Swatches and review: Barry M – Navy, Spring Green and Mint GreenOpis in ocena: Barry M – Navy, Zelena pomlad in Mint zelena

I was offered by to write a honest review about Barry M polishes. I got three of them and all came with me on my vacation. Here are they swimming. :biggrin:

Barry M: Mint Green, Spring Green and Navy nail paints
Mint Green, Spring Green and Navy nail paints

Navy is a real dark navy blue with shimmer. The shimmer isn’t very obvious but it’s there. The polish reflects blue and purple in the bottle, but the purple isn’t visible on the nail.

Swatch: Barry M - Navy (2 coats)
Barry M – Navy (2 coats) in the shade
Swatch: Barry M - Navy (2 coats)
Barry M – Navy (2 coats) in the sun

Spring Green is an awesome bright almost neon green with creme finish. Love it!!! I’ve worn it twice as mani and twice as pedi already. I’m all crazy about this color. It’s just perfect for summer. And the application is great, which isn’t always the case with such shades. Superb!

Swatch: Barry M - Spring Green (2 coats)
Barry M – Spring Green (2 coats) in the shade
Swatch: Barry M - Spring Green (2 coats)
Barry M – Spring Green (2 coats) in the sun

Mint Green is another great shade from Barry M. It’s probably the most suitable mint green for my skin tone. See, I love mint green shades, but most of them are just too blue and they make my hands look red. The Barry M Mint Green is perfect. Another plus is the application, which is very nice.

Swatch: Barry M - Mint Green (2 coats)
Barry M – Mint Green (2 coats)

I have to say that I was really surprised by the quality of the Barry M polishes. And I don’t just say that because I got the polishes. No no no. All three polishes I got applied very well and wore well. I loved the brush, which is very soft but not too soft. It’s regular round one, just as I like it. The bottles are square, simple, not fancy, but I love square bottles. The price is acceptable. 4,45€ for a 10ml bottle, which would be 6,675€ for a 15ml bottle. Not very cheap but definitely not expensive. For the price you get a good quality product.

The only issue I’ve had with one of my Barry Ms was, that one brush was a bit wonky. See the picture below …

Barry M - Spring Green brush
Barry M – Spring Green brush – wonky

It wasn’t a big deal for me, but such a brush definitely wouldn’t make you happy. If you get a brush like that (and you bought your Barry M at, don’t hesitate to contact Maja at and she’ll definitely help you. She is very nice and I can only say nice things about the costumer service at They respond fast and polite.

Back to the wonky brush. If you get a wonky brush (by any brand), try to trim it. :wink: That’s exactly what I did. I took the scissors and trimmed the brush a bit and now I have a perfect brush.

Barry M - Spring Green brush
Barry M – Spring Green brush – trimed

As I wrote before I already wore polishes more than once and I was also quite impressed by the wear time. As a pedicure they wore great even without a top coat. And as a manicure I wore Spring Green three days without chipping. I can say that Barry M polishes work for me. :thumb:

What about you? Have you tried the Barry M polishes yet? What are your experience with them?Pred časom sem dobila možnost, da preizkusim lake znamke Barry M in napišem iskren opis in oceno o njih. Barry M lake lahko v Sloveniji naročite preko spletne trgovine V testiranje sem dobila tri odtenki, ki so vsi z menoj romali na počitnice. Poglejte jih, kako plavajo v morju. :biggrin:

Barry M: Mint Green, Spring Green and Navy nail paints
Mint Green, Spring Green and Navy nail paints

Navy je temno moder šimrast odtenek. Šimer ni zelo opazen, a je na soncu vseeno zelo lepo viden. V steklenički je opaziti presevanje med modro in vijolično. Žal vijolične ni opaziti na nohtih. Opazite lahko le, da odtenek ne povleče na zeleno, ampak dejansko na vijolično stran modre.

Swatch: Barry M - Navy (2 coats)
Barry M - Navy (2 coats) in the shade
Swatch: Barry M - Navy (2 coats)
Barry M - Navy (2 coats) in the sun

Spring Green (Zelena pomlad) je krasna živa skoraj neon zelena s krem finišem. Ta odtenek obožujem!!! Skupaj sem ga kot manikuro in pedikuro nosila že 4x, kar je zame ogromno in pove veliko o tem, kako zelo mi je odtenek dejansko všeč. Enostavno perfektna živa zelena za mojo polt za poletje! Nanos je enostaven. Zame sta bili dovolj dve plasti, kar je super za takšen odtenek.

Swatch: Barry M - Spring Green (2 coats)
Barry M - Spring Green (2 coats) in the shade
Swatch: Barry M - Spring Green (2 coats)
Barry M - Spring Green (2 coats) in the sun

Mint Green (Mint zelena) je še en čudovit odtenek. Vsi veste, da obožujem mint zelenkote in tale ni izjema. Žal pa mi večina mint zelenih odtenekov ne pristoji. Tale je eden redkih, ki se dejansko podajo k moji topli polti. Očitno ima v sebi dovolj rumene. :thumb:

Swatch: Barry M - Mint Green (2 coats)
Barry M - Mint Green (2 coats)

Moram priznati, da sem bila prav presenečena, kako dobre kvalitete so Barry M laki. Pa ne pišem to zaradi tega, ker sem lake dobila. Ne ne ne. Dejansko so me navdušili. Vsi trije, ki sem jih dobila so se zelo lepo nanašali. Barry M čopič mi je zelo všeč, saj je okrogel in ravno prav mehek. Stekleničke so kvadrataste, enostavne in nič posebnega. Obožujem kvadrataste stekleničke. Cena je sprejemljiva. 4,45€ za 10ml stekleničko. Če bi ceno preračunali na 15ml (kot so OPI, Essie … stekleničke), bi to zneslo 6,675€. Ni super poceni, a vsekakor ne drago. Za to ceno dobite zelo kvaliteten izdelek.

Edini minus, ki ga lahko napišem, je majhne problemček, ki sem ga imela z deformiranim čopičem pri odtenku Spring Green.

Barry M - Spring Green brush
Barry M - Spring Green brush - wonky

Zame to ni predstavljalo nekega velikega problema, vsekakor pa človeka tak čopič ne razveseli. Če slučajno dobite Barry M lak, s takšnim čopičem (in ste lak kupili pri, potem ne oklevajte in takoj kontaktirajte Majo iz Maja vam bo zagotovo pomagala rešiti “problemček”. Kontakt s kupci lahko pohvalim. Odgovorijo hitro in prijazno.

Če se vrnem k deformiranemu čopiču. Če slučajno naletite na tak čopič (od katerekoli znamke), vam predlagam, da ga poskušate obrezati. :wink: To je točno to, kar sem storila tudi sama. Vzela sem škarje in odrezala “štrleče dlake”. Zdaj ima skoraj perfekten čopič.

Barry M - Spring Green brush
Barry M - Spring Green brush - trimed

Kot sem že napisala, sem vse tri odtenek že nosila vsaj 1x kot celotno manikuro in/ali pedikuro. Moram reči, da me je tudi obstojnost kar navdušila. Kot pedikura so se dobro obdržali tudi brez nadlaka. Kot manikura je Spring Green zdržal brez krušenja kakšne tri dni. Napišem lahko samo, da so me Barry M laki prepričali. Skoraj zagotovo si bom še kdaj kakšnega privoščila. Na WL imam že: Modri kobalt, Turkizna, Strupeno Rumena, Limeta in še kakšnega, ki na še prihajajo. Prišepnili so mi, da v kratkem lahko pričakujemo naslednje odtenke: Mushroom, Strawberry, Blueberry in Lemon Ice Cream, Cyan Blue, Grey, Gold, Lavender Blue, Tangerine.

Za konec sem se spomnila še nečesa, kar me pri sami slovenski spletni strani malo moti. To so imena odtenkov prevedena v slovenščino. Saj vem, da je fino, da uporabljamo slovenščino, ampak v tem primeru se mi zdi moteče, saj ne veš točno, za kateri odtenek dejansko gre.

Zanima me, ali sem edina, ki me slovenska imena motijo, ali pa je med vami še kdo, ki mu prevodi niso najbolj posrečeni? Poleg tega me zanima še, ali ste že morda preizkusili kakšnega od Barry M lakov? Kako se vam zdijo?

14 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Swatches and review: Barry M – Navy, Spring Green and Mint Green<!--:--><!--:sl-->Opis in ocena: Barry M – Navy, Zelena pomlad in Mint zelena<!--:-->”

  1. Hello , how are u , is spring green as photo , or darker or brighter , or different ? because i see many photos on google have many different spring green levels :undecided:


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