Revolution Redemption Palette Iconic 2Revolution Redemption Palette Iconic 2

And it’s finally here … Revolution Redemption Palette Iconic 2 eyeshadow palette review that is. :silly: Easter bunny aka Lič sent me this palette a while ago and I have been thoroughly testing it since.

Never heard of Revolution brand? No, it’s not something prehistoric but rather something brand new. Here is quote from their site:

Makeup Revolution launched in London in March 2014 delivering revolutionary performance and quality, in every product at revolutionary prices. Made with the finest ingredients, the range starts at an amazing £1, with a range of professional and must have products with limited edition collections – you can finally afford them all!

Finest ingredients are debatable, but I did find their products to be quite good for “drugstore” brand. First item I’ll be writing about is their “dupe” for Urban Decay Naked 2 eyeshadow palette called Revolution Redemption Palette Iconic 2. Funnily enough, Naked 2 is the palette I’ve been eying a lot lately as my Naked 3 is just not “me”. Lets start with photos of the palette itself:

Great color selection, right? I bet your next question is same as mine – what is the color payoff? Here is where this story begins to became interesting. My first impression was – it sucks. And I put it into drawer for a few days. There just was no workable pigmentation from eyeshadows.

Fast-forward to few days later when I decided to play some more with palette. Test no.1 – apply it with fingers. Yup, I liked intensity and color payoff. In essence, you have to really load your brush to get good results. Fallout is minimal, so you won’t look like a raccoon even with darker shades. But do tap off the brush just the same … precaution and all that. :biggrin:

What amazed me the most was lasting power of the pearly eyeshadows – no primer and they managed to last couple of hours with no creasing. Color did fade, but they did not slide into the crease. I guess old saying about thicker layer of eyeshadow on oily lids for success holds water with these eyeshadows.

They did slightly irritate my eyes, so that ended up being only downside for me. Heavy feeling goes away after half an hour of so, but still – it’s there and is major reason for loss of stars in the review box. I know there are not many of us with irritations, so I’m guessing majority won’t really have issues.

Formula itself is nice and not chalky. Redemption Palette Iconic 2 also gets thumbs up for no glittery eyeshadows … or better yet, glittery eyeshadows with crappy consistency. Matte eyeshadows are soft and not hard to work with, but not as nicely pigmented as Inglot, UD, Collistar ones. I do try to be realistic though – you pay ~6 EUR for Revolution palette … price of one eyeshadow in Inglot.

Swatches were made in the same spirit as the most of the Iconic 2 eyeshadows were worn – heavy application and NO primer. Yeah – I had to wear them primer-less so I could for once enjoy in easy blending. :naughty:

First eyeshadow almost matches my skin tone, so it’s pretty much invisible. As you can see, there are 2 matte eyeshadow – one brown besides “invisible one”. Other are more or less pearly. For my warmer skin tone, this row is easier to combine than the second one.

Revolution Redemption Palette Iconic 2 swatches first half

Last 6 eyeshadows are as pretty as first 6, but 2 eyeshadows are cooler tones with one matte color – which looks more dark brown on me that black. Other 3 colors I combined a lot. They make up for lovely trio with one almost champagne-brownish shade, bronze-brown and darker brown with hint of purple undertone.

Revolution Redemption Palette Iconic 2 swatches second half

[box type=”shadow” align=”aligncenter” ]Does anyone have any of the other palettes?

What do you think of them?[/box]

*items were sent to us for review by

In končno je tukaj … ocena Revolution Redemption Palette Iconic 2 palete senčil namreč. :silly: Velikonočni zajček (ki je letos zaposlitev dobil kar v Lič :biggrin: ) mi je prinesel nekaj čisto svežih Revolution izdelkov v testiranje. Kot vidite, jih že nekaj časa testiram. :blush:

Še niste slišale za Revolution znamko? Nope, ne gre za prastaro in pozabljeno zadevo, temveč za čisto novo znamko.

Makeup Revolution launched in London in March 2014 delivering revolutionary performance and quality, in every product at revolutionary prices. Made with the finest ingredients, the range starts at an amazing £1, with a range of professional and must have products with limited edition collections – you can finally afford them all!

Po do sedaj videnem, bi rekla, da gre za spodobne izdelke glede na ceno, le s “sestavinskim delom” se ne bi najbolj strinjala. Prvi post bo o njihovi kopiji Urban Decay Naked 2 palete, ki so jo poimenovali Revolution Redemption Palette Iconic 2. Hecno, da so mi poslali ravno kopijo Naked 2 palete. Točno to imam sedaj namreč ogledano, ker se v Naked 3 kar nekako ne najdem. Začnimo kar s fotografijami palete same:

Zelo lušten izbor barv, ane? Verjetno se večini avtomatično poraja isto vprašanje kot se je meni – kaj pa pigmentiranost? Tukaj pa je zgodba začela postajati malo bolj komplicirana. Moj prvi vtis je bil – še en nepigmentirana zadevščina. Paletka je romala v predal in nekaj dni čakala na novo testiranje.

Naslednje testiranje je bilo – nanesi senčilo s prsti. OK – to pa je čisto druga zgodba. Lepo pigmentirane in vibrantne barve. V prvo sem naredila to napako, ker nisem na čopič nanesla zadosti senčila in posledično ni bilo dobrega efekta. Samo osipanje se je meni zdelo minimalno, vendar pa vseeno priporočam, da pred nanosom rahlo otresete čopič … da ne bo kakšnega “rakun efekta”. :biggrin:

Kar me je pa najbolj navdušilo, je pa obstojnost perlastih senčil. Nekaj ur, brez migriranja v gubo in to brez uporabe baze. :bow: Sama barva je začela bledeti, vendar pa meni to niti ni toliko pomembno kot preprečitev groznega nabiranja senčila v gubi. Očitno zlato pravilo nanašanja senčil na mastne veke tukaj drži – za daljšo obstojnost nanesite debelejšo plast.

So mi pa na žalost rahlo iritirale oči. Ne gre za hudo reakcijo, bolj za občutek težkih vek, a je le ta prisotna. To je bil zame v bistvu največji minus in je pri končni oceni odnesel nekaj zvezdic.  Mi je čisto jasno, da ni veliko občutljivčkov med nami, tako da predvidevam, da ostale ne boste imele teh težav.

Formula je pri vseh dokaj kompaktna in ni “kredasta”. Perlaste se najlepše nanašajo, prav bleščičastih pa niti ni v paleti. Mat senčila niso težavna za uporabo, a niso tako pigmentirana kot pri Inglotu, UD, Collistarju … Vendar, če sem za trenutek realistična – za Revolution paleto boste odšteli ~6 EUR kar je toliko kot stane Inglot senčka, ostale pa so še dražje.

Swatchi so narejeni v isti luči kot sem nosila senčke – debela plast, BREZ primerja. Itak, da sem izkoristila priložnost in vsaj 1x v življenju uživala v enostavnem blendanju senčil. :naughty:

Ne, na začetku ni luknje, ampak je prvo senčilo praktično identične barve kot moja koža. :biggrin: Gre za mat bež barvo, ki je meni služila predvsem za brisanje prehodov. V prvi šesterici je še ena mat senčka, ki je rjave barve. Vse ostale so več ali manj perlaste. Za moj bolj topel ton kože, je prvih 6 senčil lažjih za uporabo. Pač mi ni bilo treba toliko razmišljati kako naj vključim sivo barvo …

Revolution Redemption Palette Iconic 2 swatchi – prva polovica

Zadnjih 6 senčil je sicer barvno zelo lepih, vendar pa sta 2 odtenka popolnoma hladna. Mat črno senčilo na meni izpade bolj temno rjavo in mi nekako ni najbolj ležalo za uporabo. Sicer bi mi teoretično moralo biti zelo všeč za poglabljanje barve ostalih, a sem se ga kar malo izogibala … pa vam niti ne vem povedati zakaj. Preostale 3 barve sem kar veliko kombinirala. Vse tri imajo malo rjave v sebi + ali šampanjec, bronast oz. vijola ton in so se res krasno dopolnjevale ter prekrivale.

Revolution Redemption Palette Iconic 2 swatchi – druga polovica

[box type=”shadow” align=”aligncenter” ]Imate mogoče katero izmed drugih Revolution palet?

Kakšne se vam zdijo?[/box]

*izdelke nam je v testiranje poslala spletna trgovina

10 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Revolution Redemption Palette Iconic 2<!--:--><!--:sl-->Revolution Redemption Palette Iconic 2<!--:-->”

  1. A veš da ful ne vem kaj si mislit, na enih objavah mi izgleda paletka ful pigmentirana, spet drugič ne…tukaj pri tebi se mi zdi nekako realno, ni ravno višek pigmentiranosti.

    • Če bi uporabila kakšno bazo, bi bile seveda bolj pigmetirane pri isti količini senčila, če bi uporabila bazo + manj senčila, bi dobila podobno pigmentiranost kot na mojih swatchih … Zato je meni super, da je vedno več blogerk in si na osnovi več swatchev izoblikuješ vsaj približno mnenje. :yes:

  2. I got the Iconic 3 and I really like it! The shimmery eyeshadows were a little difficult to pick but I tried a duo-fibre brush and it works! I also got the matte palette and had no problem. The pigmentation isn’t incredible but I don’t mind. I didn’t have any irritations and they do last many hours :thumb:

    • So no.3 has shimmer shades … I guess I wouldn’t be interested in that one anyway as I’m not huge fan of Naked 3 either. :silly:
      Matte does sound promising though. :thumb:

  3. Meni pa njihova senčila stalno lezejo v gubo, pa ponavadi sploh nimam teh težav. Drugače pa za to ceno njihove palete niso slabe.


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