Revlon Parfumerie edition – Autumn SpiceRevlon Parfumerie edicija – Autumn Spice

[two_third]Revlon Parfumerie finally reached our little country, so I immediately bought Autumn Spice that seems to be for ages on my WL. Few months really, but it feels longer. :silly:

Those of you who are not familiar with this edition – it’s collection of cute bottles filled with perfumed nail polishes. I’m not crazy about perfumes in nail polishes, but autumn and spice combined? I’m sold. :biggrin: [/two_third]

The only problem applying it I had, was baby girl waking up in the middle of “mommy time”, so it ended up being rush job, uneven application and so on. :biggrin: I had problems holding the cap, but I knew that prior to buying it.  I always have problems holding round caps + this one is small to boot. Formula has nice consistency and is little bit more on thicker side.

Duochrome effect is not really visible on my nails, but it does give nail polish little bit of extra which brings it over to special side. Color is trending between burgundy and deep almost chocolate brown with sometimes a hint of that invisible duochrome effect making an appearance. Autumn Spice contains glitter so that helps with sparkle and shine.

Scent – I don’t recommend you follow my example and apply the nail polish before you go to sleep … it kept me up all night. :biggrin: You know how sensitive I am to the smell, so this is more one day manicure for me, but I did wear it for few days and scent was there for the first two and then faded away.

Swatches were made on the day 2 of the wear and in different conditions – sunlight, shade. 2 coats + top coat.

Price: 6,7 EUR for 11,7 ml (0.4 fl.oz.). They might look like minis, but they’re not. :silly:


Revlon Parfumerie Autumn Spice shade swatch
Revlon Parfumerie Autumn Spice shade swatch



Revlon Parfumerie Autumn Spice sun swatch


We have 7 more shades/scents available from Pefrumerie LE: China Flower, Ginger Melon, Lime Basil, Surf Spray, Bordeaux, Beachy and African Tea Rose. Any other must haves?

[two_third]Revlon Parfumerie kolekcija je končno prišla v našo deželico in seveda sem morala takoj kupiti Autumn Spice lak, ki je že celo večnost na seznamu želja. V bistvu le nekaj mesecev, vendar imam občutek, da ga res čakam že zelo dolgo. :silly:

Tisti, ki še niste slišali za omenjeno LE – gre za kolekcijo s srčkanimi stekleničkami, ki skrivajo v sebi parfumirane lake. Ne morem reči, da sem huda navdušenka nad parfumiranimi laki, vendar pa kombinacija jesenskega + začimb … kje ga lahko kupim? :biggrin: [/two_third]

O, ja – imela sem en hud problem pri nanašanje … mojo malo punčico, ki se je nepričakovano zbudila (seveda ravno takrat ni bil ati zadosti) in posledično ni bilo časa za manikuro, ampak je ratalo je nekaj na hitro nanesenega, ne do konca posušeno … :biggrin: Realno je bil pokrovček največja težava, vendar sem to vedela že pred nakupom. Okrogli pokrovčki meni vedno povzročajo sive lase + tukaj gre še za manjšo verzijo. Formula je lahko obvladljiva in na gostejši strani.

Duochrome efekt je na mojih nohtih praktično neviden, vendar da laku dodatno globino. Barva niha med rdečkasto (pridihom vijole) in bolj čokoladno rjavo. Verjetno ima prste vmes tudi duochrome efekt pri vplivu na barvo, vendar je v steklenički bolj vidno zeleno-zlato presevanje. Autumn Spice vsebuje bleščice, ki poskrbijo za krasno lesketanje.

Vonj – svetujem, da me ne oponašate, in nanesete lak tik pred spanjem … mene je držal pokonci celo noč. :biggrin: Saj veste kako občutljiva sem jaz na vonjave, tako da je tole bolj manikura enodnevnica zame. Sem jo pa prvič le nosila nekaj dni in je bil vonj prisoten prva dva, potem pa je zbledel.

Swatcha sta narejena drugi dan po nanosu in v različnih svetlobnih pogojih – sonce, senca. Uporabila sem dve plasti + nadlak.

Cena: 6,7 EUR za 11,7 ml (v Iliriji).


Revlon Parfumerie Autumn Spice shade swatch
Revlon Parfumerie Autumn Spice senca swatch



Revlon Parfumerie Autumn Spice sonce swatch


V Sloveniji je na voljo še 7 odtenkov Revlon Pefrumerie LE: China Flower, Ginger Melon, Lime Basil, Surf Spray, Bordeaux, Beachy in African Tea Rose. Je še kateri izmed teh obvezen za lakoholičarko? :silly: 

10 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Revlon Parfumerie edition – Autumn Spice<!--:--><!--:sl-->Revlon Parfumerie edicija – Autumn Spice<!--:-->”

  1. They just appeared in Italy, too! I was standing in front of the new display on Saturday and I forced myself to only buy one. This was one I was tempted by but in the end I opted for Italian Leather. Can’t wait to try it on, I really hope the smell won’t bug me too much. I paid it a little less fortunately (5,70€).


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