Izziv: Predstavite nam vašo državo – FOTOGRAFIJE

Danes bomo me malo manj “govorile”, ker besedo prepuščamo damam z zelo originalnimi idejami in mirno roko. 13 talentiranih umetnic je predstavilo svoje države skozi poslikave na nohtih, make-up …

Poglejmo si najprej fotografije in opise.

1. 21stCenturyHippy (Canada)

21stCenturyHippy for Parokeets challenge: Show Us Your Country

I live in Canada, but since it is such a big and diverse country I chose to just focus on my favourite part, the North! I decorated my nails with a dogsled team, one of the most famous tourist attractions here.

Although cars have pretty much taken away the need for dogsleds they are still popular for use in sport; there are dozens of dogsled races held annually. The dogsled is also a symbol of Inuit culture, one of the many Aboriginal groups in Canada, and one of the most unique.

2. Rins (Philippines)

Rins for Parokeets challenge: Show Us Your CountryMy inspiration for this nail art comes from the fact that the Philippines is rich in culture and attractions. We have some of the most beautiful tropical beaches in the world. Our country is also a diver’s paradise as we house an abundant marine life is many of our islands. But most importantly, we take pride in our people. Filipinos are known to be one of the friendliest and happiest people in the world. We can find joy in the simplest things.

3. Diana (Netherlands)

Diana for Parokeets challenge: Show Us Your CountryMy country is well known for their cheese so I have a piece of cheese on my pinkie. On my ring finger I have a farmer girl in traditional clothing on wooden shoes holding a mill. A lot of foreign people think that everyone in my country walks on wooden shoes (clogs) but it is just part of the old fashioned traditional clothing of course there are still people who walk on wooden shoes, but that is mostly in the country life. My country is also famous for their tulips, so I have wooden shoes and a red tulip on my middle finger. On my index finger I have a mill, that is also something that can’t be missing. My thumb has a black and white cow on it. You can identify my country by these five things, they all have a connection. You often see them together on photo’s or postcard…then you see a scenery of tulips with cows, mills and farmer people on wooden shoes. And the milk from the cows is used to make cheese. On the tip of my nails I’ve stamped (Konad M44) the colors of my country’s flag.

I’m from Holland (The Netherlands), can you tell?

4. Sabbatha (Poland)

Sabbatha for Parokeets challenge: Show Us Your CountryI’m from Poland. My inspiration was colors from our national flag – white and red. On my ring nail is our flag. On the other nails I stamped a pattern with our national flower – corn poppy. Our national colors are very important for evere Polish citizen.

5. Ulmiel (Slovenia)

Ulmiel for Parokeets challenge: Show Us Your CountryOb temi sem si zamislila kombinacijo mojega rojstnega mesta in državnih simbolov. Ker je znak Ljubljane zmaj, ki je moje najljubše fantazijsko bitje, znak moje gimnazije in še moje kitajsko leto, je bilo kot naročeno, da ga poskusim skicirati tudi na nohtu. Omejila sem se zgolj na linije, ker je preveliko bitje in bi bilo potrebnih preveč detajlov za konkretnega zmajčka. Na prstancu je njegov trup (upam, da ne zgleda preveč podoben kokoši), ogenj, ki ga bruha je na sredincu, na palcu pa njegov rep, žal nisem mogla ujeti v eni fotki še tega, tako da sem palec posebej prilepila na sliko. Prstanec predstavlja našo trobojnico, na katerem sem uporabila še nov trend, ki ga je pokazala blogerka z blogom Chloe’s Nails, delanja vzorčkov z lepilnim trakom. Na mezincu pa so znaki iz našega grba, ker je kombinacija naše trobojnice zelo pogosta, se mi zdi grb včasih edino, kar razlikuje našo zastavo od katere druge.

6. Orlica (Poland)

Orlica for Parokeets challenge: Show Us Your Country“I’m proud of being Polish, so making this mani was a real fun for me. At first I’ve made a Polish flag on each nails – that’s a background. On my index finger I placed Poland’s shape with Wisła, our the longest river. On my middle finger you can see an eagle with a crown, Polish symbol from our national emblem. I think you know who is on my ring finger – it’s one of the greatest Poles in the history – yes, John Paul II. And these “things” on my pinkie are something more local – my town, Toruń, is famous because of gingerbreads what are produced here, I’m pretty sure that you know “Kopernik” – it’s a Polish brand of the best gingerbreads under the sun. ”

7. Andayn (Romania)

Andayn for Parokeets challenge: Show Us Your CountryRomania is a country with talented people, who love everything that is beautiful, people full of life and proud of their traditions. I drew the little nails Romania flag, I tried to the other nails reprezin people dressed in national costume, and this country specific art: panpipes – a musical instrument, hand painted vases and rugs woven by hand.

8. Helena (Slovenia)

Helena for Parokeets challenge: Show Us Your CountryPrihajam iz Primorske (Obale, če smo bolj natančni). Za nas je značilno predvsem morje, plaže, turizem in dobri žuri poleti.

Zato sem si kot inspiracijo izbrala ravno morje. Predvsem so me navdihnile različne barve, ki jih v morju lahko najdemo (modra, zelena, bela, celo rdeča, oranžna, rumena in zlata) in ker je vse skupaj moralo tudi lepo izgledati, sem se odločila za videz morske deklice (recimo).

9. Akuma Kanji (Portugal)

Akuma Kanji for Parokeets challenge: Show Us Your CountryI am from Portugal. A very good country if you are a tourist, a very bad one if you are living here. In Portugal everything is about football (soccer), beer and heavy food and caloric sweets.

My manicure was inspired by some typical Portuguese things, the flag (thumb nail), a pastry specialty called “pastel de nata” also known as “pastel de Belém” (index nail), a Portuguese monument by the sea which is “Torre de Belém” (middle nail), a Portuguese guitar which is the main instrument played in Fado (Portuguese style of music… usually very melancohlic) (ring finger nail) and the symbol/logo of the most famous Portuguese football (soccer) team which is SLB – Sport Lisboa e Benfica (commonly known as Benfica…. it is also my football (soccer) team ) (pinki nail).

10. Prescillia (France)

Prescillia for Parokeets challenge: Show Us Your CountryMy country is France your can see the effeil Tour, a braid “french baguette”, a bottle of vin, and a lys flower which is the symbole of french history!

12. Kory (Romania)

Kory for Parokeets challenge: Show Us Your CountryI live in Romania a country located in Europe! The inpiration for this design came from 4 things:

-our national flag which has a combination of three colours (red, yellow and blue)

-the Bran Castle also known as Dacula Castel.This castle is a national monument and landmark in Romania

-another important character that was a inspiration is Dracula known as Vlad Tepes!Bram Stocker named him Dracula because he used to kill peolple in his own way!the nickname of Vlad is related with the fact that he was a bloodthristy because he like killing people..here the resemblance to a vampir!

-our national port is unique because it made by hand with different colours and some of them are with the flag colours.

13. Cris Junque (Brazil)

Cris Junque for Parokeets challenge: Show Us Your Country

14. Nailgloss (Netherlands): Orange is the colour of the Netherlands and red-white-blue are the colours of the flag.

Nailgloss for Parokeets challenge: Show Us Your Country

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