My NOTD from couple of days ago is China Glaze Drive In from Retro Diva collection.
Drive In is warm red polish with lots of gold shimmer which gives it orange undertone.
When sun falls on the polish, gold shimmer comes to life. I love the way it looks in the sun even though streaky application becomes visible. Maybe my technique sucked, so I’ll have to apply Drive In again and compare results.
Photo of the details in sun and shade (you can see yellowish shimmer):
Bottle holds 14 ml (0,5 FL. oz) of polish and costs 2,6$ + shipping in Trans Design store.
Before I removed the polish I tried out couple of images from Konad S8 plate. I compared different polishes and liked Uma’s best (pinky). As you can see on ring finger, Essence stampy polish is not as white, while Essence black stampy polish is better but still not good enough for detail stamping.
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
I wondered about nice bright red shimmer for winter days and this is the winner. Thank you! :w00t:
:stars: Love that gorgeous shade of read on you. It’s very pretty and I love the shimmer. The Konad is adorable. I’ve never seen this stamp before.
I think only dance enthusiasts are familiar with this plate. :silly:
Hvala za pohvale. Sumim, da se boš pri nas počutila zelo domače. :silly:
Najprej en lep pozdrav vsem, ker sem nova tukaj :wink: !
Rekla bi samo da je ta stran naravnost super in najlepša hvala ustvarjalkam! Ker sem sama več kot navdušena ljubiteljica vse vrste kozmetike še posebej pa lakcev, lipglossov, senčk,…ah vsega :biggrin: (slaba stran je, da mi jih nikoli ne uspe porabiti do konca, ker se zbirka neprestano veča :blush: :biggrin: ) sem tukaj našla pravo olajšanje(še posebej pri slikah ker pokažejo realne barve).
Tale rdeča je res sexy!!
Čestitam punce in kar tako naprej :wink:
Čudovit! :wub:
Meni tudi. :biggrin: Stroll bo moj … slej kot prej.
Čutim na vodi, da bo paketek ta teden pri tebi. :devil:
Ja, ful lep rdečko!
Jaz pa že 14 dni čakam na Stroll… Meni je ta Retro Diva kolekcija ful všeč! :biggrin:
Če se prav spomnim, je potreboval okoli 10 dni.
Meni mika Stroll. :wub:
Ta je na poti k meni. Upam, da mi bo lep, po tvojih slikah sodeč je. :) Kako dolgo ste kaj čakale na paketek iz Transdesigna?
ufff gejba, hot hotiš rdečko!