Essence Happy Holidays limited edition

Slovenian beauty bloggers had the honor of being first to see Essence Happy Holidays LE stand in person as part of the Essence/Catrice blogger event. I’m sorry to say that my photos did not turn out OK as I was more anxious to see the products (at the time I had no idea LE is something not seen before) than take photos.

Essence Happy Holidays LE stand
Essence Happy Holidays LE stand

Essence Happy Holidays LE stand
Essence Happy Holidays LE preview

For me, the highlights were definitively snowflake topper and nail polish duos. I’m not really sure who’s swatch sticks I took photos off (raise your hand whoever you are ), but they showcase all 4 nail polish duo combinations. For me red and pink are not that special, green was totally yummy and I’m really sorry I didn’t take brown(?) one also. 

Essence Happy Holidays LE nail polish swatch
Essence Happy Holidays LE nail polish swatch

There were no more toppers left when I reached Happy Holidays stand, but I did get Light Up The Tree! green nail polish duo. Green part is either very deep green or dark forest green – depending on light source. Formula is one of those pigmented creamy poetries to apply and if your precise kind of woman, then one coat can be enough. Now, topper part was surprise – this baby is not as sheer as I expected it to be. I only used one coat for swatch and as you can see, clear base is loaded with silver hexagons and holographic glitter. This duo is definitively getting my stamp of approval. :D

Essence Happy Holidays - Light Up The Tree!
Essence Happy Holidays – Light Up The Tree! nail polish swatch

Essence Happy Holidays - Light Up The Tree!
Essence Happy Holidays – Light Up The Tree! nail polish swatch

I’ll be going on hunt for these 3 items. How about you?

Essence Happy Holidays LE
Essence Happy Holidays LE: eyelashes, topper

*I chose reviewed nail polish on Essence blogger event

This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.

17 thoughts on “Essence Happy Holidays limited edition”

  1. The light up the tree nail polish is so pretty. I super love the color and I think its perfect for this season. A must try indeed!

  2. Jaz pa zelenega nisem vzela, ker se mi je zdelo, da nekaj podobnega že imam, ampak mi je tako lep. Sem pa vzela ostale 3 izdelke, ki so na zadnji fotki in bo jutri ocena obeh lakov, s trepalnicami pa bom po moje naredila kak božični makeup čez mesec pa pol. Me je pa tudi pri mojem duo laku presenetilo, da je izjemno pigmentiran in tudi bleščičast lak je bil preprost za nanos. :yes:


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