Catrice nail polish preview for spring 2013 + going away productsNovi Catrice laki za nohte + odhajajoči izdelki (predogled – pomlad 2013)

Catrice, Catrice, Catrice, Catrice – why don’t you just take all the money from my poor wallet? It will be quicker and less painful. :biggrin: Wondering what will be my downfall – read it for yourself:

From March 2013 onwards, CATRICE will be presenting the new generation of Ultimate Nail Lacquers. 47 trendy colours. Gloss Booster technology. A gel-like effect. Innovative features for sensational results right to the tips of your fingers …

47 new or relaunch colors, with new “wonder/reservoir” brush which is suppose to be best thing after cupcakes – one stroke is all that it will take to paint your nails, no nail polish dripping, smooth application … I have to try out these babies … like the new colors alone are not already enough of a temptation. :whistle:

40 of the “new” nail polish shades will be part of Ultimate Nail Lacquers and 7 Ultimate Nudes line. I hope I attached the correct name to each nail polish, but I was up late doing this so errors are possible. :blush:

Catrice nail polish batch 1 – nail polish numbers ranging from 01 to 12. Oldies seem to be Pimp My Shrimp and Genius In The Bottle. But as always with Catrice – they could be very similar color-wise or something completely different. We’ll have to wait and see how do new colors compare to the old ones. All I’m going to say is … I have both oldies. :cute:
And do check out that Hugo Moss – I’m already panting. :silly:

Catrice new nail polishes spring 2013
Catrice new nail polishes spring 2013

Catrice nail polish batch number 2 – nail polish numbers from 13 to 24. The one that really got me laughing was Bloody Marry To Go – just today I recommend this shade in video even though I was not sure if you could get it at all. :biggrin: There are few other gorgeous shades from the past in this bunch – Caught On the Red Carpet, George Blueney, Fred Said Red, Meet Me At Coral Island

Catrice new nail polishes spring 2013

Catrice nail polish batch 3 – nail polish numbers ranging from 25 to 36. What can I say – I want those that I don’t already have … so everything besides Raspberryfields Forever. :nails:

Catrice new nail polishes spring 2013

Catrice nail polish batch 4 is composed of Ultimate Nail Lacquers last 4 shades and all 7 Ultimate Nudes. I’m Dynamite looks really hot and Vino Tinto has potential but I’ll have to judge in person about other nail polishes.

Catrice new nail polishes spring 2013

As far as I can tell, all the current nail polishes are going away. It does make sense as they’re bringing new formula, new brushes …
Here is list of all the additional Catrice products that will be leaving us this spring so we have to stock up on our favorites … or if you’re like me, save your pennies for bunch of new goodies coming our way. :angel:

Catrice going away products for spring 2013

Next post will be dedicated to the new Catrice products that are not nail polishes … duh. :silly:

*photos for collages courtesy of CatriceCatrice, Catrice, Catrice, Catrice – me želite spraviti v bankrot? Verjetno bo najmanj boleče, če vam enostavno takoj predam celo denarnico. :biggrin: Če ste lakoholik kot jaz, preberite zakaj jo ne boste odnesli bolje kot jaz:

Od marca 2013 naprej, bo pri Catrice na voljo nova generacija Ultimate Nail Lacquers lakov za nohte. 47 modnih barv. Gloss Booster tehnologija. Finiš podoben gel lakom.

Lestvico 47ih lakov v zbirki bodo sestavljali tako novi odtenki kot stari povratniki. Krasil jih bo nov “čudežen” čopič, ki bo zajel ravno prav barve, preprečil kapljanje, nohti bodo nalakirani z eno potezo, nanos bo enostaven … itak, da moram preizkusiti vsaj en lak, da potešim radovednost in preverim kaj je to za en magičen čopič. Saj ne, da je že zadosti hudo, da je toliko lepih novih barv, potem pa zamenjajo še čopič. :whistle:

40 “novih” odtenkov bo del Ultimate Nail Lacquers ter 7 Ultimate Nudes linije. Upam, da sem pripela k vsakemu laku pravo ime – ura je bila že zeeeelo pozna, tako da so napake možne. :blush:

Catrice laki za nohte – skupina 1 – odtenki od številke 01 do 12. Na stojalo se bodo očitno vrnili Pimp My Shrimp in Genius In The Bottle. Vendar vemo kako strežejo tem zadevam pri Catrice – lahko bo identičen odtenek ali pa nekaj popolnoma drugačnega. Na srečo bo marec kmalu tukaj, tako da bomo lahko kmalu preverila … konec koncev imam doma oba stara odtenka. :cute:
Še katera, ki se slini nad Hugo Moss lakom – meni se že prikazujejo srčki v očeh. :silly:

Catrice new nail polishes spring 2013
Novi Catrice laki za nohte (pomlad 2013)

Catrice laki za nohte – skupina 2 – odtenki od številke 13 do 24. Najbolj sem se nasmejala Bloody Marry To Go – ravno danes/včeraj sem v videoposnetku najljubših lakov za nohte ugotavljala, da ne vem, če se da še kje dobiti tega lepotca, čez nekaj ur pa ugotovim, da prihaja nazaj v ponudbo. :biggrin:

V tej skupini je še kar nekaj “starih” lepotcev – Caught On the Red Carpet, George Blueney, Fred Said Red, Meet Me At Coral Island

Novi Catrice laki za nohte (pomlad 2013)

Kaj naj rečem – želim si tiste odtenke, ki jih še nimam … torej vse razen Raspberryfields Forever. :nails:

Novi Catrice laki za nohte (pomlad 2013)

Catrice laki za nohte – skupina 4: sestavljajo jo zadnji štirje laki iz Ultimate Nail Lacquers linije ter vseh 7 lakov Ultimate Nudes kolekcije. I’m Dynamite izgleda super, Vino Tinto pa tudi ima potencial. Ostale odtenke pa moram videti v živo, da vidim, če pridejo v poštev ali ne.

Novi Catrice laki za nohte (pomlad 2013)

Kot lahko razberem s seznama, se poslavljajo čisto vsi laki. Nekako logično, če prenavljajo celotno ponudbo.
Pripravila pa sem tudi seznam ostalih Catrice izdelkov, ki odhajajo iz prodaje to pomlad. Tiste, ki imate med njimi svoje favorite, si hitro naredite zalogo … jaz se na koncu vedno odločim, da bom raje prišparala dinarčke za nove dobrote. :angel:

Odhajajoči Catrice izdelki (pomlad 2013)

Naslednji post pa bo v znamenju prihajajočih ostalih Catrice novosti. Bi vam rada rekla, da tam pa res ni nič zanimivega … vendar ne bom lagala. :silly:

*fotografije uporabljene v kolažih so last znamke Catrice

14 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Catrice nail polish preview for spring 2013 + going away products<!--:--><!--:sl-->Novi Catrice laki za nohte + odhajajoči izdelki (predogled – pomlad 2013)<!--:-->”

  1. Let’s say that I hope their new brush is less bushy than the one they used on the latest bottles.
    Pleaseeee Catrice :whistle:
    Actually I would buy some of them just because of the name (Denim Moore, Robert Red’s Ford) and I hope I won’t end up buying dupes (Petrolpolitan might be a No Snow Patrol re-labelled?).
    Another must have should be Squeeze Me…A duochrome, I hope!

  2. Moja WL novih Catrice in Essence stvari je bila že velika, dokler še nisem vedela za to prenovo lakov, med novimi Catrice stvarmi pa vidim vsaj 16 odtenkov, ki se bodo morali znajti v moji zbirki. :stars: Pa baje bo cena višja, včeraj mi je ena nemška blogerica rekla, da bo pri njih višja za 30 centov (torej bo tudi pri nas). Mislim, da si ne bom delala zalog z odhajajočimi izdelki, bom raje šparala za nove stvari. Zato sem pa ta mesec na no buy-u, da lahko potem marca več kupim in probam. :blush:


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