Essence/Catrice beauty blogger event in Ljubljana (October 2013)

Yesterday Essence/Catrice Slovenia organized beauty blogger event in our capital – Ljubljana. To be honest, I’m not even sure if we ever has such an even is Slovenia before. At least not beauty blogger only event.

I didn’t know until the very end if I would be able to attend as it was organized so soon after I had my little girl, but everything clicked into the place and I was able to attend this event. And I must say that I would be extremely sad if I missed it. Everything was beautifully organized – great choice of place (Design Hotel bar), nicely spread out Catrice and Essence stands, pillows + even cakes had Essence logo on them and crepe flowers also housed their products. Classy and with great promotion/socializing balance.

I loved the way brand was presented in short and to the point presentation made by Cosnova PR manager and Slovenian brand manager. No to mention that director of our distributing company was there to great us. It’s no wonder we loved the whole thing.

I’m sure most would say that the highlight was the fact that we could take with us all the products we wanted, but to me that would be meh if everything else was not perfect (or at least as close to it as possible). Don’t get me wrong – I think it’s wonderful and generous gesture, but interacting with fellow bloggers and people behind the brand in beautiful setting had more impact on me. Oh, yeah – and being one of the firs to see the Christmas edition was . And speaking of products – I tried to limit myself only to those that I was sure I would really try out … and I still got more than I planned to. One blogger said I should try one thing, Essence PR I need other … I was interested in “gel set”, but decided that I’ll buy one later on if fellow bloggers like it – like a lot.

Meeting other beauty bloggers was definitively one of the highlights of Essence event. All of them are lovely and interesting as their blogs, so it was a real honor to meet you girls. BTW – I expect fantastic and prompt swatches of Christmas topper. Before I go to that stand, all 4 were gone. :D

Big thank you to all of the organizers – I had lovely time! I must admit that I did miss my little one, but it was still nice to exchange dippers&co for cosmetics and chat for a few hours. 

Now I want to hear how many of you noticed that Catrice stand was designed to look like beauty table? I kind of missed the “leg” part.

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

20 thoughts on “Essence/Catrice beauty blogger event in Ljubljana (October 2013)”

  1. Ojla,
    mene zanima al to te oni povebijo al lahko kar prideš? Pa kako se to prijavis al kaj? ker sem bolj nova v blogerju in me tut take stvari zanimajo :) :zip:

  2. Kar solzica se mi je utrnila tako si lepo povedala :’) Super je bilo! Pa naj bo to spodbuda za razvoj takih dogodkov :D

  3. Bom kar iskrena – ful bi hotela fovšijo zganjat, hehe, ampak si blogerke zaslužite tole, glede na to koliko sicer denarja in truda vlagate v svoje delo :thumb: :rose:

    Aja, ne morem mimo tegai: ha! Torej Bieber kolekcija ni totalno zgrešena ideja :silly:

  4. Event je bil res super. Sem bila prvič povabljena na takole zadevico in mislim, da je bil tole najboljši event kar jih kdaj bo (če bom sploh še na kakšnega povabljena). :D

    Atmosfera mi je bila top, lepo so predstavili obe znamki, ful je bilo fajn še v živo spoznati bloggerke, pa prvič v življenju sem si res v miru lahko do potankosti ogledala vse izdelke. V trgovinah mi to nikoli ne uspe, ker je pred stojali vedno taka gužva, tako da ponavadi samo letim po točno določene izdelke, ki sem si jih ogledala na internetu. Edino za tebe nisem točno vedela kam pašeš, haha. Sem izvedela kdo si šele ko si šla. Fail. XD

  5. Super da ste konacno i vi dobile neki beauty event :D ja se nadam da ce cosnova i kod nas se odlucit na kakve eventove jer bi mi to bilo superzanimljivo :sigh:

  6. Ti si se pa res zadržala, smo si druge res privoščile (kolikokrat se pa zgodi, da ti ponudijo, da si vzami, kar želiš:P?). Jaz sem vzela ta set za gel manikure, ker me res zanima, kako deluje. Ga bom verjetno ta vikend testirala, mogoče posnela še kak video in seveda na blogu napisala detajlno poročilo. :yes: Božična kolekcija mi je bile zelo všečna, nadlak je res super (bi se kar igrala z njim cel čas).
    Sem pa zelo vesela in navdušena, da si se udeležila dogodka in da sem te končno v živo spoznala, ker si itak ena mojih vzornic, kar se tiče bloganja. :rose:

    • Več kot ste si ve privoščile, na boljšem smo ostale. Veš koliko super postov bo to? :biggrin:
      Se že veselim poročila o gel setu. :happy:
      Ooo – hvala. :rose:


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