OOTD: Desigual plašč

Juhej, imam nov Desigual zimski plašč!!! In še zelen je!!! Ne bi mogla biti bolj vesela.

Outfit Of The Day: Desigual coat
Outfit Of The Day: Desigual coat
Outfit Of The Day: Desigual coat
Outfit Of The Day: Desigual coat

Dama iz Desiguala, ja, vrnila sem se in ga kupila. Ni mi žal! Prečudovit je!

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Mama dvema aktivnima fantkoma, ki se kljub hektičnemu urniku trudi skrbeti za svojo suho kožo. Na pragu slavne štiridesetice se uspešno spopadam s hiperpigmentacijami iz norih dvajsetih. Z veseljem pa delim tudi svojo ljubezen do ličil, urejenih nohtov in vsega lepega kar me obdaja v življenju.

7 thoughts on “OOTD: Desigual plašč”

  1. I really LOVE Desigual! It’s really expensive here in Italy, but I live near an outlet so I can buy them for lower prices. If I’m not wrong, I have a coat, two skirts, a t-shirt and three dresses of this brand. It’s really my style: supercolored and a bit crazy! :D

  2. That is a pretty coat! I like Desigual clothes because of their unique and crazy designs. Too bad they’re so expensive :( I’ve been lemming one of their coats for a while but it’s 249€ :shock:


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