Quick post with ancient photos. Good thing that I write down my observations immediately … otherwise I’m not sure what would I remember about polish I wore a year ago. :D
Flormar Plus Quartz 060 was not very memorable polish for me – coolish violet color, streaky … I used 2 coats and added the third one on my middle finger. With every extra layer colors becomes deeper and more on the violet side (you start with pinkish violet color).
How do you like Flormar Plus Quartz 060?
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Barva mi je všeč, podatek da je nanos progast malo manj. Za nakup se ne bi odločila…
Tega finisha ne maram kaj dosti, prav tako barva ni posebno unikatna, tako da ga verjetno ne bi opazila, se kar strinjam s tabo. :) In tvoje prve povedi me spomnijo na to, da jaz kar prevečkrat pozabim napisat sloje in kakšen je bil nanos in če objavim kaj starega, moram res mozgat, kako je šlo z lakom … sploh ni slaba ideja, vse skupaj zapisovati, jaz večinoma pozabim ob nanosu, eh.
It is a nice shade, but not too different. I think it would look great with some konad!
Flormar is in Poland ^^ I only own a blusher but I love it. Nailpolishes didn’t strike my attention. But the blushes… ;D
It’s pretty but not startling. I do like it.
Steaks are the deal breaker for me with this polish. :silly:
we don’t have flormar in croatia :angry:
It’s not available in Slovenia either. :hmm: