privlačen. Tako da bo tale nadlak z gelastim izgledom služil bolj za osveževanje manikure drugi/tretji dan po nastanku.

Essence Vintage District – Antique Pink lak za nohte swatch

Pri vseh swatcih sem uporabila 2 plasti laka + nadlak.

Cena: nekaj manj kot 2 EUR za 8ml laka.

Če povzamem – nisem razočarana nad kolekcijo. Tudi, če mi prva dva odtenka ne bi bila všeč, je še vedno fino, da so vsi štirje uporabni za konadiranje. Ne bi pa rekla, da gre za super unikatne barve.


Kako je vam všeč Essence Vintage District LE? So vam kateri drugi izdelki bolj všeč kot laki – mogoče rdečilo?

14 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Essence Vintage District LE nail polishes<!--:--><!--:sl-->Essence Vintage District LE laki za nohte<!--:-->”

  1. Iz te kolekcije sem vzela kar nekaj izdelkov, ampak nobenega laka. Nekako se mi noben ni zdel dovolj poseben. Kar se tiče lakov, mi je bila Snow Jam kolekcija bolj zanimiva. :yes:

  2. Jaz imam Antique Pink in mi je barva res lepa, kupila pa sem tudi šminko Antique Pink in je najlepša šminka v moji zbirki :D Zelo pigmentirana in lepa, lepa, lepa :)


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