Maestra’s Outfit Of The Day 2 June 2011

It’s been a long time since I posted an outfit of the day post. There’s no specific reason for that. I just always forget that from time to time you might also be interested in seeing some outfits. I’ve had some extra time today before leaving home and I thought my outfit today was interesting enough to show it to you. Here it is …

Maestra's outfit of the day (OOTD)
Maestra’s outfit of the day (OOTD)

What do you think? Like it or not? Now I’m curious, what were your outfits of the day, dear readers?

10 thoughts on “Maestra’s Outfit Of The Day 2 June 2011”

  1. I love it!!!! Your sandals are AWESOME. I have a pair similar, and when I wear them here in the US, I get funny looks…..but I still wear them!


    • Thank you, Tiffani! For a very long time I wanted shoes like that and I finally found them. And they were on sale! :happy: Love them and I know I’m going to wear them A LOT! No matter what others think, you just wear them! :wink:

  2. Vse razen ‘kostko majice’ mi je všeč, še posebej pa sem navdušena nad tvojo torbico :thumb: (kje si jo dobila?).

    • Hvala! Hehehe, kostkoti se me še vedno držijo. :biggrin: Torbica je iz Humanica in je res MEGA! Odštekana, ravno prav pisana, da poživi vsak outfit + super se jo da ponositi kamorkoli. :thumb:

  3. Všečna oprava, predvsem novi čevlji in torbica! Sama sem danes povsem naravna z malo kreme za sončenje in s športno opremo za vsakodnevni pohod.

    Lp :wave:

  4. Wow, čevlji so mi blazno zanimivi! Take bi še jaz z veseljem nosila (sicer nadvse prisrčno sovražim japanke ali japonke ali kakorkoli se jim že reče – ne maram svojih stopal, in še manj raje jih kažem), res so fajn! Jaz hodim po svetu ko en totalen zanemarjenc zaradi učenja. Res vržem nase prvo stvar, ki mi pride pod roke. Dobro, če bi šla kam prav “ven”, bi se že uštimala, mi že kar malo manjka pedenanje, tako da komaj čakam jutrišnji koncert. :yes: Ti pa seveda zgledaš super, kot zmeraj. :yes:

    • Takšne čeveljce sem si že dolgo želela (že lani sem jih “iskala”). Tokrat pa sem jih ujagala v Humanicu med zadnjimi pari. :happy: Tudi jaz dolgo časa nisem marala kazati svojih prstov na nogah, a sem si premislila. Prevroče je poleti, da bi jih imela “zaprte”. :biggrin:
      Ah, ziher nisi kot zanemarjenec. ;) Vem pa, kako je s tem učenjem. Saj bo kmalu konec. ;) Na kateri koncert pa greš jutri? Daj si duška in se krasno opicani + maximalno uživaj!


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