Joy – 246 + EOTD

Joy – 246 je limonasto zelene barve. Ko sem ga kupila, nisem bila prepričana, ali mi bo všeč. Barva mi je bila sicer všeč, a že v steklenički sem videla, da je bolj prosojen in ima frost finiš. Dve reči, ki jih resnično ne maram pri lakih. Vseeno sem mu dala priložnost, da se izkaže. In moram priznati, da mu je kar uspelo. Na nohtih mi je bil všeč predvsem zato, ker naravnost žari. Tako zelo žari, da me tudi vidne konice niso motile. Vsekakor super barva za poletne dni! Kakor koli, tukaj je in po dveh plasteh so konice še zmeraj vidne.

Swatch: Vollare - Joy - 246
Joy - 246 (2 plasti)
Swatch: Vollare - Joy - 246
Joy - 246 (2 plasti)

Naslednji je na vrsti “make up”, ki se mi zdi, da je kar posrečen. Enostaven, a vseeno ni dolgočasen. Uporabila sem The She Space in Sweetscents mineralna senčila.

EOTD: The She Space: Baited Breathe, Fire and Brimstone, Moral Enemy, Rock and Roll, Dimwitted; Sweetscents: Satin Slipper
EOTD: The She Space: Baited Breathe, Fire and Brimstone, Moral Enemy, Rock and Roll, Dimwitted; Sweetscents: Satin Slipper

Fire and Brimstone je v tem trenutku verjetno moje najljubše senčilo za oči. Vsakič ko ga imam na očeh, mi nekdo pohvali make up. Zagotovo je krivo senčilo …

EOTD: The She Space: Baited Breathe, Fire and Brimstone, Moral Enemy, Rock and Roll, Dimwitted; Sweetscents: Satin SlipperEOTD: The She Space: Baited Breathe, Fire and Brimstone, Moral Enemy, Rock and Roll, Dimwitted; Sweetscents: Satin SlipperEOTD: The She Space: Baited Breathe, Fire and Brimstone, Moral Enemy, Rock and Roll, Dimwitted; Sweetscents: Satin Slipper

Za konec pa imam za vas fotografijo pričeske, ki sem jo z velikim veseljem nosila kakšen mesec nazaj. Če se ne motim, vam svojih las še nisem pokazala. No, saj niso čisto nič posebnega. Lasje pač. :D Kakor koli … Kakšen mesec nazaj sem po (pre)dolgem času šla na striženje konic. Vedno si za konec privoščim še styling. Tokrat sem “dobila” čudovite kodre. Normalno imam sicer valovite lase, ne pa pravih lepih kodrov. Nimam kaj več dodati k svojim lasem. Edino morda to, da sem kar ponosna nase, ker mi je ponovno uspelo, da imam dolge lase. To je to. Tukaj so.

Maestra's hair

Temu lahko verjetno rečem, da je bila bonus fotka …

Aja, čeprav k frizerju hodim res poredko, mi je frizerka rekla, da zelo lepo skrbim za njih, saj nikoli ne bi uganila, da škarij niso videli že 5 ali 6 mesecev. Torej se vse maske, oljčki ipd. le obrestujejo.

Joy – 246 is a lime green frosty shade, which I though I wouldn’t like as much as I did as I put it on my nails. I like it mainly because it glows so nicely. Otherwise it has all the features that I don’t like about a nail polish. It’s quite sheer and it’s frosty. But the shade is nice. Of course it’s nice. It’s green. A green is always (at least) nice, right?  :D Anyway, here it is with twi coats and you can still see the VNL.

Swatch: Vollare - Joy - 246
Joy - 246 (2 coats)
Swatch: Vollare - Joy - 246
Joy - 246 (2 coats)

Next I have a make up for you I really liked. It’s simple, but I think it isn’t boring. I used The She Space and Sweetscents mineral eyeshadows to create the look.

EOTD: The She Space: Baited Breathe, Fire and Brimstone, Moral Enemy, Rock and Roll, Dimwitted; Sweetscents: Satin Slipper
EOTD: The She Space: Baited Breathe, Fire and Brimstone, Moral Enemy, Rock and Roll, Dimwitted; Sweetscents: Satin Slipper

Fire and Brimstone must be my favourite shade at this point. I love it! Everytime I wear it someone compliments my make up. It must be the eyeshadow … 

EOTD: The She Space: Baited Breathe, Fire and Brimstone, Moral Enemy, Rock and Roll, Dimwitted; Sweetscents: Satin SlipperEOTD: The She Space: Baited Breathe, Fire and Brimstone, Moral Enemy, Rock and Roll, Dimwitted; Sweetscents: Satin SlipperEOTD: The She Space: Baited Breathe, Fire and Brimstone, Moral Enemy, Rock and Roll, Dimwitted; Sweetscents: Satin Slipper

Finally, I thought I’d show you a picture of a haircut I got a month ago. I think I haven’t show you my hair before. I mean, they are just hair.  :D But I really liked the curls my hairdresser made me the last time I visited her. I have wavy hair naturally. Nothing much to add about my hair. Except that I’m really proud of myself that I managed to have long hair again. That’s it. Here they are …

Maestra's hair

I guess that was a bonus photo … 

Mama dvema aktivnima fantkoma, ki se kljub hektičnemu urniku trudi skrbeti za svojo suho kožo. Na pragu slavne štiridesetice se uspešno spopadam s hiperpigmentacijami iz norih dvajsetih. Z veseljem pa delim tudi svojo ljubezen do ličil, urejenih nohtov in vsega lepega kar me obdaja v življenju.

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