Playing with nail transfer foil and NOTD – part 2

One of the comments on my previous post was:

Not bad. Looks interesting. But somehow something is missing…may be some additional gold or silver glitter?
kind regards

Elena thanks for your honest opinion. I truly appreciate honesty and constructive criticism. I found Elena’s idea good and I tried to implement it and used it to upgrade my manicure.

What I did?

  1. I layered my manicure with one coat of Essie’s Golden Nuggets (tiny gold glitter in transparent base).
  2. I stamped over with Avon’s Gold Foil nail polish and n image from the XL plate D.
  3. I layered one thin coat of Sephora by OPI – Only Gold For Me (top coat with gold glitter).

And that’s the finished manicure.

Nail transfer foil manicure with gold accents
Nail transfer foil manicure with gold accents

What do you think? Better or not?

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

22 thoughts on “Playing with nail transfer foil and NOTD – part 2”

  1. Obviously the upgrade was succesful. :party:
    Thanks for all your lovely comments!
    Očitno je bila nadgradnja uspešna!
    Najlepša hvala za vse vaše komentarje!

    • Izredno me veseli, da imamo tako različne okuse, da se v vsej množici najde tudi takšna oseba, ki ji je bolj všeč prejšnja verzija. :happy: Hvala za komentar!

  2. Oh yes! Now we are talking. Great improvement. Now the manicure looks completed. The other one was left a bit hanging… I love it when you get constructive criticism and you can turn something nice into something fantastic.


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