I’ve loved Zoya nail polishes since pretty much forever. They didn’t even had to work hard to reach my top 5 list as they have consistently good formula, colours and finishes are interesting + with wide range of “name polishes” they rock as personalized gift.
Autumn 2015 brings us 2 collections – one with cream finish and other one with metallic one.
FOCUS (cream): Charlie, Desiree, Hannah, Janel, Lidia and Sia.
FLAIR (metallic): Tris, Cinammon, Aggie, Ember, Giada and Estelle.
I won’t even go into Focus formula. What is there to say? Easy to apply, good coverage, dries fast enough and lasts more than 4 days. For me – that is winner combination. Red Hannah is quite neutral shade, but slightly more to the brighter side (coming soon – comparison with OPI Amore at the Grand Canal). Lidia is one of those classical fall purple shades – not to dark and easy to wear.
Flair comes in metallic finish which is as easy to work with as with cream nail polishes, but as long as I keep brush parallel to the nail as possible, there were no issues. Estelle is playful electric blue shade while Cinammon falls into safe but interesting browns.
Both collections are already available in Slovenia. I stood in front the stand and just couldn’t decide if I want greyish/brown tone from Focus or Flair. Hopefully they won’t be sold out by the time I decide which one I love more.
Imate favorita iz Focus ali Flair kolekcije?

*brown and red polish were sent to me for review, other 2 belong to Nika
This post is also available in SLOVENŠČINA.
Estelle je čudovita <3
V živo je še lepša.
Fuuul lepi :)
O, ja. Sem kar malo zmedeno tavala med Zoya in OPI laki. Katerega bi najprej? :biggrin:
Vsi so mi všeč po slikah, ampak vijoličen je najlepšo :yes:
Ta je itak taka klasika, da jih ima človek lahko 10 v zbirki in je še vedno prostor za kakšnega.
Rdečko :wub:
Saši sem rekla, da ji bo OPI bolj všeč, ampak tebi je tale bolj pisan na kožo. Pa še k novi šminki se poda. :silly: