Swatches: Artdeco – Soft Eyeliners (waterproof)Swatch-i: Artdeco – Soft Eyeliner (vodoodporni svinčniki za oči)

Today I’d like to present you my absolute favourite eye pencils. Well, my absolute favourites are still the Gosh ones (just because they were cheaper), but since Gosh isn’t available in Slovenia anymore, Artdeco Soft Eyeliners are the next best thing. Let me show them first and then I’ll explain, why I love them so much.

The newly developed texture of the Soft Eye Liner is exceptionally long-lasting. After drying, the liner becomes smudge- and waterproof. The pleasantly soft and creamy texture provides a very easy and precise application. The liner can easily be blended out shortly after application and is characterized by its color brilliance and high opacity.

These are the ones that I have.

Artdeco - Soft Eye Liner waterproof: 21, 23, 45, 10 and Gosh - Cool Mint
Artdeco - Soft Eye Liner waterproof: 21, 23, 45, 10 and Gosh - Cool Mint

And here are the swatches.

Swatch: Artdeco - Soft Eye Liner waterproof: 21, 23, 45, 10
Artdeco - Soft Eye Liner waterproof: 21, 23, 45, 10

There are only numbers on the pencils, but on the Artdeco official web site, there are also names of the shades. Here we go.

  • 21 Shiny Light Green – A good name. Describes the shade nicely. It’s like an icy green.
  • 23 Cobalt Blue – I wouldn’t describe it as cobalt blue. I’d say it’s teal. When I look at the photo above, I’d say that it’s a bit darker IRL. I thought this one is going to be similar to the Gosh – Pretty Petrol shade, but it’s not. Pretty Petrol is darker and more blue.
  • 45 Cornflower Blue – Again, I would describe it as an cornflower blue shade. I don’t know. Cornflower Blue to me is lighter. Maybe it’s a dark cornflower blue. I’m out of ideas. It’s definitely a stunning shades. It’s one of my favourite blue pencils at the moment. Perfect blue. Dark but not black. Vivid but not too much in your face. Love it! Thought I have to mention that this pencil is not as soft as the others.
  • 10 Black – Nothing more to add. Black is black, right? Well, not exactly, but until I do a comparison between the black pencils in my collection, this one is just plain black.

Why do I love Artdeco Soft Eye Pencils?

They are soft, but not too soft. They are smudge and waterproof. They are long lasting. They stay on the waterline. The color range is nice. And … they are pretty much the same as the Gosh pencils. It’s as simple as that. I don’t know if you’ve noticed. In the first photo above, I’ve included one Gosh pencil, just to show you how incredibly similar they are. And here is another photo.

Artdeco - Soft Eye Liner waterproof: 23 vs. Gosh - Velvet Touch Eyeliner: Cool Mint
Artdeco - Soft Eye Liner waterproof: 23 vs. Gosh - Velvet Touch Eyeliner: Cool Mint

I don’t know if they are made by the same manufacturer. All I know, both are made in Germany and both look and feel very similar. Both are waterproof and smudge proof.

Recently I discovered that Gosh is sold in Bipa drugstores in Austria (our neighbour country)! Yay! :happy: The Velvet Touch Eyeliners retail for 7,25€ which is slightly more expensive than the Artdeco Soft Eyeliners, which retail in Slovenia for around 7€. Well, now that I know that the price is practically identical. I’d say we have a tie.

So … for me the Artdeco Soft Eyeliners are a perfect substitute for my beloved Gosh Velvet Touch eyeliners. The quality is practically the same. The color range is nice. The price could be lower, but for the quality and the color range, I also except 7€ price tag. I won’t be buying them in tons because of the price. Just here and there a shade that really speaks to me.

Have you’ve tried the Artdeco Soft Eyeliners yet? Did you like them?

Danes bi vam rada predstavila svoje najljubše svinčnike za oči. Moji favoriti so še zmeraj Goshevi svinčniki (ker je bila cena včasih dokaj ugodna), vendar Gosh kozmetike ni več v Sloveniji, tako so Artdeco svinčniki najboljši približek. Naj vam jih najprej pokažem, nato pa bom še razložila, zakaj jih obožujem.

Opis iz uradne spletne strani.

The newly developed texture of the Soft Eye Liner is exceptionally long-lasting. After drying, the liner becomes smudge- and waterproof. The pleasantly soft and creamy texture provides a very easy and precise application. The liner can easily be blended out shortly after application and is characterized by its color brilliance and high opacity.

Imam naslednje svinčnike.

Artdeco - Soft Eye Liner waterproof: 21, 23, 45, 10 and Gosh - Cool Mint
Artdeco - Soft Eye Liner waterproof: 21, 23, 45, 10 and Gosh - Cool Mint

In še swatch-i.

Swatch: Artdeco - Soft Eye Liner waterproof: 21, 23, 45, 10
Artdeco - Soft Eye Liner waterproof: 21, 23, 45, 10

Na svinčnikih so samo številke odtenkov, na spletni strani pa so številkam dodana tudi imena.

  • 21 Shiny Light Green – Ime dobro opiše odtenek. Gre za ledeno zeleno.
  • 23 Cobalt Blue – Tega odtenka ne bi ravno opisala kot kobalt modro, bolj bi rekla, da gre za modro-zeleno. V živo je še malenkost temnejši, kot na moji sliki zgoraj. Zdelo se mi je, da bo tale podoben Goshevem Pretty Petrol, a sem se motila. Pretty Petrol je temnejši in bolj moder.
  • 45 Cornflower Blue – Še en, ki ga ime ne opisuje najbolje. Vsaj v mojih očeh ne. Mislim, da je “cornflower” v slovenščini plavica. Zdi se mi, da je plavica svetlejša. Morda pa gre tukaj ze temno plavico. Huh … kaj pa vem. Nimam idej. Vsekakor pa je to moj najljubši moder svinčnik v tem trenutku. Gre za perfektno modro. Temno, a niti slučajno ne črno. Opazno/Živo modro, a spet ne preveč živo modro. Obožujem to modro! Moram pa dodati še, da je tale svinčnik med vsemi najmanj mehek.
  • 10 Black – Kaj več nimam dodati. Črna je črna, kajne? No, ni čisto res in dokler ne naredim primerjave mad mojimi črnimi svinčniki v kolekciji (A bi vas to zanimalo?), bom rekla, da je to enostavno črn svinčnik.

Zakaj imam rada Artdeco mehke svinčnike za oči (Soft Eye Pencils)?

So mehki, a ne premehki. So odporni na drgnjenje in prav tako vodoodporni. So dolgo obstojni. Obstojni so prav tako na vodni liniji (kako se sploh imenuje waterline v slovenščini?). Izbor barv je dober. In … so praktično identični Goshevim svinčnikom. Čisto preprosto. Ne vem, ali ste opazili, da sem zgoraj na fotografiji vključila en Goshev svinčnik. Želela sem vam pokazati, kako zelo so si podobni. In še ena fotografija.

Artdeco - Soft Eye Liner waterproof: 23 vs. Gosh - Velvet Touch Eyeliner: Cool Mint
Artdeco - Soft Eye Liner waterproof: 23 vs. Gosh - Velvet Touch Eyeliner: Cool Mint

Ne vem, ali so proizvedeni v isti tovarni. Vem le, da so obojni narejeni v Nemčiji in da izgledajo ter so čutiti izredno podobni. Oboji so prav tako odproni na drgnjenje in vodoodporni.

Pred kratkim sem odkrila, da je Gosh kozmetika na voljo v Bipa drogerijah v Avstriji. Juhej! :happy: Velvet Touch svinčniki imajo ceno 7,25€, kar je malenkost več kot Art Deco svinčniki, ki staneji v slovenskih Mullerjih okrog 7€. Torej cena je praktično identična. Kar pomeni, da je neoodločeno.

Torej … zame so Artdeco mehki svinčniki super nadomestek za moje ljube Gosh svinčnike. Kvaliteta je praktično identična. Izbor barv je dober. Cena bi lahko bila nižja, a za to kvaliteto in izbor barv sprejmem tudi to ceno. Ne bom jih sicer kupovala v tonah, a tu in tam kakšen odtenek, ki mi bo res všeč … takšen bo pa zagotovo skočil v košarico.

Ste morda že preizkusili Artdeco mehke svinčnike (Soft Eyeliners)? Kako so se vam zdeli?

5 thoughts on “<!--:en-->Swatches: Artdeco – Soft Eyeliners (waterproof)<!--:--><!--:sl-->Swatch-i: Artdeco – Soft Eyeliner (vodoodporni svinčniki za oči)<!--:-->”

  1. Jaz imam tudi ArtDeco 45 in mi je super tako po barvi, obstojnosti in konsistenci. Niso pa vse barve OK, vsaj po obstojnosti so me nekatere razočarale (najbolj me razjezi če po pol dneva izgledam kot rakun…)

  2. Imam črnega in sem izjemno zadovoljna z njim. Moj najljubši črni svinčnik. Res je črn kot je treba! Me pa tale zelenko zdaj zelo mika. Bom morala obiskat njihovo stojalo, vidim. Res da so morda malce dražji, ampak tudi izjemno dolgo zdržijo, tako sam svinčnik kot črta na veki. :yes:


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