Coastal Scents – Synthetic Deluxe Crease Brush

Today I have for you brush, that is new in my brush collection, but it already reached must have brush status. It overtook Coastal Scents – Italian Badger Round Crease Brush as my favorite crease brush. I’m talking about Coastal Scents – Synthetic Deluxe Crease Brush.

In all of the photos I added coin for 1 Euro, so you get the idea about size.

Coastal Scents - Synthetic Deluxe Crease Brush

Brush is 17 cm long with 1,5 cm long hair. Handle is painted black, it’s nicely rounded and fits perfectly in my hand. Hair is synthetic and very soft. I already washed it twice – no dye, smell or loosing hair.

Coastal Scents - Synthetic Deluxe Crease Brush

It picks up just the right amount of mineral eyeshadow and evenly spreads it around, probably thanks to its dome ending.

Coastal Scents - Synthetic Deluxe Crease BrushWhen I used it for the first time, my first word was – uau. This is the perfect brush for my crease.

Coastal Scents - Synthetic Deluxe Crease BrushAs you can see, my Brush Guards are still on their way … I was sloppy while leaving brush to dry, so hair are little bit crocked.

I ordered brush at Coastal Scents and paid 2,79 USD (around 2 EUR) + shipping.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

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6 thoughts on “Coastal Scents – Synthetic Deluxe Crease Brush”

  1. Ko sem ga videla pri Gejbi, sem takoj rekla, da verjetno rabiš kaj takšnega ;) Res superca izgleda!!!

  2. Maestra, se spomniš ko sem ti na kavi razlagala kaj za crease bi bilo super, pa nisem znala čisto razložit – al daljši, al tanjši al kaj?  no tale je pomoje prav perfekten za to

  3. Hvala, Maestra. Mislim, da ti ne bo žal. :cool:
    Nati – res ej daljši. Čakam, da se badger posuši, dalahko naredim primerjavo. :biggrin:

  4. fantastičen je – sem tega gejbinega imela priložnost pobožat in je res neverjetno mehek. Pa daljši je kot badger


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