Alessandro Très Chic limited editionAlessandro Très Chic omejena izdaja

Alessandro Tres Chic preview
Alessandro Tres Chic preview

Oh, yeah – I feel like spring and summer and sun and blooming nature and as little rain as possible. :biggrin:

Alessandro is going to make our spring even more colorful with Très Chic LE nail polishes. There are 6 colors in this limited edition and as a bonus – they come in Striplac version as well. :thumb:

Here are 4 nail polishes from Alessandro Très Chic that I won’t be showing you … at least not today, but I do have 2 on my WL, so if I finally manage to buy them and then have time for swatches …

Quality of the 2 nail polishes I swatched is as good as always with Alessandro – easy to apply, not shabby drying time, good coverage. But … the colors are not really me. At least Austen Hope is “wrong” for me with it’s almost orange-nude creme shade in warm light. In short – it looks passable (more towards pink than orange) in cool artificial light and orange nude in daylight. It could be good base for nail art though, but I still haven’t unpacked my nail art kit … Color looks different in bottle than on nails so I do recommend you try it out – even if you think it won’t suit your skin tone. Alessandro if one of the few brands that provides testers for all of their nail polishes so take some time and take them on a ride. :silly:

Alessandro Stolen Caress is much more vibrant and alive color, but I’m not into pink nail polishes at the moment or I should say I’m more into darker/richer tones of the mentioned color or completely pale. Now that I’m looking at swatches, I think I’ll give it another chance. :nails: This one has tiny tiny shimmer added for additional depth and I can think of at least few of our readers who always salivate over this kind of shades and never forget to ask when will they be seeing pink on my nails … ta-da! :biggrin: This nail polish is more universal than Austen Hope and something pink lovers will probably like as it really is cute shade. :cute:


Alessandro Tres Chic LE Austen Hope swatch



Alessandro Tres Chic LE Stolen Caress swatch


I only saw this collection in quick passing as I was with little one and I don’t like to dally in closed public spaces with her (too warm, germs …), but Wilde Eloquence, Lost Love and Cafe Satre looked interesting.

Price: 5,5 EUR for 5ml.

*prosucts were sent to us for review

Alessandro Tres Chic preview
Alessandro Tres Chic preview

Mmm – že kar voham pomlad in se neznansko veselim cvetoče okolice, če bo pa dežja samo toliko kot ga je nujno potrebno, bom pa že skakala od veselja. :biggrin:

Alessandro bo vnesel še malo dodatnih barv v prihajajočo pomlad z najnovejšo kolekcijo, ki so jo poimenovali Très Chic LE. Na voljo je 6 lakov za nohte in kot bonus – na voljo so tudi v Striplac verziji. :thumb:

Na promocijski fotografiji vidite 4 odtenke, ki vam jih danes ne bom predstavila. Vendar imam dva na sumu, da bosta pristala v nakupovalni košarici. :angel:

Kar se tiče kvalitete, nimam pripomb. Klasično dobro obstojnost, enostavni za nanašanje, dokaj hitro sušenje … Vendar pa mi barvi nista zapihali na dušo. Austen Hope mi na žalost sploh ne ustreza, predvsem pri topli/sončni svetlobi, ko potegne na oranžkasto stran. Pri hladni osvetlitvi pa je odtenek malo bolj na roza in mi bolje pristoji. Izgleda sicer kot potencialno zanimiva osnova za štempljanje, vendar imam še vse štempiljke zapakirane, tako da tega na žalost nisem uspela preizkusiti. Je pa barva malo drugačna na nohtih kot v steklenički, tako da v vsakem primeru priporočam, da jo testirate. Alessandro je ena redkih znamk, ki nudi testerje za vse lake, tako da je zgrešenih nakupov veliko manj kot pri nekaterih drugih znamkah.

Alessandro Stolen Caress je izgledal neprimerno bolje na mojih nohtih, vendar pa sem trenuton v nekem čudnem obdobju in me mamijo temnejši roza odtenki … če že posežem po njih. Ali pa že skoraj pastelno roza laki … saj pravim – čudaško obdobje. :silly: Za razliko od Austen Hope, ki je krem, ima Stolen Caress tini-mini šimer, ki mu da dodatno globino. Za vse moje drage roza ljubiteljice – odtenek, ki vam bo verjetno všeč. V bistvu, bom temu odtenku dala še eno priložnost – na swatchu sploh ne izgleda švoh. :cute:


Alessandro Tres Chic LE Austen Hope swatch



Alessandro Tres Chic LE Stolen Caress swatch


V živo sem videla samo mimogrede Tres Chic kolekcijo, ker sem bila s tamalo in se mi je mudilo. Kolikor sem jo lahko ošvrknila s pogledom, mi delujejo kot potencialno zanimivi odtenki: Wilde Eloquence, Lost Love in Cafe Satre. Kateri odtenek je vaš favorit iz te kolekcije?

Cena: 5,5 EUR za 5ml.

*izdelke smo prejele v oceno od Alessandro Slovenija

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